145,741 research outputs found

    Dynamic Poisson Factorization

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    Models for recommender systems use latent factors to explain the preferences and behaviors of users with respect to a set of items (e.g., movies, books, academic papers). Typically, the latent factors are assumed to be static and, given these factors, the observed preferences and behaviors of users are assumed to be generated without order. These assumptions limit the explorative and predictive capabilities of such models, since users' interests and item popularity may evolve over time. To address this, we propose dPF, a dynamic matrix factorization model based on the recent Poisson factorization model for recommendations. dPF models the time evolving latent factors with a Kalman filter and the actions with Poisson distributions. We derive a scalable variational inference algorithm to infer the latent factors. Finally, we demonstrate dPF on 10 years of user click data from arXiv.org, one of the largest repository of scientific papers and a formidable source of information about the behavior of scientists. Empirically we show performance improvement over both static and, more recently proposed, dynamic recommendation models. We also provide a thorough exploration of the inferred posteriors over the latent variables.Comment: RecSys 201

    Controlling Fairness and Bias in Dynamic Learning-to-Rank

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    Rankings are the primary interface through which many online platforms match users to items (e.g. news, products, music, video). In these two-sided markets, not only the users draw utility from the rankings, but the rankings also determine the utility (e.g. exposure, revenue) for the item providers (e.g. publishers, sellers, artists, studios). It has already been noted that myopically optimizing utility to the users, as done by virtually all learning-to-rank algorithms, can be unfair to the item providers. We, therefore, present a learning-to-rank approach for explicitly enforcing merit-based fairness guarantees to groups of items (e.g. articles by the same publisher, tracks by the same artist). In particular, we propose a learning algorithm that ensures notions of amortized group fairness, while simultaneously learning the ranking function from implicit feedback data. The algorithm takes the form of a controller that integrates unbiased estimators for both fairness and utility, dynamically adapting both as more data becomes available. In addition to its rigorous theoretical foundation and convergence guarantees, we find empirically that the algorithm is highly practical and robust.Comment: First two authors contributed equally. In Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 202

    LambdaFM: Learning Optimal Ranking with Factorization Machines Using Lambda Surrogates

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    State-of-the-art item recommendation algorithms, which apply Factorization Machines (FM) as a scoring function and pairwise ranking loss as a trainer (PRFM for short), have been recently investigated for the implicit feedback based context-aware recommendation problem (IFCAR). However, good recommenders particularly emphasize on the accuracy near the top of the ranked list, and typical pairwise loss functions might not match well with such a requirement. In this paper, we demonstrate, both theoretically and empirically, PRFM models usually lead to non-optimal item recommendation results due to such a mismatch. Inspired by the success of LambdaRank, we introduce Lambda Factorization Machines (LambdaFM), which is particularly intended for optimizing ranking performance for IFCAR. We also point out that the original lambda function suffers from the issue of expensive computational complexity in such settings due to a large amount of unobserved feedback. Hence, instead of directly adopting the original lambda strategy, we create three effective lambda surrogates by conducting a theoretical analysis for lambda from the top-N optimization perspective. Further, we prove that the proposed lambda surrogates are generic and applicable to a large set of pairwise ranking loss functions. Experimental results demonstrate LambdaFM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on three real-world datasets in terms of four standard ranking measures
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