3 research outputs found

    On authorship attribution via Markov chains and sequence kernels

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    We investigate the use of recently proposed character and word sequence kernels for the task of authorship attribution and compare their performance with two probabilistic approaches based on Markov chains of characters and words. Several configurations of the sequence kernels are studied using a relatively large dataset, where each author covered several topics. Utilising Moffat smoothing, the two probabilistic approaches obtain similar performance, which in turn is comparable to that of character sequence kernels and is better than that of word sequence kernels. The results further suggest that when using a realistic setup that takes into account the case of texts which are not written by any hypothesised authors, about 5000 reference words are required to obtain good discrimination performance

    Investigating features and techniques for Arabic authoriship attribution

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    Authorship attribution is the problem of identifying the true author of a disputed text. Throughout history, there have been many examples of this problem concerned with revealing genuine authors of works of literature that were published anonymously, and in some cases where more than one author claimed authorship of the disputed text. There has been considerable research effort into trying to solve this problem. Initially these efforts were based on statistical patterns, and more recently they have centred on a range of techniques from artificial intelligence. An important early breakthrough was achieved by Mosteller and Wallace in 1964 [15], who pioneered the use of ‘function words’ – typically pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions – as the features on which to base the discovery of patterns of usage relevant to specific authors. The authorship attribution problem has been tackled in many languages, but predominantly in the English language. In this thesis the problem is addressed for the first time in the Arabic Language. We therefore investigate whether the concept of functions words in English can also be used in the same way for authorship attribution in Arabic. We also describe and evaluate a hybrid of evolutionary algorithms and linear discriminant analysis as an approach to learn a model that classifies the author of a text, based on features derived from Arabic function words. The main target of the hybrid algorithm is to find a subset of features that can robustly and accurately classify disputed texts in unseen data. The hybrid algorithm also aims to do this with relatively small subsets of features. A specialised dataset was produced for this work, based on a collection of 14 Arabic books of different natures, representing a collection of six authors. This dataset was processed into training and test partitions in a way that provides a diverse collection of challenges for any authorship attribution approach. The combination of the successful list of Arabic function words and the hybrid algorithm for classification led to satisfying levels of accuracy in determining the author of portions of the texts in test data. The work described here is the first (to our knowledge) that investigates authorship attribution in the Arabic knowledge using computational methods. Among its contributions are: the first set of Arabic function words, the first specialised dataset aimed at testing Arabic authorship attribution methods, a new hybrid algorithm for classifying authors based on patterns derived from these function words, and, finally, a number of ideas and variants regarding how to use function words in association with character level features, leading in some cases to more accurate results

    Effective authorship attribution in large document collections

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    Techniques that can effectively identify authors of texts are of great importance in scenarios such as detecting plagiarism, and identifying a source of information. A range of attribution approaches has been proposed in recent years, but none of these are particularly satisfactory; some of them are ad hoc and most have defects in terms of scalability, effectiveness, and computational cost. Good test collections are critical for evaluation of authorship attribution (AA) techniques. However, there are no standard benchmarks available in this area; it is almost always the case that researchers have their own test collections. Furthermore, collections that have been explored in AA are usually small, and thus whether the existing approaches are reliable or scalable is unclear. We develop several AA collections that are substantially larger than those in literature; machine learning methods are used to establish the value of using such corpora in AA. The results, also used as baseline results in this thesis, show that the developed text collections can be used as standard benchmarks, and are able to clearly distinguish between different approaches. One of the major contributions is that we propose use of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, a measure of how different two distributions are, to identify authors based on elements of writing style. The results show that our approach is at least as effective as, if not always better than, the best existing attribution methods-that is, support vector machines-for two-class AA, and is superior for multi-class AA. Moreover our proposed method has much lower computational cost and is cheaper to train. Style markers are the key elements of style analysis. We explore several approaches to tokenising documents to extract style markers, examining which marker type works the best. We also propose three systems that boost the AA performance by combining evidence from various marker types, motivated from the observation that there is no one type of marker that can satisfy all AA scenarios. To address the scalability of AA, we propose the novel task of authorship search (AS), inspired by document search and intended for large document collections. Our results show that AS is reasonably effective to find documents by a particular author, even within a collection consisting of half a million documents. Beyond search, we also propose the AS-based method to identify authorship. Our method is substantially more scalable than any method published in prior AA research, in terms of the collection size and the number of candidate authors; the discrimination is scaled up to several hundred authors