21 research outputs found

    Fully leakage-resilient signatures revisited: Graceful degradation, noisy leakage, and construction in the bounded-retrieval model

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    We construct new leakage-resilient signature schemes. Our schemes remain unforgeable against an adversary leaking arbitrary (yet bounded) information on the entire state of the signer (sometimes known as fully leakage resilience), including the random coin tosses of the signing algorithm. The main feature of our constructions is that they offer a graceful degradation of security in situations where standard existential unforgeability is impossible

    Leakage-Resilient Cryptography

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    We construct a stream-cipher SC whose \emph{implementation} is secure even if arbitrary (adversely chosen) information on the internal state of SC is leaked during computation. This captures \emph{all} possible side-channel attacks on SC where the amount of information leaked in a given period is bounded, but overall cankbe arbitrary large, in particular much larger than the internalkstate of SC. The only other assumption we make on the \emph{implementation} of SC is that only data that is accessedkduring computation leaks information. The construction can be based on any pseudorandom generator, and the only computational assumption we make is that this PRG is secure against non-uniform adversaries in the classical sense (i.e. when there are no side-channels). The stream-cipher SC generates its output in chunks K1,K2,K_1,K_2,\ldots, and arbitrary but bounded information leakage is modeled by allowing the adversary to adaptively chose a function f:{0,1}{0,1}λf_\ell:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow\{0,1\}^\lambda before KK_\ell is computed, she then gets f(τ)f_\ell(\tau_\ell) where τ\tau_\ell is the internal state of \SC that is accessed during the computation of KK_\ell. One notion of security we prove for \SC is that KK_\ell is indistinguishable from random when given K1,,K1K_1,\ldots,K_{\ell-1}, f1(τ1),,f1(τ1)f_1(\tau_1),\ldots, f_{\ell-1}(\tau_{\ell-1}) and also the complete internal state of SC after K+1K_{\ell+1} has been computed (i.e. our cipher is forward-secure). The construction is based on alternating extraction (previously used in the intrusion-resilient secret-sharing scheme from FOCS'07). We move this concept to the computational setting by proving a lemma that states that the output of any PRG has high HILL pseudoentropy (i.e. is indistinguishable from some distribution with high min-entropy) even if arbitrary information about the seed is leaked. The amount of leakage \leak that we can tolerate in each step depends on the strength of the underlying PRG, it is at least logarithmic, but can be as large as a constant fraction of the internal state of SC if the PRG is exponentially hard

    On the Impacts of Mathematical Realization over Practical Security of Leakage Resilient Cryptographic Schemes

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    In real world, in order to transform an abstract and generic cryptographic scheme into actual physical implementation, one usually undergoes two processes: mathematical realization at algorithmic level and physical realization at implementation level. In the former process, the abstract and generic cryptographic scheme is transformed into an exact and specific mathematical scheme, while in the latter process the output of mathematical realization is being transformed into a physical cryptographic module runs as a piece of software, or hardware, or combination of both. In black-box model (i.e. leakage-free setting), a cryptographic scheme can be mathematically realized without affecting its theoretical security as long as the mathematical components meet the required cryptographic properties. However, up to now, no previous work formally show that whether one can mathematically realize a leakage resilient cryptographic scheme in existent ways without affecting its practical security. Our results give a negative answer to this important question by introducing attacks against several kinds of mathematical realization of a practical leakage resilient cryptographic scheme. Our results show that there may exist a big gap between the theoretical tolerance leakage rate and the practical tolerance leakage rate of the same leakage resilient cryptographic scheme if the mathematical components in the mathematical realization are not provably secure in leakage setting. Therefore, on one hand, we suggest that all (practical) leakage resilient cryptographic schemes should at least come with a kind of mathematical realization. Using this kind of mathematical realization, its practical security can be guaranteed. On the other hand, our results inspire cryptographers to design advanced leakage resilient cryptographic schemes whose practical security is independent of the specific details of its mathematical realization

    Leakage-Resilient Cryptography

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    We construct a stream-cipher SC whose \emph{implementation} is secure even if arbitrary (adversely chosen) information on the internal state of SC is leaked during computation. This captures \emph{all} possible side-channel attacks on SC where the amount of information leaked in a given period is bounded, but overall cankbe arbitrary large, in particular much larger than the internalkstate of SC. The only other assumption we make on the \emph{implementation} of SC is that only data that is accessedkduring computation leaks information. The construction can be based on any pseudorandom generator, and the only computational assumption we make is that this PRG is secure against non-uniform adversaries in the classical sense (i.e. when there are no side-channels). The stream-cipher SC generates its output in chunks K1,K2,K_1,K_2,\ldots, and arbitrary but bounded information leakage is modeled by allowing the adversary to adaptively chose a function f:{0,1}{0,1}λf_\ell:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow\{0,1\}^\lambda before KK_\ell is computed, she then gets f(τ)f_\ell(\tau_\ell) where τ\tau_\ell is the internal state of \SC that is accessed during the computation of KK_\ell. One notion of security we prove for \SC is that KK_\ell is indistinguishable from random when given K1,,K1K_1,\ldots,K_{\ell-1}, f1(τ1),,f1(τ1)f_1(\tau_1),\ldots, f_{\ell-1}(\tau_{\ell-1}) and also the complete internal state of SC after K+1K_{\ell+1} has been computed (i.e. our cipher is forward-secure). The construction is based on alternating extraction (previously used in the intrusion-resilient secret-sharing scheme from FOCS'07). We move this concept to the computational setting by proving a lemma that states that the output of any PRG has high HILL pseudoentropy (i.e. is indistinguishable from some distribution with high min-entropy) even if arbitrary information about the seed is leaked. The amount of leakage \leak that we can tolerate in each step depends on the strength of the underlying PRG, it is at least logarithmic, but can be as large as a constant fraction of the internal state of SC if the PRG is exponentially hard

    Input-shrinking functions: theory and application

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    In this thesis, we contribute to the emerging field of the Leakage-Resilient Cryptography by studying the problem of secure data storage on hardware that may leak information, introducing a new primitive, a leakage-resilient storage, and showing two different constructions of such storage scheme provably secure against a class of leakage functions that can depend only on some restricted part of the memory and against a class of computationally weak leakage functions, e.g. functions computable by small circuits, respectively. Our results come with instantiations and analysis of concrete parameters. Furthermore, as second contribution, we present our implementation in C programming language, using the cryptographic library of the OpenSSL project, of a two-party Authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) protocol, which allows a client and a server, who share a huge secret file, to securely compute a shared key, providing client-to-server authentication, also in the presence of active attackers. Following the work of Cash et al. (TCC 2007), we based our construction on a Weak Key Exchange (WKE) protocol, developed in the BRM, and a Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol secure in the Universally Composable (UC) framework. The WKE protocol showed by Cash et al. uses an explicit construction of averaging sampler, which uses less random bits than the random choice but does not seem to be efficiently implementable in practice. In this thesis, we propose a WKE protocol similar but simpler than that one of Cash et al.: our protocol uses more randomness than the Cash et al.'s one, as it simply uses random choice instead of averaging sampler, but we are able to show an efficient implementation of it. Moreover, we formally adapt the security analysis of the WKE protocol of Cash et al. to our WKE protocol. To complete our AKE protocol, we implement the PAKE protocol showed secure in the UC framework by Abdalla et al. (CT-RSA 2008), which is more efficient than the Canetti et al.'s UC-PAKE protocol (EuroCrypt 2005) used in Cash et al.'s work. In our implementation of the WKE protocol, to achieve small constant communication complexity and amount of randomness, we rely on the Random Oracle (RO) model. However, we would like to note that in our implementation of the AKE protocol we need also a UC-PAKE protocol which already relies on RO, as it is impossible to achieve UC-PAKE in the standard model. In our work we focus not only on the theoretical aspects of the area, providing formal models and proofs, but also on the practical ones, analyzing instantiations, concrete parameters and implementation of the proposed solutions, to contribute to bridge the gap between theory and practice in this field

    Leakage-Resilient Cryptography in the Standard Model

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    We construct a stream-cipher \SC whose \emph{implementation} is secure even if arbitrary (adversely chosen) information on the internal state of \SC is leaked during computation. This captures \emph{all} possible side-channel attacks on \SC where the amount of information leaked in a given period is bounded, but overall can be arbitrary large, in particular much larger than the internal state of \SC. The only other assumption we make on the \emph{implementation} of \SC is that only data that is accessed during computation leaks information. The construction can be based on any pseudorandom generator, and the only computational assumption we make is that this PRG is secure against non-uniform adversaries in the classical sense (i.e. when there are no side-channels). The stream-cipher \SC generates its output in chunks K1,K2,K_1,K_2,\ldots, and arbitrary but bounded information leakage is modeled by allowing the adversary to adaptively chose a function f_\ell:\bin^*\rightarrow\bin^\lambda before KK_\ell is computed, she then gets f(τ)f_\ell(\tau_\ell) where τ\tau_\ell is the internal state of \SC that is accessed during the computation of KK_\ell. One notion of security we prove for \SC is that KK_\ell is indistinguishable from random when given K1,,K1K_1,\ldots,K_{\ell-1}, f1(τ1),,f1(τ1)f_1(\tau_1),\ldots, f_{\ell-1}(\tau_{\ell-1}) and also the complete internal state of \SC after KK_{\ell} has been computed (i.e. our cipher is forward-secure). The construction is based on alternating extraction (previously used in the intrusion-resilient secret-sharing scheme from FOCS\u2707). We move this concept to the computational setting by proving a lemma that states that the output of any PRG has high HILL pseudoentropy (i.e. is indistinguishable from some distribution with high min-entropy) even if arbitrary information about the seed is leaked. The amount of leakage \leak that we can tolerate in each step depends on the strength of the underlying PRG, it is at least logarithmic, but can be as large as a constant fraction of the internal state of \SC if the PRG is exponentially hard

    Constant Size Secret Sharing: with General Thresholds, Towards Standard Assumptions, and Applications

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    We consider threshold Computational Secret Sharing Schemes, i.e., such that the secret can be recovered from any t+1t+1 out of nn shares, and such that no computationally bounded adversary can distinguish between tt shares of a chosen secret and a uniform string. We say that such a scheme has Constant Size (CSSS) if, in the asymptotic regime of many shares of small size the security parameter, then the total size of shares reaches the minimum, which is the size of an erasures-correction encoding of the secret with same threshold. But all CSSS so far have only maximum threshold, i.e., t=n1t=n-1. They are known as All Or Nothing Transforms (AONT). On the other hand, for arbitrary thresholds t<n1t<n-1, the shortest scheme known so far is [Kra93, Crypto], which has instead twice larger size in the previous regime, due to a size overhead of nn times the security parameter. The other limitation of known CSSS is that they require a number of calls to idealized primitives which grows linearly with the size of the secret. Our first contribution is to show that the CSSS of [Des00, Crypto], which holds under the ideal cipher assumption, looses its privacy when instantiated with a plain pseudorandom permutation. Our main contribution is a scheme which: is the first CSSS for any threshold tt, and furthermore, whose security holds, for the first time, under any plain pseudorandom function, with the only idealized assumption being in the key-derivation function. It is based on the possibly new observation that the scheme of [Des00] can be seen as an additive secret-sharing of an encryption key, using the ciphertext itself as a source of randomness. A variation of our construction enables to improve upon known schemes, that we denote as Encryption into Shares with Resilience against Key exposure (ESKE), having the property that all ciphertext blocks are needed to obtain any information, even when the key is leaked. We obtain the first ESKE with arbitrary threshold tt and constant size, furthermore in one pass of encryption. Also, for the first time, the only idealized assumption is in the key-derivation. Then, we demonstrate how to establish fast revocable storage on an untrusted server, from any black box ESKE. Instantiated with our ESKE, then encryption and decryption both require only 11 pass of symmetric primitives under standard assumptions (except the key-derivation), compared to at least 22 consecutive passes in [MS18, CT-RSA] and more in [Bac+16, CCS]. We finally bridge the gap between two conflicting specifications of AONT in the literature: one very similar to CSSS, which has indistinguishability, and one which has not

    Non-Malleable Codes for Decision Trees

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    We construct efficient, unconditional non-malleable codes that are secure against tampering functions computed by decision trees of depth d=n1/4o(1)d = n^{1/4-o(1)}. In particular, each bit of the tampered codeword is set arbitrarily after adaptively reading up to dd arbitrary locations within the original codeword. Prior to this work, no efficient unconditional non-malleable codes were known for decision trees beyond depth O(log2n)O(\log^2 n). Our result also yields efficient, unconditional non-malleable codes that are exp(nΩ(1))\exp(-n^{\Omega(1)})-secure against constant-depth circuits of exp(nΩ(1))\exp(n^{\Omega(1)})-size. Prior work of Chattopadhyay and Li (STOC 2017) and Ball et al. (FOCS 2018) only provide protection against exp(O(log2n))\exp(O(\log^2n))-size circuits with exp(O(log2n))\exp(-O(\log^2n))-security. We achieve our result through simple non-malleable reductions of decision tree tampering to split-state tampering. As an intermediary, we give a simple and generic reduction of leakage-resilient split-state tampering to split-state tampering with improved parameters. Prior work of Aggarwal et al. (TCC 2015) only provides a reduction to split-state non-malleable codes with decoders that exhibit particular properties

    One-time Computable and Uncomputable Functions

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    This paper studies the design of cryptographic schemes that are secure even if implemented on untrusted machines, whose internals can be partially observed/controlled by an adversary. For example, this includes machines that are infected with a software virus. We introduce a new cryptographic notion that we call a {\em one-time computable pseudorandom function (PRF)}, which is a PRF FK()F_K(\cdot) that can be evaluated \emph{at most once} on a machine which stores the (long) key KK, as long as: (1) the adversary cannot retrieve the key KK out of the machine completely (this is similar to the assumptions made in the so-called {\em Bounded-Retrieval Model}), and (2) the local read/write memory of the machine is restricted, and not too much larger than the size of KK. In particular, the \emph{only way} to evaluate FK(x)F_K(x) on such device, is to overwrite part of the key KK, preventing all future evaluations of FK()F_K(\cdot) at any other point x2˘7xx\u27 \neq x. We show that this primitive can be used to construct schemes for \emph{password protected storage} that are secure against dictionary attacks, even by a virus that infects the machine. Our constructions rely on the random-oracle model, and lower-bounds for {\em graphs pebbling} problems. We show that our techniques can also be used to construct another primitive, that we call {\em uncomputable hash functions}, which are hash funcitons that cannot be computed if the local storage has some restricted size ss, but {\em can} be computed if they are given slightly more storage than ss. We show that this tool can be used to improve the communication complexity of {\em proofs-of-erasure} schemes, introduced recently by Perito and Tsudik (ESORICS 2010)

    IBE with Incompressible Master Secret and Small Identity Secrets

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    Side-stepping the protection provided by cryptography, exfiltration attacks are becoming a considerable real-world threat. With the goal of mitigating the exfiltration of cryptographic keys, big-key cryptosystems have been developed over the past few years. These systems come with very large secret keys which are thus hard to exfiltrate. Typically, in such systems, the setup time must be large as it generates the large secret key. However, subsequently, the encryption and decryption operations, that must be performed repeatedly, are required to be efficient. Specifically, the encryption uses only a small public key and the decryption only accesses small ciphertext-dependent parts of the full secret key. Nonetheless, these schemes require decryption to have access to the entire secret key. Thus, using such big-key cryptosystems necessitate that users carry around large secret keys on their devices, which can be a hassle and in some cases might also render exfiltration easy. With the goal of removing this problem, in this work, we initiate the study of big-key identity-based encryption (bk-IBE). In such a system, the master secret key is allowed to be large but we require that the identity-based secret keys are short. This allows users to use the identity-based short keys as the ephemeral secret keys that can be more easily carried around and allow for decrypting ciphertexts matching a particular identity, e.g. messages that were encrypted on a particular date. In particular: -We build a new definitional framework for bk-IBE capturing a range of applications. In the case when the exfiltration is small our definition promises stronger security --- namely, an adversary can break semantic security for only a few identities, proportional to the amount of leakage it gets. In contrast, in the catastrophic case where a large fraction of the master secret key has been ex-filtrated, we can still resort to a guarantee that the ciphertexts generated for a randomly chosen identity (or, an identity with enough entropy) remain protected. We demonstrate how this framework captures the best possible security guarantees. -We show the first construction of such a bk-IBE offering strong security properties. Our construction is based on standard assumptions on groups with bilinear pairings and brings together techniques from seemingly different contexts such as leakage resilient cryptography, reusable two-round MPC, and laconic oblivious transfer. We expect our techniques to be of independent interest