3 research outputs found

    On Ideal and Weakly-Ideal Access Structures

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    For more than two decades, proving or refuting the following statement has remained a challenging open problem in the theory of secret sharing schemes (SSSs): every ideal access structure admits an ideal perfect multi-linear SSS. We consider a weaker statement in this paper asking if: every ideal access structure admits an ideal perfect group-characterizable (GC) SSS. Since the class of GC SSSs is known to include the multi-linear ones (as well as several classes of non-linear schemes), it might turn out that the second statement is not only true but also easier to tackle. Unfortunately, our understanding of GC SSSs is still too basic to tackle the weaker statement. As a first attempt, it is natural to ask if every ideal perfect SSS is equivalent to some GC scheme. The main contribution of this paper is to construct counterexamples using tools from theory of Latin squares and some recent results developed by the present authors for studying GC SSSs

    On Group-Characterizability of Homomorphic Secret Sharing Schemes

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    A group-characterizable (GC) random variable is induced by a finite group, called main group, and a collection of its subgroups [Chan and Yeung 2002]. The notion extends directly to secret sharing schemes (SSS). It is known that multi-linear SSSs can be equivalently described in terms of GC ones. The proof extends to abelian SSSs, a more powerful generalization of multi-linear schemes, in a straightforward way. Both proofs are fairly easy considering the notion of dual for vector spaces and Pontryagin dual for abelian groups. However, group-characterizability of homomorphic SSSs (HSSSs), which are generalizations of abelian schemes, is non-trivial, and thus the main focus of this paper. We present a necessary and sufficient condition for a SSS to be equivalent to a GC one. Then, we use this result to show that HSSSs satisfy the sufficient condition, and consequently they are GC. Then, we strengthen this result by showing that a group-characterization can be found in which the subgroups are all normal in the main group. On the other hand, GC SSSs whose subgroups are normal in the main group can easily be shown to be homomorphic. Therefore, we essentially provide an equivalent characterization of HSSSs in terms of GC schemes. We also present two applications of our equivalent definition for HSSSs. One concerns lower bounding the information ratio of access structures for the class of HSSSs, and the other is about the coincidence between statistical, almost-perfect and perfect security notions for the same class

    On ideal and weakly-ideal access structures

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