6 research outputs found

    Perturbation-based exploration methods in deep reinforcement learning

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    Recent research on structured exploration placed emphasis on identifying novel states in the state space and incentivizing the agent to revisit them through intrinsic reward bonuses. In this study, we question whether the performance boost demonstrated through these methods is indeed due to the discovery of structure in exploratory schedule of the agent or is the benefit largely attributed to the perturbations in the policy and reward space manifested in pursuit of structured exploration. In this study we investigate the effect of perturbations in policy and reward spaces on the exploratory behavior of the agent. We proceed to show that simple acts of perturbing the policy just before the softmax layer and introduction of sporadic reward bonuses into the domain can greatly enhance exploration in several domains of the arcade learning environment. In light of these findings, we recommend benchmarking any enhancements to structured exploration research against the backdrop of noisy exploration

    Novelty Search in representational space for sample efficient exploration

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    We present a new approach for efficient exploration which leverages a low-dimensional encoding of the environment learned with a combination of model-based and model-free objectives. Our approach uses intrinsic rewards that are based on the distance of nearest neighbors in the low dimensional representational space to gauge novelty. We then leverage these intrinsic rewards for sample-efficient exploration with planning routines in representational space for hard exploration tasks with sparse rewards. One key element of our approach is the use of information theoretic principles to shape our representations in a way so that our novelty reward goes beyond pixel similarity. We test our approach on a number of maze tasks, as well as a control problem and show that our exploration approach is more sample-efficient compared to strong baselines.Comment: 9 pages + references + appendix. Oral presentation at NeurIPS 202

    Evaluating Agents without Rewards

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    Reinforcement learning has enabled agents to solve challenging tasks in unknown environments. However, manually crafting reward functions can be time consuming, expensive, and error prone to human error. Competing objectives have been proposed for agents to learn without external supervision, but it has been unclear how well they reflect task rewards or human behavior. To accelerate the development of intrinsic objectives, we retrospectively compute potential objectives on pre-collected datasets of agent behavior, rather than optimizing them online, and compare them by analyzing their correlations. We study input entropy, information gain, and empowerment across seven agents, three Atari games, and the 3D game Minecraft. We find that all three intrinsic objectives correlate more strongly with a human behavior similarity metric than with task reward. Moreover, input entropy and information gain correlate more strongly with human similarity than task reward does, suggesting the use of intrinsic objectives for designing agents that behave similarly to human players.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Decoupled Exploration and Exploitation Policies for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning

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    Despite the close connection between exploration and sample efficiency, most state of the art reinforcement learning algorithms include no considerations for exploration beyond maximizing the entropy of the policy. In this work we address this seeming missed opportunity. We observe that the most common formulation of directed exploration in deep RL, known as bonus-based exploration (BBE), suffers from bias and slow coverage in the few-sample regime. This causes BBE to be actively detrimental to policy learning in many control tasks. We show that by decoupling the task policy from the exploration policy, directed exploration can be highly effective for sample-efficient continuous control. Our method, Decoupled Exploration and Exploitation Policies (DEEP), can be combined with any off-policy RL algorithm without modification. When used in conjunction with soft actor-critic, DEEP incurs no performance penalty in densely-rewarding environments. On sparse environments, DEEP gives a several-fold improvement in data efficiency due to better exploration

    Temporally-Extended {\epsilon}-Greedy Exploration

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    Recent work on exploration in reinforcement learning (RL) has led to a series of increasingly complex solutions to the problem. This increase in complexity often comes at the expense of generality. Recent empirical studies suggest that, when applied to a broader set of domains, some sophisticated exploration methods are outperformed by simpler counterparts, such as {\epsilon}-greedy. In this paper we propose an exploration algorithm that retains the simplicity of {\epsilon}-greedy while reducing dithering. We build on a simple hypothesis: the main limitation of {\epsilon}-greedy exploration is its lack of temporal persistence, which limits its ability to escape local optima. We propose a temporally extended form of {\epsilon}-greedy that simply repeats the sampled action for a random duration. It turns out that, for many duration distributions, this suffices to improve exploration on a large set of domains. Interestingly, a class of distributions inspired by ecological models of animal foraging behaviour yields particularly strong performance

    First return, then explore

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    The promise of reinforcement learning is to solve complex sequential decision problems by specifying a high-level reward function only. However, RL algorithms struggle when, as is often the case, simple and intuitive rewards provide sparse and deceptive feedback. Avoiding these pitfalls requires thoroughly exploring the environment, but despite substantial investments by the community, creating algorithms that can do so remains one of the central challenges of the field. We hypothesize that the main impediment to effective exploration originates from algorithms forgetting how to reach previously visited states ("detachment") and from failing to first return to a state before exploring from it ("derailment"). We introduce Go-Explore, a family of algorithms that addresses these two challenges directly through the simple principles of explicitly remembering promising states and first returning to such states before exploring. Go-Explore solves all heretofore unsolved Atari games (those for which algorithms could not previously outperform humans when evaluated following current community standards) and surpasses the state of the art on all hard-exploration games, with orders of magnitude improvements on the grand challenges Montezuma's Revenge and Pitfall. We also demonstrate the practical potential of Go-Explore on a challenging and extremely sparse-reward robotics task. Additionally, we show that adding a goal-conditioned policy can further improve Go-Explore's exploration efficiency and enable it to handle stochasticity throughout training. The striking contrast between the substantial performance gains from Go-Explore and the simplicity of its mechanisms suggests that remembering promising states, returning to them, and exploring from them is a powerful and general approach to exploration, an insight that may prove critical to the creation of truly intelligent learning agents.Comment: 45 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables; reorganized sections and modified SI text extensively; added reference to the published version, changed title to published titl