10 research outputs found

    Pattern Matching for sets of segments

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    In this paper we present algorithms for a number of problems in geometric pattern matching where the input consist of a collections of segments in the plane. Our work consists of two main parts. In the first, we address problems and measures that relate to collections of orthogonal line segments in the plane. Such collections arise naturally from problems in mapping buildings and robot exploration. We propose a new measure of segment similarity called a \emph{coverage measure}, and present efficient algorithms for maximising this measure between sets of axis-parallel segments under translations. Our algorithms run in time O(n^3\polylog n) in the general case, and run in time O(n^2\polylog n) for the case when all segments are horizontal. In addition, we show that when restricted to translations that are only vertical, the Hausdorff distance between two sets of horizontal segments can be computed in time roughly O(n^{3/2}{\sl polylog}n). These algorithms form significant improvements over the general algorithm of Chew et al. that takes time O(n4log2n)O(n^4 \log^2 n). In the second part of this paper we address the problem of matching polygonal chains. We study the well known \Frd, and present the first algorithm for computing the \Frd under general translations. Our methods also yield algorithms for computing a generalization of the \Fr distance, and we also present a simple approximation algorithm for the \Frd that runs in time O(n^2\polylog n).Comment: To appear in the 12 ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Jan 200

    Lookahead can help in maximal matching

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    In this paper we study a problems in the context of fully dynamic graph algorithms that is, when we have to handle updates (insertions and removals of edges), and answer queries regarding the current graph, preferably in a better time bound than running a classical algorithm from scratch each time a query arrives. We show that a maximal matching can be maintained in an (undirected) graph with a deterministic amortized update cost of O(log m) (where m is the all-time maximum number of the edges), provided that a lookahead of length m is available, i.e. we can “peek” the next m update operations in advance

    DFS is unsparsable and lookahead can help in maximal matching

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    In this paper we study two problems in the context of fully dynamic graph algorithms that is, when we have to handle updates (insertions and removals of edges), and answer queries regarding the current graph, preferably with a better time bound than that when running a classical algorithm from scratch each time a query arrives. In the first part we show that there are dense (directed) graphs having no nontrivial strong certificates for maintaining a depth-first search tree, hence the so-called sparsification technique cannot be applied effectively to this problem. In the second part, we show that a maximal matching can be maintained in an (undirected) graph with a deterministic amortized update cost of O(log m) (where m is the all-time maximum number of the edges), provided that a lookahead of length m is available, i.e. we can “take a peek” at the next m update operations in advance

    Finding 2-Edge and 2-Vertex Strongly Connected Components in Quadratic Time

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    We present faster algorithms for computing the 2-edge and 2-vertex strongly connected components of a directed graph, which are straightforward generalizations of strongly connected components. While in undirected graphs the 2-edge and 2-vertex connected components can be found in linear time, in directed graphs only rather simple O(mn)O(m n)-time algorithms were known. We use a hierarchical sparsification technique to obtain algorithms that run in time O(n2)O(n^2). For 2-edge strongly connected components our algorithm gives the first running time improvement in 20 years. Additionally we present an O(m2/logn)O(m^2 / \log{n})-time algorithm for 2-edge strongly connected components, and thus improve over the O(mn)O(m n) running time also when m=O(n)m = O(n). Our approach extends to k-edge and k-vertex strongly connected components for any constant k with a running time of O(n2log2n)O(n^2 \log^2 n) for edges and O(n3)O(n^3) for vertices

    Minkowski Sum Construction and other Applications of Arrangements of Geodesic Arcs on the Sphere

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    We present two exact implementations of efficient output-sensitive algorithms that compute Minkowski sums of two convex polyhedra in 3D. We do not assume general position. Namely, we handle degenerate input, and produce exact results. We provide a tight bound on the exact maximum complexity of Minkowski sums of polytopes in 3D in terms of the number of facets of the summand polytopes. The algorithms employ variants of a data structure that represents arrangements embedded on two-dimensional parametric surfaces in 3D, and they make use of many operations applied to arrangements in these representations. We have developed software components that support the arrangement data-structure variants and the operations applied to them. These software components are generic, as they can be instantiated with any number type. However, our algorithms require only (exact) rational arithmetic. These software components together with exact rational-arithmetic enable a robust, efficient, and elegant implementation of the Minkowski-sum constructions and the related applications. These software components are provided through a package of the Computational Geometry Algorithm Library (CGAL) called Arrangement_on_surface_2. We also present exact implementations of other applications that exploit arrangements of arcs of great circles embedded on the sphere. We use them as basic blocks in an exact implementation of an efficient algorithm that partitions an assembly of polyhedra in 3D with two hands using infinite translations. This application distinctly shows the importance of exact computation, as imprecise computation might result with dismissal of valid partitioning-motions.Comment: A Ph.D. thesis carried out at the Tel-Aviv university. 134 pages long. The advisor was Prof. Dan Halperi

    The 11th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 23. Number 3.

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    On Certificates and Lookahead in Dynamic Graph Problems

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    Recent work in dynamic graph algorithms has led to efficient algorithms for dynamic undirected graph problems such as connectivity. However, no efficient deterministic algorithms are known for the dynamic versions of fundamental directed graph problems like strong connectivity and transitive closure, as well as some undirected graph problems such as maximum matchings and cuts. We provide some explanation for this lack of success by presenting quadratic lower bounds on the certificate complexity of the seemingly difficult problems, in contrast to the known linear certificate complexity for the problems which have efficient dynamic algorithms. A direct outcome of our lower bounds is the demonstration that a generic technique for designing efficient dynamic graph algorithms, viz., sparsification, will not apply to the difficult problems. More generally, it is our belief that the boundary between tractable and intractable dynamic graph problems can be demarcated in terms of certificate co..

    On certificates and lookahead in dynamic graph problems

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