18,678 research outputs found

    Coordination of Purchasing and Bidding Activities Across Markets

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    In both consumer purchasing and industrial procurement, combinatorial interdependencies among the items to be purchased are commonplace. E-commerce compounds the problem by providing more opportunities for switching suppliers at low costs, but also potentially eases the problem by enabling automated market decision-making systems, commonly referred to as trading agents, to make purchasing decisions in an integrated manner across markets. Most of the existing research related to trading agents assumes that there exists a combinatorial market mechanism in which buyers (or sellers) can bid (or sell) service or merchant bundles. Todayù??s prevailing e-commerce practice, however, does not support this assumption in general and thus limits the practical applicability of these approaches. We are investigating a new approach to deal with the combinatorial interdependency challenges for online markets. This approach relies on existing commercial online market institutions such as posted-price markets and various online auctions that sell single items. It uses trading agents to coordinate a buyerù??s purchasing and bidding activities across multiple online markets simultaneously to achieve the best overall procurement effectiveness. This paper presents two sets of models related to this approach. The first set of models formalizes optimal purchasing decisions across posted-price markets with fixed transaction costs. Flat shipping costs, a common e-tailing practice, are captured in these models. We observe that making optimal purchasing decisions in this context is NP-hard in the strong sense and suggest several efficient computational methods based on discrete location theory. The second set of models is concerned with the coordination of bidding activities across multiple online auctions. We study the underlying coordination problem for a collection of first or second-price sealed-bid auctions and derive the optimal coordination and bidding policies.

    Stochastic Deadlines: A Comparison of Parallel Multiple Auction Designs

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    In online auction platforms, offers are listed side by side and may end at the same point in time. While theoretical studies predict efficient coordination across auctions, experimental and empirical studies observe efficiency losses, i.e. goods remain unsold. In order to mitigate this coordination failure, we contribute to the literature of auction design by introducing a stochastic deadline in parallel multiple auctions. In these parallel Candle Auctions, several auctions start at the same time but end (separately) due to a stochastic process. We think that the stochastic ending rule decreases the coordination failure because the threat of a sudden termination forces the bidders to coordinate across auctions early in the auction process. Indeed, we find that coordination is less pronounced in parallel Candle Auctions resulting in higher efficiencySimultaneous Auctions, Internet, Auction Design, Experimental Economics

    An Experimental Analysis of Parallel Multiple Auctions

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    At online auction platforms we often observed that substitutable goods are auctioned concurrently with auctions ending at the same time. I introduce an experimental setup of three sellers and four buyers in an ascending second price auction environment where every seller runs one auction with a homogeneous good and the buyers are confronted with single unit demand. I find that sellers revenue is significantly lower than theory predicts due to the fact that some auctions did not receive bids whereas other auctions concentrated the bids of all bidders. Moreover, I observe a statistically higher revenue of sellers setting the minimum starting price. Furthermore, my study shows that the buyers submit bids which are significantly lower than the private valuation every buyer receives. Comparing the efficiency of the parallel multiple auction setup to a double auction control experiment, I find a significant lower efficiency in parallel multiple auctions due to the coordination failure of the buyers.simultaneous auctions, internet auctions, market design, electronic business

    Coordination of Purchasing and Bidding Activities Across Markets

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    In both consumer purchasing and industrial procurement, combinatorial interdependencies among the items to be purchased are commonplace. E-commerce compounds the problem by providing more opportunities for switching suppliers at low costs, but also potentially eases the problem by enabling automated market decision-making systems, commonly referred to as trading agents, to make purchasing decisions in an integrated manner across markets. Most of the existing research related to trading agents assumes that there exists a combinatorial market mechanism in which buyers (or sellers) can bid (or sell) service or merchant bundles. Today’s prevailing e-commerce practice, however, does not support this assumption in general and thus limits the practical applicability of these approaches. We are investigating a new approach to deal with the combinatorial interdependency challenges for online markets. This approach relies on existing commercial online market institutions such as posted-price markets and various online auctions that sell single items. It uses trading agents to coordinate a buyer’s purchasing and bidding activities across multiple online markets simultaneously to achieve the best overall procurement effectiveness. This paper presents two sets of models related to this approach. The first set of models formalizes optimal purchasing decisions across posted-price markets with fixed transaction costs. Flat shipping costs, a common e-tailing practice, are captured in these models. We observe that making optimal purchasing decisions in this context is N P-hard in the strong sense and suggest several efficient computational methods based on discrete location theory. The second set of models is concerned with the coordination of bidding activities across multiple online auctions. We study the underlying coordination problem for a collection of firstor second-price sealed-bid auctions and derive the optimal coordination and bidding policies

    A Rule-driven Approach for Defining the Behavior of Negotiating Software Agents

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    One problem with existing agent-mediated negotiation systems is that they rely on ad hoc, static, non-adaptive, and hardcoded schemes to represent the behaviour of agents. This limitation is probably due to the complexity of the negotiation task itself. Indeed, while negotiating, software (human) agents face tough decisions. These decisions are based not only on the information made available by the negotiation server, but on the behaviour of the other participants in the negotiation process as well. The information and the behaviour in question are constantly changing and highly uncertain. In the first part of the paper, we propose a rule-driven approach to represent, manage and explore negotiation strategies and coordination information. For that, we divide the behaviour of negotiating agents into protocols, strategies and coordination. Among the many advantages of the proposed solution, we can cite the high level of abstraction, the closeness to human understanding, the versatility, and the possibility to modify the agents' behaviour during the negotiation process. To validate our solution, we ran many agent tournaments, and used the rule-driven approach to implement bidding strategies that are common in the English and Dutch auctions. We also implemented simple coordination schemes across several auctions. The ongoing validation work is detailed and discussed in the second part of the paper. Un des inconvĂ©nients qu'on retrouve frĂ©quemment dans les systĂšmes de nĂ©gociation par agents est qu'ils reposent sur des schĂ©mas ad-hoc, non adaptatifs et figĂ©s dans le code pour reprĂ©senter le comportement des agents. Cette limitation est probablement due Ă  la complexitĂ© de l'activitĂ© de nĂ©gociation elle-mĂȘme. En effet, au cours de la nĂ©gociation, les agents logiciels (humains) ont des dĂ©cisions difficiles Ă  prendre. Ces dĂ©cisions ne sont pas seulement basĂ©es sur l'information disponible sur le serveur de nĂ©gociation, mais aussi sur le comportement des autres participants durant le processus de nĂ©gociation. L'information et le comportement en question changent constamment et sont trĂšs incertains. Dans la premiĂšre partie de l'article, nous proposons une approche Ă  base de rĂšgles pour reprĂ©senter, gĂ©rer et explorer les stratĂ©gies de nĂ©gociation ainsi que l'information de coordination. Parmi les nombreux avantages de la solution proposĂ©e, on peut citer le haut niveau d'abstraction, la proximitĂ© avec la comprĂ©hension humaine, la souplesse d'utilisation et la possibilitĂ© de modifier le comportement des agents durant le processus de nĂ©gociation. Pour valider notre solution, nous avons effectuĂ© plusieurs tournois entre agents et utilisĂ© l'approche Ă  base de rĂšgles pour implĂ©menter des stratĂ©gies simples applicables Ă  l'enchĂšre anglaise et Ă  l'enchĂšre hollandaise. Nous avons aussi implĂ©mentĂ© des schĂ©mas simples de coordination impliquant plusieurs enchĂšres. Le travail de validation, en cours, est dĂ©taillĂ© et discutĂ© dans la seconde partie de l'article.e-negotiation, online auction, software agent, negotiation strategy, coordination, rule-based system, rule engine, NĂ©gociation Ă©lectronique, enchĂšres en ligne, agents logiciels, stratĂ©gie de nĂ©gociation, coordination, systĂšme Ă  base de rĂšgles, moteur de rĂšgles

    Market Based Approaches for Dynamic Spectrum Assignment

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    Abstract—Much of the technical literature on spectrum sharing has been on developing technologies and systems for non-cooperative) opportunistic use. In this paper, we situate this approach to secondary spectrum use in a broader context, one that includes cooperative approaches to Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA). In this paper, we introduce readers to this broader approach to DSA by contrasting it with non-cooperative sharing (opportunistic use), surveying relevant literature, and suggesting future directions for researc

    Just a small delay? Bidding Behavior and Efficiency in overlapping multiple auctions

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    Online auction platforms like eBay provide a wide range of auctions containing substitutable goods. Some of these auctions exhibit parallel elements which means that two or more auctions run side by side for a certain time. Experiments have shown that multiple auctions ending at the same time, result in significantly lower efficiency due to the coordination failure of the buyers. I introduce an experimental setup with three sellers and four buyers in an overlapping multiple second price auction environment, where every seller runs one auction with a homogeneous good and the buyers are confronted with single unit demand. Furthermore, I vary the degree of the overlap between the successive auctions. One main result is that sellers revenue is significantly higher in overlapping multiple auctions than in parallel multiple auctions. Moreover, I observe a lower coordination failure of the buyers in overlapping auctions than in parallel multiple auctions. Due to these results, efficiency in overlapping multiple auctions is higher compared to the efficiency in parallel multiple auctions.internet auctions, cross bidding, market design, electronic business
