18 research outputs found

    An Efficient Approach for Multi-Sentence Compression

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    Abstract Multi Sentence Compression (MSC) is of great value to many real world applications, such as guided microblog summarization, opinion summarization and newswire summarization. Recently, word graph-based approaches have been proposed and become popular in MSC. Their key assumption is that redundancy among a set of related sentences provides a reliable way to generate informative and grammatical sentences. In this paper, we propose an effective approach to enhance the word graph-based MSC and tackle the issue that most of the state-of-the-art MSC approaches are confronted with: i.e., improving both informativity and grammaticality at the same time. Our approach consists of three main components: (1) a merging method based on Multiword Expressions (MWE); (2) a mapping strategy based on synonymy between words; (3) a re-ranking step to identify the best compression candidates generated using a POS-based language model (POS-LM). We demonstrate the effectiveness of this novel approach using a dataset made of clusters of English newswire sentences. The observed improvements on informativity and grammaticality of the generated compressions show an up to 44% error reduction over state-of-the-art MSC systems

    Methods of sentence extraction, abstraction and ordering for automatic text summarization

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    In this thesis, we have developed several techniques for tackling both the extractive and abstractive text summarization tasks. We implement a rank based extractive sentence selection algorithm. For ensuring a pure sentence abstraction, we propose several novel sentence abstraction techniques which jointly perform sentence compression, fusion, and paraphrasing at the sentence level. We also model abstractive compression generation as a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) problem using an encoder-decoder framework. Furthermore, we applied our sentence abstraction techniques to the multi-document abstractive text summarization. We also propose a greedy sentence ordering algorithm to maintain the summary coherence for increasing the readability. We introduce an optimal solution to the summary length limit problem. Our experiments demonstrate that the methods bring significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods. At the end of this thesis, we also introduced a new concept called "Reader Aware Summary" which can generate summaries for some critical readers (e.g. Non-Native Reader).Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the University of Lethbridg

    Multi-document summarization based on document clustering and neural sentence fusion

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    In this thesis, we have approached a technique for tackling abstractive text summarization tasks with state-of-the-art results. We have proposed a novel method to improve multidocument summarization. The lack of large multi-document human-authored summaries needed to train seq2seq encoder-decoder models and the inaccuracy in representing multiple long documents into a fixed size vector inspired us to design complementary models for two different tasks such as sentence clustering and neural sentence fusion. In this thesis, we minimize the risk of producing incorrect fact by encoding a related set of sentences as an input to the encoder. We applied our complementary models to implement a full abstractive multi-document summarization system which simultaneously considers importance, coverage, and diversity under a desired length limit. We conduct extensive experiments for all the proposed models which bring significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods across different evaluation metrics.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the University of Lethbridg

    Linear Order in Language:an Error-Driven Learning Account

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    Learners of German often struggle with learning the grammatical gender of nouns and their correct articles, for example, that it should be “die Gabel” (the fork) and not “der Gabel”. Why is this so hard? And why do gender systems even exist?I taught participants differently structured artificial languages and found that it is especially difficult to learn a gender system, when gender is marked before the noun (e.g., in German: “die Gabel”, the fork, vs. “der Löffel”, the spoon) as compared to when gender is marked after the noun (e.g., in Albanian: “pirun-i”, the fork, vs. “lug-a”, the spoon). With computational simulations I could show that this effect arises because human learning is sensitive to the order of words.However, while gendered articles are hard to learn, they can facilitate communication because they can make following nouns more predictable and therefore easier to process: for example, after the German article “der”, “Löffel” is quite likely, “Gabel”, however, is very unlikely to follow. This is a function that gendered suffixes, as in Albanian, or genderless articles, as in English, cannot fulfill. In a language production study, I observed that speakers produce more articles that can make following nouns predictable, such as German articles, than articles that cannot fulfill this function, such as the English article “the”.I conclude that the order in which gender is marked in languages affects language learning as well as communication. This makes German gender hard to learn but useful for communication

    Automatic Text Summarization

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    Writing text was one of the first ever methods used by humans to represent their knowledge. Text can be of different types and have different purposes. Due to the evolution of information systems and the Internet, the amount of textual information available has increased exponentially in a worldwide scale, and many documents tend to have a percentage of unnecessary information. Due to this event, most readers have difficulty in digesting all the extensive information contained in multiple documents, produced on a daily basis. A simple solution to the excessive irrelevant information in texts is to create summaries, in which we keep the subject’s related parts and remove the unnecessary ones. In Natural Language Processing, the goal of automatic text summarization is to create systems that process text and keep only the most important data. Since its creation several approaches have been designed to create better text summaries, which can be divided in two separate groups: extractive approaches and abstractive approaches. In the first group, the summarizers decide what text elements should be in the summary. The criteria by which they are selected is diverse. After they are selected, they are combined into the summary. In the second group, the text elements are generated from scratch. Abstractive summarizers are much more complex so they still need a lot of research, in order to represent good results. During this thesis, we have investigated the state of the art approaches, implemented our own versions and tested them in conventional datasets, like the DUC dataset. Our first approach was a frequency­based approach, since it analyses the frequency in which the text’s words/sentences appear in the text. Higher frequency words/sentences automatically receive higher scores which are then filtered with a compression rate and combined in a summary. Moving on to our second approach, we have improved the original TextRank algorithm by combining it with word embedding vectors. The goal was to represent the text’s sentences as nodes from a graph and with the help of word embeddings, determine how similar are pairs of sentences and rank them by their similarity scores. The highest ranking sentences were filtered with a compression rate and picked for the summary. In the third approach, we combined feature analysis with deep learning. By analysing certain characteristics of the text sentences, one can assign scores that represent the importance of a given sentence for the summary. With these computed values, we have created a dataset for training a deep neural network that is capable of deciding if a certain sentence must be or not in the summary. An abstractive encoder­decoder summarizer was created with the purpose of generating words related to the document subject and combining them into a summary. Finally, every single summarizer was combined into a full system. Each one of our approaches was evaluated with several evaluation metrics, such as ROUGE. We used the DUC dataset for this purpose and the results were fairly similar to the ones in the scientific community. As for our encoder­decode, we got promising results.O texto é um dos utensílios mais importantes de transmissão de ideias entre os seres humanos. Pode ser de vários tipos e o seu conteúdo pode ser mais ou menos fácil de interpretar, conforme a quantidade de informação relevante sobre o assunto principal. De forma a facilitar o processamento pelo leitor existe um mecanismo propositadamente criado para reduzir a informação irrelevante num texto, chamado sumarização de texto. Através da sumarização criam­se versões reduzidas do text original e mantém­se a informação do assunto principal. Devido à criação e evolução da Internet e outros meios de comunicação, surgiu um aumento exponencial de documentos textuais, evento denominado de sobrecarga de informação, que têm na sua maioria informação desnecessária sobre o assunto que retratam. De forma a resolver este problema global, surgiu dentro da área científica de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, a sumarização automática de texto, que permite criar sumários automáticos de qualquer tipo de texto e de qualquer lingua, através de algoritmos computacionais. Desde a sua criação, inúmeras técnicas de sumarização de texto foram idealizadas, podendo ser classificadas em dois tipos diferentes: extractivas e abstractivas. Em técnicas extractivas, são transcritos elementos do texto original, como palavras ou frases inteiras que sejam as mais ilustrativas do assunto do texto e combinadas num documento. Em técnicas abstractivas, os algoritmos geram elementos novos. Nesta dissertação pesquisaram­se, implementaram­se e combinaram­se algumas das técnicas com melhores resultados de modo a criar um sistema completo para criar sumários. Relativamente às técnicas implementadas, as primeiras três são técnicas extractivas enquanto que a ultima é abstractiva. Desta forma, a primeira incide sobre o cálculo das frequências dos elementos do texto, atribuindo­se valores às frases que sejam mais frequentes, que por sua vez são escolhidas para o sumário através de uma taxa de compressão. Outra das técnicas incide na representação dos elementos textuais sob a forma de nodos de um grafo, sendo atribuidos valores de similaridade entre os mesmos e de seguida escolhidas as frases com maiores valores através de uma taxa de compressão. Uma outra abordagem foi criada de forma a combinar um mecanismo de análise das caracteristicas do texto com métodos baseados em inteligência artificial. Nela cada frase possui um conjunto de caracteristicas que são usadas para treinar um modelo de rede neuronal. O modelo avalia e decide quais as frases que devem pertencer ao sumário e filtra as mesmas através deu uma taxa de compressão. Um sumarizador abstractivo foi criado para para gerar palavras sobre o assunto do texto e combinar num sumário. Cada um destes sumarizadores foi combinado num só sistema. Por fim, cada uma das técnicas pode ser avaliada segundo várias métricas de avaliação, como por exemplo a ROUGE. Segundo os resultados de avaliação das técnicas, com o conjunto de dados DUC, os nossos sumarizadores obtiveram resultados relativamente parecidos com os presentes na comunidade cientifica, com especial atenção para o codificador­descodificador que em certos casos apresentou resultados promissores

    Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2009)

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    Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme

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    Computational Linguistics; Germanic Languages; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computing Methodologie

    Neural models of language use:Studies of language comprehension and production in context

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    Artificial neural network models of language are mostly known and appreciated today for providing a backbone for formidable AI technologies. This thesis takes a different perspective. Through a series of studies on language comprehension and production, it investigates whether artificial neural networks—beyond being useful in countless AI applications—can serve as accurate computational simulations of human language use, and thus as a new core methodology for the language sciences