61 research outputs found

    Hybrid Multiresolution Simulation & Model Checking: Network-On-Chip Systems

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    abstract: Designers employ a variety of modeling theories and methodologies to create functional models of discrete network systems. These dynamical models are evaluated using verification and validation techniques throughout incremental design stages. Models created for these systems should directly represent their growing complexity with respect to composition and heterogeneity. Similar to software engineering practices, incremental model design is required for complex system design. As a result, models at early increments are significantly simpler relative to real systems. While experimenting (verification or validation) on models at early increments are computationally less demanding, the results of these experiments are less trustworthy and less rewarding. At any increment of design, a set of tools and technique are required for controlling the complexity of models and experimentation. A complex system such as Network-on-Chip (NoC) may benefit from incremental design stages. Current design methods for NoC rely on multiple models developed using various modeling frameworks. It is useful to develop frameworks that can formalize the relationships among these models. Fine-grain models are derived using their coarse-grain counterparts. Moreover, validation and verification capability at various design stages enabled through disciplined model conversion is very beneficial. In this research, Multiresolution Modeling (MRM) is used for system level design of NoC. MRM aids in creating a family of models at different levels of scale and complexity with well-formed relationships. In addition, a variant of the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) formalism is proposed which supports model checking. Hierarchical models of Network-on-Chip components may be created at different resolutions while each model can be validated using discrete-event simulation and verified via state exploration. System property expressions are defined in the DEVS language and developed as Transducers which can be applied seamlessly for model checking and simulation purposes. Multiresolution Modeling with verification and validation capabilities of this framework complement one another. MRM manages the scale and complexity of models which in turn can reduces V&V time and effort and conversely the V&V helps ensure correctness of models at multiple resolutions. This framework is realized through extending the DEVS-Suite simulator and its applicability demonstrated for exemplar NoC models.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Composition for component-based modeling

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    We propose a framework for component-based modeling using an abstract layered model for components. A component is the superposition of two models: a behavior model and an interaction model. Interaction models describe architectural constraints induced by connectors between components. We propose and analyze general requirements for component composition that motivated and guided the development of the framework. We define an associative and commutative composition operator on components encompassing heterogeneous interaction. As a particular instance of the proposed framework, we consider components where behavior models are transition systems and interaction models are described by priority relations on interactions. This leads to a concept of "flexible" composition different from usual composition in that it preserves deadlock-freedom and is appropriate for correctness by construction. Nevertheless, flexible composition is a partial operation. Product systems should be interaction safe in the sense that they do not violate constraints of the interaction model. We propose results ensuring correctness by construction of a system from properties of its interaction model and of its components. The properties considered include global deadlock-freedom, individual deadlock-freedom of components, and interaction safety. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Model checking: Algorithmic verification and debugging

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    Turing Lecture from the winners of the 2007 ACM A.M. Turing Award.In 1981, Edmund M. Clarke and E. Allen Emerson, working in the USA, and Joseph Sifakis working independently in France, authored seminal papers that founded what has become the highly successful field of model checking. This verification technology provides an algorithmic means of determining whether an abstract model-representing, for example, a hardware or software design-satisfies a formal specification expressed as a temporal logic (TL) formula. Moreover, if the property does not hold, the method identifies a counterexample execution that shows the source of the problem.The progression of model checking to the point where it can be successfully used for complex systems has required the development of sophisticated means of coping with what is known as the state explosion problem. Great strides have been made on this problem over the past 28 years by what is now a very large international research community. As a result many major hardware and software companies are beginning to use model checking in practice. Examples of its use include the verification of VLSI circuits, communication protocols, software device drivers, real-time embedded systems, and security algorithms.The work of Clarke, Emerson, and Sifakis continues to be central to the success of this research area. Their work over the years has led to the creation of new logics for specification, new verification algorithms, and surprising theoretical results. Model checking tools, created by both academic and industrial teams, have resulted in an entirely novel approach to verification and test case generation. This approach, for example, often enables engineers in the electronics industry to design complex systems with considerable assurance regarding the correctness of their initial designs. Model checking promises to have an even greater impact on the hardware and software industries in the future.-Moshe Y. Vardi, Editor-in-Chief

    Ensuring properties of interaction systems

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    We propose results ensuring properties of a component-based system from properties of its interaction model and of its components. We consider here deadlock-freedom and local progress of subsystems. This is done in the framework of interaction systems, a model for component based modelling described in [9]. An interaction system is the superposition of two models: a behavior model and an interaction model. The behavior model describes the behavior of individual components. The interaction model describes the way the components may interact by introducing connectors that relate actions from different components. We illustrate our concepts and results with examples. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

    Formal methods for functional verification of cache-coherent systems-on-chip

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    State-of-the-art System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures integrate many different components, such as processors, accelerators, memories, and I/O blocks. Some of those components, but not all, may have caches. Because the effort of validation with simulation-based techniques, currently used in industry, grows exponentially with the complexity of the SoC, this thesis investigates the use of formal verification techniques in this context. More precisely, we use the CADP toolbox to develop and validate a generic formal model of a heterogeneous cache-coherent SoC compliant with the recent AMBA 4 ACE specification proposed by ARM. We use a constraint-oriented specification style to model the general requirements of the specification. We verify system properties on both the constrained and unconstrained model to detect the cache coherency corner cases. We take advantage of the parametrization of the proposed model to produce a comprehensive set of counterexamples of non-satisfied properties in the unconstrained model. The results of formal verification are then used to improve the industrial simulation-based verification techniques in two aspects. On the one hand, we suggest using the formal model to assess the sanity of an interface verification unit. On the other hand, in order to generate clever semi-directed test cases from temporal logic properties, we propose a two-step approach. One step consists in generating system-level abstract test cases using model-based testing tools of the CADP toolbox. The other step consists in refining those tests into interface-level concrete test cases that can be executed at RTL level with a commercial Coverage-Directed Test Generation tool. We found that our approach helps in the transition between interface-level and system-level verification, facilitates the validation of system-level properties, and enables early detection of bugs in both the SoC and the commercial test-bench.Les architectures des systèmes sur puce (System-on-Chip, SoC) actuelles intègrent de nombreux composants différents tels que les processeurs, les accélérateurs, les mémoires et les blocs d'entrée/sortie, certains pouvant contenir des caches. Vu que l'effort de validation basée sur la simulation, actuellement utilisée dans l'industrie, croît de façon exponentielle avec la complexité des SoCs, nous nous intéressons à des techniques de vérification formelle. Nous utilisons la boîte à outils CADP pour développer et valider un modèle formel d'un SoC générique conforme à la spécification AMBA 4 ACE récemment proposée par ARM dans le but de mettre en œuvre la cohérence de cache au niveau système. Nous utilisons une spécification orientée contraintes pour modéliser les exigences générales de cette spécification. Les propriétés du système sont vérifié à la fois sur le modèle avec contraintes et le modèle sans contraintes pour détecter les cas intéressants pour la cohérence de cache. La paramétrisation du modèle proposé a permis de produire l'ensemble complet des contre-exemples qui ne satisfont pas une certaine propriété dans le modèle non contraint. Notre approche améliore les techniques industrielles de vérification basées sur la simulation en deux aspects. D'une part, nous suggérons l'utilisation du modèle formel pour évaluer la bonne construction d'une unité de vérification d'interface. D'autre part, dans l'objectif de générer des cas de test semi-dirigés intelligents à partir des propriétés de logique temporelle, nous proposons une approche en deux étapes. La première étape consiste à générer des cas de tests abstraits au niveau système en utilisant des outils de test basé sur modèle de la boîte à outils CADP. La seconde étape consiste à affiner ces tests en cas de tests concrets au niveau de l'interface qui peuvent être exécutés en RTL grâce aux services d'un outil commercial de génération de tests dirigés par les mesures de couverture. Nous avons constaté que notre approche participe dans la transition entre la vérification du niveau interface, classiquement pratiquée dans l'industrie du matériel, et la vérification au niveau système. Notre approche facilite aussi la validation des propriétés globales du système, et permet une détection précoce des bugs, tant dans le SoC que dans les bancs de test commerciales

    IEEE/NASA Workshop on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation

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    This volume contains the Preliminary Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE ISoLA Workshop on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, with a special track on the theme of Formal Methods in Human and Robotic Space Exploration. The workshop was held on 23-24 September 2005 at the Loyola College Graduate Center, Columbia, MD, USA. The idea behind the Workshop arose from the experience and feedback of ISoLA 2004, the 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods held in Paphos (Cyprus) last October-November. ISoLA 2004 served the need of providing a forum for developers, users, and researchers to discuss issues related to the adoption and use of rigorous tools and methods for the specification, analysis, verification, certification, construction, test, and maintenance of systems from the point of view of their different application domains

    Automatic analysis of DMA races using model checking and k-induction

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    Modern multicore processors, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, achieve high performance by equipping accelerator cores with small "scratch- pad" memories. The price for increased performance is higher programming complexity - the programmer must manually orchestrate data movement using direct memory access (DMA) operations. Programming using asynchronous DMA operations is error-prone, and DMA races can lead to nondeterministic bugs which are hard to reproduce and fix. We present a method for DMA race analysis in C programs. Our method works by automatically instrumenting a program with assertions modeling the semantics of a memory flow controller. The instrumented program can then be analyzed using state-of-the-art software model checkers. We show that bounded model checking is effective for detecting DMA races in buggy programs. To enable automatic verification of the correctness of instrumented programs, we present a new formulation of k-induction geared towards software, as a proof rule operating on loops. Our techniques are implemented as a tool, Scratch, which we apply to a large set of programs supplied with the IBM Cell SDK, in which we discover a previously unknown bug. Our experimental results indicate that our k-induction method performs extremely well on this problem class. To our knowledge, this marks both the first application of k-induction to software verification, and the first example of software model checking in the context of heterogeneous multicore processors. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Mathematics in Software Reliability and Quality Assurance

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    This monograph concerns the mathematical aspects of software reliability and quality assurance and consists of 11 technical papers in this emerging area. Included are the latest research results related to formal methods and design, automatic software testing, software verification and validation, coalgebra theory, automata theory, hybrid system and software reliability modeling and assessment
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