2 research outputs found

    On context span needed for machine translation evaluation

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    Despite increasing efforts to improve evaluation of machine translation (MT) by going beyond the sentence level to the document level, the definition of what exactly constitutes a ``document level'' is still not clear. This work deals with the context span necessary for a more reliable MT evaluation. We report results from a series of surveys involving three domains and 18 target languages designed to identify the necessary context span as well as issues related to it. Our findings indicate that, despite the fact that some issues and spans are strongly dependent on domain and on the target language, a number of common patterns can be observed so that general guidelines for context-aware MT evaluation can be drawn

    Document-level machine translation evaluation project: methodology, effort and inter-annotator agreement

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    Recently, document-level (doc-level) human evaluation of machine translation (MT) has raised interest in the community after a few attempts have disproved claims of “human parity” (Toral et al., 2018; Laubli et al., 2018). However, lit- ¨ tle is still known about best practices regarding doc-level human evaluation. This project aims to identify methodologies to better cope with i) the current state-of-theart (SOTA) human metrics, ii) a possible complexity when assigning a single score to a text consisted of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sentences, iii) a possible tiredness bias in doc-level set-ups, and iv) the difference in inter-annotator agreement (IAA) between sentence and doc-level set-ups