2,596 research outputs found

    Performance Comparisons of Greedy Algorithms in Compressed Sensing

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    Compressed sensing has motivated the development of numerous sparse approximation algorithms designed to return a solution to an underdetermined system of linear equations where the solution has the fewest number of nonzeros possible, referred to as the sparsest solution. In the compressed sensing setting, greedy sparse approximation algorithms have been observed to be both able to recovery the sparsest solution for similar problem sizes as other algorithms and to be computationally efficient; however, little theory is known for their average case behavior. We conduct a large scale empirical investigation into the behavior of three of the state of the art greedy algorithms: NIHT, HTP, and CSMPSP. The investigation considers a variety of random classes of linear systems. The regions of the problem size in which each algorithm is able to reliably recovery the sparsest solution is accurately determined, and throughout this region additional performance characteristics are presented. Contrasting the recovery regions and average computational time for each algorithm we present algorithm selection maps which indicate, for each problem size, which algorithm is able to reliably recovery the sparsest vector in the least amount of time. Though no one algorithm is observed to be uniformly superior, NIHT is observed to have an advantageous balance of large recovery region, absolute recovery time, and robustness of these properties to additive noise and for a variety of problem classes. The algorithm selection maps presented here are the first of their kind for compressed sensing

    Expectation Propagation Methods for Approximate Inference in Linear Estimation Problems

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    Sensing Theorems for Unsupervised Learning in Linear Inverse Problems

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    International audienceSolving an ill-posed linear inverse problem requires knowledge about the underlying signal model. In many applications, this model is a priori unknown and has to be learned from data. However, it is impossible to learn the model using observations obtained via a single incomplete measurement operator, as there is no information about the signal model in the nullspace of the operator, resulting in a chicken-and-egg problem: to learn the model we need reconstructed signals, but to reconstruct the signals we need to know the model. Two ways to overcome this limitation are using multiple measurement operators or assuming that the signal model is invariant to a certain group action. In this paper, we present necessary and sufficient sensing conditions for learning the signal model from measurement data alone which only depend on the dimension of the model and the number of operators or properties of the group action that the model is invariant to. As our results are agnostic of the learning algorithm, they shed light into the fundamental limitations of learning from incomplete data and have implications in a wide range set of practical algorithms, such as dictionary learning, matrix completion and deep neural networks

    Compressive Sensing over the Grassmann Manifold: a Unified Geometric Framework

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    â„“_1 minimization is often used for finding the sparse solutions of an under-determined linear system. In this paper we focus on finding sharp performance bounds on recovering approximately sparse signals using â„“_1 minimization, possibly under noisy measurements. While the restricted isometry property is powerful for the analysis of recovering approximately sparse signals with noisy measurements, the known bounds on the achievable sparsity (The "sparsity" in this paper means the size of the set of nonzero or significant elements in a signal vector.) level can be quite loose. The neighborly polytope analysis which yields sharp bounds for ideally sparse signals cannot be readily generalized to approximately sparse signals. Starting from a necessary and sufficient condition, the "balancedness" property of linear subspaces, for achieving a certain signal recovery accuracy, we give a unified null space Grassmann angle-based geometric framework for analyzing the performance of â„“_1 minimization. By investigating the "balancedness" property, this unified framework characterizes sharp quantitative tradeoffs between the considered sparsity and the recovery accuracy of the â„“_1 optimization. As a consequence, this generalizes the neighborly polytope result for ideally sparse signals. Besides the robustness in the "strong" sense for all sparse signals, we also discuss the notions of "weak" and "sectional" robustness. Our results concern fundamental properties of linear subspaces and so may be of independent mathematical interest
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