130 research outputs found

    Decomposition Methods for Large Scale LP Decoding

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    When binary linear error-correcting codes are used over symmetric channels, a relaxed version of the maximum likelihood decoding problem can be stated as a linear program (LP). This LP decoder can be used to decode error-correcting codes at bit-error-rates comparable to state-of-the-art belief propagation (BP) decoders, but with significantly stronger theoretical guarantees. However, LP decoding when implemented with standard LP solvers does not easily scale to the block lengths of modern error correcting codes. In this paper we draw on decomposition methods from optimization theory, specifically the Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers (ADMM), to develop efficient distributed algorithms for LP decoding. The key enabling technical result is a "two-slice" characterization of the geometry of the parity polytope, which is the convex hull of all codewords of a single parity check code. This new characterization simplifies the representation of points in the polytope. Using this simplification, we develop an efficient algorithm for Euclidean norm projection onto the parity polytope. This projection is required by ADMM and allows us to use LP decoding, with all its theoretical guarantees, to decode large-scale error correcting codes efficiently. We present numerical results for LDPC codes of lengths more than 1000. The waterfall region of LP decoding is seen to initiate at a slightly higher signal-to-noise ratio than for sum-product BP, however an error floor is not observed for LP decoding, which is not the case for BP. Our implementation of LP decoding using ADMM executes as fast as our baseline sum-product BP decoder, is fully parallelizable, and can be seen to implement a type of message-passing with a particularly simple schedule.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures. An early version of this work appeared at the 49th Annual Allerton Conference, September 2011. This version to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Analysis of the Min-Sum Algorithm for Packing and Covering Problems via Linear Programming

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    Message-passing algorithms based on belief-propagation (BP) are successfully used in many applications including decoding error correcting codes and solving constraint satisfaction and inference problems. BP-based algorithms operate over graph representations, called factor graphs, that are used to model the input. Although in many cases BP-based algorithms exhibit impressive empirical results, not much has been proved when the factor graphs have cycles. This work deals with packing and covering integer programs in which the constraint matrix is zero-one, the constraint vector is integral, and the variables are subject to box constraints. We study the performance of the min-sum algorithm when applied to the corresponding factor graph models of packing and covering LPs. We compare the solutions computed by the min-sum algorithm for packing and covering problems to the optimal solutions of the corresponding linear programming (LP) relaxations. In particular, we prove that if the LP has an optimal fractional solution, then for each fractional component, the min-sum algorithm either computes multiple solutions or the solution oscillates below and above the fraction. This implies that the min-sum algorithm computes the optimal integral solution only if the LP has a unique optimal solution that is integral. The converse is not true in general. For a special case of packing and covering problems, we prove that if the LP has a unique optimal solution that is integral and on the boundary of the box constraints, then the min-sum algorithm computes the optimal solution in pseudo-polynomial time. Our results unify and extend recent results for the maximum weight matching problem by [Sanghavi et al.,'2011] and [Bayati et al., 2011] and for the maximum weight independent set problem [Sanghavi et al.'2009]

    On The Analysis of Spatially-Coupled GLDPC Codes and The Weighted Min-Sum Algorithm

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    This dissertation studies methods to achieve reliable communication over unreliable channels. Iterative decoding algorithms for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and generalized LDPC (GLDPC) codes are analyzed. A new class of error-correcting codes to enhance the reliability of the communication for high-speed systems, such as optical communication systems, is proposed. The class of spatially-coupled GLDPC codes is studied, and a new iterative hard- decision decoding (HDD) algorithm for GLDPC codes is introduced. The main result is that the minimal redundancy allowed by Shannon’s Channel Coding Theorem can be achieved by using the new iterative HDD algorithm with spatially-coupled GLDPC codes. A variety of low-density parity-check (LDPC) ensembles have now been observed to approach capacity with iterative decoding. However, all of them use soft (i.e., non-binary) messages and a posteriori probability (APP) decoding of their component codes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first system that can approach the channel capacity using iterative HDD. The optimality of a codeword returned by the weighted min-sum (WMS) algorithm, an iterative decoding algorithm which is widely used in practice, is studied as well. The attenuated max-product (AttMP) decoding and weighted min-sum (WMS) decoding for LDPC codes are analyzed. Applying the max-product (and belief- propagation) algorithms to loopy graphs are now quite popular for best assignment problems. This is largely due to their low computational complexity and impressive performance in practice. Still, there is no general understanding of the conditions required for convergence and/or the optimality of converged solutions. This work presents an analysis of both AttMP decoding and WMS decoding for LDPC codes which guarantees convergence to a fixed point when a weight factor, β, is sufficiently small. It also shows that, if the fixed point satisfies some consistency conditions, then it must be both a linear-programming (LP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding solution

    LDPC Codes over the q-ary Multi-Bit Channel

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    In this paper, we introduce a new channel model termed as the q-ary multi-bit channel. This channel models a memory device, where q-ary symbols (q=2^s) are stored in the form of current/voltage levels. The symbols are read in a measurement process, which provides a symbol bit in each measurement step, starting from the most significant bit. An error event occurs when not all the symbol bits are known. To deal with such error events, we use GF(q) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and analyze their decoding performance. We start with iterative-decoding threshold analysis and derive optimal edge-label distributions for maximizing the decoding threshold. We later move to a finite-length iterative-decoding analysis and propose an edge-labeling algorithm for the improved decoding performance. We then provide a finite-length maximum-likelihood decoding analysis for both the standard non-binary random ensemble and LDPC ensembles. Finally, we demonstrate by simulations that the proposed edge-labeling algorithm improves the finite-length decoding performance by orders of magnitude

    Optical Time-Frequency Packing: Principles, Design, Implementation, and Experimental Demonstration

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    Time-frequency packing (TFP) transmission provides the highest achievable spectral efficiency with a constrained symbol alphabet and detector complexity. In this work, the application of the TFP technique to fiber-optic systems is investigated and experimentally demonstrated. The main theoretical aspects, design guidelines, and implementation issues are discussed, focusing on those aspects which are peculiar to TFP systems. In particular, adaptive compensation of propagation impairments, matched filtering, and maximum a posteriori probability detection are obtained by a combination of a butterfly equalizer and four 8-state parallel Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) detectors. A novel algorithm that ensures adaptive equalization, channel estimation, and a proper distribution of tasks between the equalizer and BCJR detectors is proposed. A set of irregular low-density parity-check codes with different rates is designed to operate at low error rates and approach the spectral efficiency limit achievable by TFP at different signal-to-noise ratios. An experimental demonstration of the designed system is finally provided with five dual-polarization QPSK-modulated optical carriers, densely packed in a 100 GHz bandwidth, employing a recirculating loop to test the performance of the system at different transmission distances.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technolog
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