5,485 research outputs found

    Elementary Evaluation of Convolution Sums involving the Sum of Divisors Function for a Class of positive Integers

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    We discuss an elementary method for the evaluation of the convolution sums (l,m)N02αl+βm=nσ(l)σ(m)\underset{\substack{ {(l,m)\in\mathbb{N}_{0}^{2}} \\ {\alpha\,l+\beta\,m=n} } }{\sum}\sigma(l)\sigma(m) for those α,βN\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{N} for which gcd(α,β)=1\gcd{(\alpha,\beta)}=1 and αβ=2ν\alpha\beta=2^{\nu}\mho, where ν{0,1,2,3}\nu\in\{0,1,2,3\} and \mho is a finite product of distinct odd primes. Modular forms are used to achieve this result. We also generalize the extraction of the convolution sum to all natural numbers. Formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn by octonary quadratic forms using convolution sums belonging to this class are then determined when αβ0(mod4)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{4} or αβ0(mod3)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{3}. To achieve this application, we first discuss a method to compute all pairs (a,b),(c,d)N2(a,b),(c,d)\in\mathbb{N}^{2} necessary for the determination of such formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn by octonary quadratic forms when αβ\alpha\beta has the above form and αβ0(mod4)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{4} or αβ0(mod3)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{3}. We illustrate our approach by explicitly evaluating the convolution sum for αβ=33=311,αβ=40=235\alpha\beta=33=3\cdot 11,\> \alpha\beta=40=2^{3}\cdot 5 and αβ=56=237\alpha\beta=56=2^{3}\cdot 7, and by revisiting the evaluation of the convolution sums for αβ=10\alpha\beta=10, 1111, 1212, 1515, 2424. We then apply these convolution sums to determine formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn by octonary quadratic forms. In addition, we determine formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn when (a,b)=(1,1)(a,b)=(1,1), (1,3)(1,3), (2,3)(2,3), (1,9)(1,9).Comment: 29 pages, 8 table

    Representations of simple noncommutative Jordan superalgebras I

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    In this article we begin the study of representations of simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebras. In the case of degree 3\geq 3 we show that any finite-dimensional representation is completely reducible and, depending on the superalgebra, quasiassociative or Jordan. Then we study representations of superalgebras Dt(α,β,γ)D_t(\alpha,\beta,\gamma) and K3(α,β,γ)K_3(\alpha, \beta, \gamma) and prove the Kronecker factorization theorem for superalgebras Dt(α,β,γ)D_t(\alpha,\beta,\gamma). In the last section we use a new approach to study noncommutative Jordan representations of simple Jordan superalgebras

    Evaluation of Convolution Sums entailing mixed Divisor Functions for a Class of Levels

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    Let 0<n,α,βN0< n,\alpha,\beta\in\mathbb{N} be such that gcd(α,β)=1\gcd{(\alpha,\beta)}=1. We carry out the evaluation of the convolution sums (k,l)N2αk+βl=nσ(k)σ3(l)\underset{\substack{ {(k,l)\in\mathbb{N}^{2}} \\ {\alpha\,k+\beta\,l=n} } }{\sum}\sigma(k)\sigma_{3}(l) and (k,l)N2αk+βl=nσ3(k)σ(l)\underset{\substack{ {(k,l)\in\mathbb{N}^{2}} \\ {\alpha\,k+\beta\,l=n} } }{\sum}\sigma_{3}(k)\sigma(l) for all levels αβN\alpha\beta\in\mathbb{N}, by using in particular modular forms. We next apply convolution sums belonging to this class of levels to determine formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn by the quadratic forms in twelve variables 12i=1xi2\underset{i=1}{\overset{12}{\sum}}x_{i}^{2} when the level αβ0(mod4)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{4}, and 6i=1(x2i12+x2i1x2i+x2i2)\underset{i=1}{\overset{6}{\sum}}\,(\,x_{2i-1}^{2}+ x_{2i-1}x_{2i} + x_{2i}^{2}\,) when the level αβ0(mod3)\alpha\beta\equiv 0\pmod{3}. Our approach is then illustrated by explicitly evaluating the convolution sum for αβ=3\alpha\beta=3, 44, 66, 77, 88, 99, 1212, 1414, 1515, 1616, 1818, 2020, 2121, 2727, 3232. These convolution sums are then applied to determine explicit formulae for the number of representations of a positive integer nn by quadratic forms in twelve variables.Comment: 51 pages, 9 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1609.01343, arXiv:1607.0108

    The Structure Constants of the Exceptional Lie Algebra g2{\mathfrak g}_2 in the Cartan-Weyl Basis

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    The purpose of this paper is to answer the question whether it is possible to realize simultaneously the relations Nα,β=Nα,βN_{\alpha,\beta}=-N_{-\alpha,-\beta}, Nα,β=Nβ,αβ=Nαβ,αN_{\alpha,\beta}=N_{\beta,-\alpha-\beta}=N_{-\alpha-\beta,\alpha} and Nα,βNα,β=12q(p+1)α,HαN_{\alpha,\beta}N_{-\alpha,-\beta}=-\frac{1}{2}q(p+1)\langle\alpha,H_{\alpha}\rangle by the structure constants of the Lie algebra g2{\mathfrak g}_2. We show that if the structure constants obey the first relation, the three last ones are violated, and vice versa. Contrary to the second case, the first one uses the Cartan matrix elements to derive the structure constants in the form of β,Hα\langle\beta,H_{\alpha}\rangle. The commutation relations corresponding to the first case are exactly documented in the prior literature. However, as expected, a Lie algebra isomorphism is established between the Cartan-Weyl bases obtained in both approaches.Comment: 15 pages, 2 table

    Generalized (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules as components of a braided T-category

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    If H is a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode and \alpha, \beta \in Aut_{Hopf}(H), we introduce a category_H{\cal YD}^H(\alpha, \beta), generalizing both Yetter-Drinfeld and anti-Yetter-Drinfeld modules. We construct a braided T-category {\cal YD}(H) having all these categories as components, which if H is finite dimensional coincides with the representations of a certain quasitriangular T-coalgebra DT(H) that we construct. We also prove that if (\alpha, \beta) admits a so-called pair in involution, then_H{\cal YD}^H(\alpha, \beta) is isomorphic to the category of usual Yetter-Drinfeld modules_H{\cal YD}^H.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, no figure

    Representation of the Gauss hypergeometric function by multiple polylogarithms and relations of multiple zeta values

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    We describe a solution of the Gauss hypergeometric equation, F(α,β,γ;z)F(\alpha,\beta,\gamma;z) by power series in paramaters α,β,γ\alpha,\beta,\gamma whose coefficients are Z\Z linear combinations of multiple polylogarithms. And using the representation and connection reletions of solutions of the hypergeometric equation, we show some relations of multiple zeta values

    Grey Brownian motion local time: Existence and weak-approximation

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    In this paper we investigate the class of grey Brownian motions Bα,βB_{\alpha,\beta} (0<α<20<\alpha<2, 0<β10<\beta\leq1). We show that grey Brownian motion admits different representations in terms of certain known processes, such as fractional Brownian motion, multivariate elliptical distribution or as a subordination. The weak convergence of the increments of Bα,βB_{\alpha,\beta} in tt, ww-variables are studied. Using the Berman criterium we show that Bα,βB_{\alpha,\beta} admits a λ\lambda-square integrable local time LBα,β(,I)L^{B_{\alpha,\beta}}(\cdot,I) almost surely (λ\lambda Lebesgue measure). Moreover, we prove that this local time can be weak-approximated by the number of crossings CBα,βε(x,I)C^{B_{\alpha,\beta}^{\varepsilon}}(x,I), of level xx, of the convolution approximation Bα,βεB_{\alpha,\beta}^{\varepsilon} of grey Brownian motion.Comment: 20 page

    C*-algebras associated with topological group quivers II: K-groups

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    Topological quivers generalize the notion of directed graphs in which the sets of vertices and edges are locally compact (second countable) Hausdorff spaces. Associated to a topological quiver QQ is a CC^*-correspondence, and in turn, a Cuntz-Pimsner algebra C(Q).C^*(Q). Given Γ\Gamma a locally compact group and α\alpha and β\beta endomorphisms on Γ,\Gamma, one may construct a topological quiver Qα,β(Γ)Q_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma) with vertex set Γ,\Gamma, and edge set \Omega_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma)= \{(x,y)\in\Gamma\times\Gamma\st \alpha(y)=\beta(x)\}. In \cite{Mc1}, the author examined the Cuntz-Pimsner algebra \cO_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma):=C^*(Q_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma)) and found generators (and their relations) of \cO_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma). In this paper, the author uses this information to create a six term exact sequence in order to calculate the KK-groups of \cO_{\alpha,\beta}(\Gamma).Comment: 27 page

    Homomorphisms from Specht Modules to Signed Young Permutation Modules

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    We construct a class ΘR\Theta_{\mathscr{R}} of homomorphisms from a Specht module SZλS_{\mathbb{Z}}^{\lambda} to a signed permutation module MZ(αβ)M_{\mathbb{Z}}(\alpha|\beta) which generalises James's construction of homomorphisms whose codomain is a Young permutation module. We show that any ϕHomZSn(SZλ,MZ(αβ))\phi \in \operatorname{Hom}_{{\mathbb{Z}}\mathfrak{S}_{n}}\big(S_{\mathbb{Z}}^\lambda, M_{\mathbb{Z}}(\alpha|\beta)\big) lies in the Q\mathbb{Q}-span of Θsstd\Theta_{\text{sstd}}, a subset of ΘR\Theta_{\mathscr{R}} corresponding to semistandard λ\lambda-tableaux of type (αβ)(\alpha|\beta). We also study the conditions for which ΘsstdF\Theta^{\mathbb{F}}_{\mathrm{sstd}} - a subset of HomFSn(SFλ,MF(αβ))\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{F}\mathfrak{S}_{n}}\big(S_{\mathbb{F}}^\lambda,M_{\mathbb{F}}(\alpha|\beta)\big) induced by Θsstd\Theta_{\mathrm{sstd}} - is linearly independent, and show that it is a basis for HomFSn(SFλ,MF(αβ))\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb{F}\mathfrak{S}_{n}}\big(S_{\mathbb{F}}^\lambda,M_{\mathbb{F}}(\alpha|\beta)\big) when FSn\mathbb{F}\mathfrak{S}_{n} is semisimple

    The structure of simple noncommutative Jordan superalgebras

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    In this paper we describe all subalgebras and automorphisms of simple noncommutative Jordan superalgebras K3(α,β,γ)K_3(\alpha,\beta,\gamma) and Dt(α,β,γ)D_t(\alpha,\beta,\gamma) and compute the derivations of the nontrivial simple finite-dimensional noncommutative Jordan superalgebras