103 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence: Too Fragile to Fight?

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    The article of record may be found at https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2022/february/artificial-intelligence-too-fragile-fightInformation Warfare Essay Contest - First PrizeArtificial intelligence (Al) has become the technical focal point for advancing naval and Department of Defense (DoD) capabilities. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro listed AI first among his priorities for innovating U.S. naval forces. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday listed it as his top priority during his Senate confirmation hearing. This focus is appropriate: ai/ offers many promising breakthroughs in battlefield capability and agility in decision making. Yet, the proposed advances come with substantial risk: automation-including AI- has persistent, critical vulnerabilities that must be thoroughly understood and adequately addressed if defense applications are to remain resilient and effective.Booz Allen Hamilito

    Hindering Adversarial Attacks with Multiple Encrypted Patch Embeddings

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    In this paper, we propose a new key-based defense focusing on both efficiency and robustness. Although the previous key-based defense seems effective in defending against adversarial examples, carefully designed adaptive attacks can bypass the previous defense, and it is difficult to train the previous defense on large datasets like ImageNet. We build upon the previous defense with two major improvements: (1) efficient training and (2) optional randomization. The proposed defense utilizes one or more secret patch embeddings and classifier heads with a pre-trained isotropic network. When more than one secret embeddings are used, the proposed defense enables randomization on inference. Experiments were carried out on the ImageNet dataset, and the proposed defense was evaluated against an arsenal of state-of-the-art attacks, including adaptive ones. The results show that the proposed defense achieves a high robust accuracy and a comparable clean accuracy compared to the previous key-based defense.Comment: To appear in APSIPA ASC 202

    Spotting adversarial samples for speaker verification by neural vocoders

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    Automatic speaker verification (ASV), one of the most important technology for biometric identification, has been widely adopted in security-critical applications, including transaction authentication and access control. However, previous work has shown that ASV is seriously vulnerable to recently emerged adversarial attacks, yet effective countermeasures against them are limited. In this paper, we adopt neural vocoders to spot adversarial samples for ASV. We use the neural vocoder to re-synthesize audio and find that the difference between the ASV scores for the original and re-synthesized audio is a good indicator for discrimination between genuine and adversarial samples. This effort is, to the best of our knowledge, among the first to pursue such a technical direction for detecting adversarial samples for ASV, and hence there is a lack of established baselines for comparison. Consequently, we implement the Griffin-Lim algorithm as the detection baseline. The proposed approach achieves effective detection performance that outperforms all the baselines in all the settings. We also show that the neural vocoder adopted in the detection framework is dataset-independent. Our codes will be made open-source for future works to do comparison.Comment: Submitted to ASRU 202
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