258 research outputs found

    A Structure Theorem for Small Sumsets in Nonabelian Groups

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    Let G be an arbitrary finite group and let S and T be two subsets such that |S|>1, |T|>1, and |TS|< |T|+|S|< |G|-1. We show that if |S|< |G|-4|G|^{1/2}+1 then either S is a geometric progression or there exists a non-trivial subgroup H such that either |HS|< |S|+|H| or |SH| < |S|+|H|. This extends to the nonabelian case classical results for Abelian groups. When we remove the hypothesis |S|<|G|-4|G|^{1/2}+1 we show the existence of counterexamples to the above characterization whose structure is described precisely.Comment: 23 page

    Multi-way expanders and imprimitive group actions on graphs

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    For n at least 2, the concept of n-way expanders was defined by various researchers. Bigger n gives a weaker notion in general, and 2-way expanders coincide with expanders in usual sense. Koji Fujiwara asked whether these concepts are equivalent to that of ordinary expanders for all n for a sequence of Cayley graphs. In this paper, we answer his question in the affirmative. Furthermore, we obtain universal inequalities on multi-way isoperimetric constants on any finite connected vertex-transitive graph, and show that gaps between these constants imply the imprimitivity of the group action on the graph.Comment: Accepted in Int. Math. Res. Notices. 18 pages, rearrange all of the arguments in the proof of Main Theorem (Theorem A) in a much accessible way (v4); 14 pages, appendix splitted into a forthcoming preprint (v3); 17 pages, appendix on noncommutative L_p spaces added (v2); 12 pages, no figure

    Convergent expansions for Random Cluster Model with q>0 on infinite graphs

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    In this paper we extend our previous results on the connectivity functions and pressure of the Random Cluster Model in the highly subcritical phase and in the highly supercritical phase, originally proved only on the cubic lattice Zd\Z^d, to a much wider class of infinite graphs. In particular, concerning the subcritical regime, we show that the connectivity functions are analytic and decay exponentially in any bounded degree graph. In the supercritical phase, we are able to prove the analyticity of finite connectivity functions in a smaller class of graphs, namely, bounded degree graphs with the so called minimal cut-set property and satisfying a (very mild) isoperimetric inequality. On the other hand we show that the large distances decay of finite connectivity in the supercritical regime can be polynomially slow depending on the topological structure of the graph. Analogous analyticity results are obtained for the pressure of the Random Cluster Model on an infinite graph, but with the further assumptions of amenability and quasi-transitivity of the graph.Comment: In this new version the introduction has been revised, some references have been added, and many typos have been corrected. 37 pages, to appear in Communications on Pure and Applied Analysi

    Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in percolation theory

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    This paper is an up-to-date introduction to the problem of uniqueness versus non-uniqueness of infinite clusters for percolation on Zd{\mathbb{Z}}^d and, more generally, on transitive graphs. For iid percolation on Zd{\mathbb{Z}}^d, uniqueness of the infinite cluster is a classical result, while on certain other transitive graphs uniqueness may fail. Key properties of the graphs in this context turn out to be amenability and nonamenability. The same problem is considered for certain dependent percolation models -- most prominently the Fortuin--Kasteleyn random-cluster model -- and in situations where the standard connectivity notion is replaced by entanglement or rigidity. So-called simultaneous uniqueness in couplings of percolation processes is also considered. Some of the main results are proved in detail, while for others the proofs are merely sketched, and for yet others they are omitted. Several open problems are discussed.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957806000000096 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Explicit isoperimetric constants and phase transitions in the random-cluster model

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    The random-cluster model is a dependent percolation model that has applications in the study of Ising and Potts models. In this paper, several new results are obtained for the random-cluster model on nonamenable graphs with cluster parameter q≥1q\geq 1. Among these, the main ones are the absence of percolation for the free random-cluster measure at the critical value, and examples of planar regular graphs with regular dual where \pc^\f (q) > \pu^\w (q) for qq large enough. The latter follows from considerations of isoperimetric constants, and we give the first nontrivial explicit calculations of such constants. Such considerations are also used to prove non-robust phase transition for the Potts model on nonamenable regular graphs
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