8,639 research outputs found

    Nonlocal Games and Quantum Permutation Groups

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    We present a strong connection between quantum information and quantum permutation groups. Specifically, we define a notion of quantum isomorphisms of graphs based on quantum automorphisms from the theory of quantum groups, and then show that this is equivalent to the previously defined notion of quantum isomorphism corresponding to perfect quantum strategies to the isomorphism game. Moreover, we show that two connected graphs XX and YY are quantum isomorphic if and only if there exists xV(X)x \in V(X) and yV(Y)y \in V(Y) that are in the same orbit of the quantum automorphism group of the disjoint union of XX and YY. This connection links quantum groups to the more concrete notion of nonlocal games and physically observable quantum behaviours. We exploit this link by using ideas and results from quantum information in order to prove new results about quantum automorphism groups, and about quantum permutation groups more generally. In particular, we show that asymptotically almost surely all graphs have trivial quantum automorphism group. Furthermore, we use examples of quantum isomorphic graphs from previous work to construct an infinite family of graphs which are quantum vertex transitive but fail to be vertex transitive, answering a question from the quantum group literature. Our main tool for proving these results is the introduction of orbits and orbitals (orbits on ordered pairs) of quantum permutation groups. We show that the orbitals of a quantum permutation group form a coherent configuration/algebra, a notion from the field of algebraic graph theory. We then prove that the elements of this quantum orbital algebra are exactly the matrices that commute with the magic unitary defining the quantum group. We furthermore show that quantum isomorphic graphs admit an isomorphism of their quantum orbital algebras which maps the adjacency matrix of one graph to that of the other.Comment: 39 page

    Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are integral

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    Let GG be a finite group, SG{1}S\subseteq G\setminus\{1\} be a set such that if aSa\in S, then a1Sa^{-1}\in S, where 11 denotes the identity element of GG. The undirected Cayley graph Cay(G,S)Cay(G,S) of GG over the set SS is the graph whose vertex set is GG and two vertices aa and bb are adjacent whenever ab1Sab^{-1}\in S. The adjacency spectrum of a graph is the multiset of all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the graph. A graph is called integral whenever all adjacency spectrum elements are integers. Following Klotz and Sander, we call a group GG Cayley integral whenever all undirected Cayley graphs over GG are integral. Finite abelian Cayley integral groups are classified by Klotz and Sander as finite abelian groups of exponent dividing 44 or 66. Klotz and Sander have proposed the determination of all non-abelian Cayley integral groups. In this paper we complete the classification of finite Cayley integral groups by proving that finite non-abelian Cayley integral groups are the symmetric group S3S_{3} of degree 33, C3C4C_{3} \rtimes C_{4} and Q8×C2nQ_{8}\times C_{2}^{n} for some integer n0n\geq 0, where Q8Q_8 is the quaternion group of order 88.Comment: Title is change

    Commuting involution graphs for [(A)\tilde]n

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    In this article we consider the commuting graphs of involution conjugacy classes in the affine Weyl group A~n. We show that where the graph is connected the diameter is at most 6. MSC(2000): 20F55, 05C25, 20D60

    A note on commuting graphs for symmetric groups

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    The commuting graph C(G;X) , where G is a group and X a subset of G, has X as its vertex set with two distinct elements of X joined by an edge when they commute in G. Here the diameter and disc structure of C(G;X) is investigated when G is the symmetric group and X a conjugacy class of G