788 research outputs found

    On Certifying Non-Uniform Bounds against Adversarial Attacks

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    This work studies the robustness certification problem of neural network models, which aims to find certified adversary-free regions as large as possible around data points. In contrast to the existing approaches that seek regions bounded uniformly along all input features, we consider non-uniform bounds and use it to study the decision boundary of neural network models. We formulate our target as an optimization problem with nonlinear constraints. Then, a framework applicable for general feedforward neural networks is proposed to bound the output logits so that the relaxed problem can be solved by the augmented Lagrangian method. Our experiments show the non-uniform bounds have larger volumes than uniform ones and the geometric similarity of the non-uniform bounds gives a quantitative, dataagnostic metric of input features’ robustness. Further, compared with normal models, the robust models have even larger non-uniform bounds and better interpretability

    Efficient Neural Network Robustness Certification with General Activation Functions

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    Finding minimum distortion of adversarial examples and thus certifying robustness in neural network classifiers for given data points is known to be a challenging problem. Nevertheless, recently it has been shown to be possible to give a non-trivial certified lower bound of minimum adversarial distortion, and some recent progress has been made towards this direction by exploiting the piece-wise linear nature of ReLU activations. However, a generic robustness certification for general activation functions still remains largely unexplored. To address this issue, in this paper we introduce CROWN, a general framework to certify robustness of neural networks with general activation functions for given input data points. The novelty in our algorithm consists of bounding a given activation function with linear and quadratic functions, hence allowing it to tackle general activation functions including but not limited to four popular choices: ReLU, tanh, sigmoid and arctan. In addition, we facilitate the search for a tighter certified lower bound by adaptively selecting appropriate surrogates for each neuron activation. Experimental results show that CROWN on ReLU networks can notably improve the certified lower bounds compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithm Fast-Lin, while having comparable computational efficiency. Furthermore, CROWN also demonstrates its effectiveness and flexibility on networks with general activation functions, including tanh, sigmoid and arctan.Comment: Accepted by NIPS 2018. Huan Zhang and Tsui-Wei Weng contributed equall

    Trust, But Verify: A Survey of Randomized Smoothing Techniques

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    Machine learning models have demonstrated remarkable success across diverse domains but remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Empirical defence mechanisms often fall short, as new attacks constantly emerge, rendering existing defences obsolete. A paradigm shift from empirical defences to certification-based defences has been observed in response. Randomized smoothing has emerged as a promising technique among notable advancements. This study reviews the theoretical foundations, empirical effectiveness, and applications of randomized smoothing in verifying machine learning classifiers. We provide an in-depth exploration of the fundamental concepts underlying randomized smoothing, highlighting its theoretical guarantees in certifying robustness against adversarial perturbations. Additionally, we discuss the challenges of existing methodologies and offer insightful perspectives on potential solutions. This paper is novel in its attempt to systemise the existing knowledge in the context of randomized smoothing
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