14,868 research outputs found

    Vers un contrĂŽle de vol d'un oiseau artificiel

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    Cet article concerne l'Ă©tude d'un drone Ă  ailes battantes. Des observations du vol de grands oiseaux, notamment de la cinĂ©matique du cycle de leur battement, et la prise en compte de leurs capacitĂ©s physiologiques ont conduit Ă  un calcul simplifiĂ© des forces aĂ©rodynamiques engendĂ©res par un oiseau en vol rectiligne stabilisĂ©. Le rĂ©sultat est utilisĂ© pour trouver les contrĂŽles de gauchissement (vrillage) des ailes assurant le maintien du vol horizontal. La valeur de la puissance moyenne requise simulĂ©e est du mĂȘme ordre que celle d'un oiseau de dimensions et masse similaires. On montre que, Ă  frĂ©quence de battement et vitesse-air donnĂ©es, il existe des commandes quasi-dĂ©couplĂ©es des Ă©quilibres moyens, respectivement entre poids et portance, et entre traĂźnĂ©e et force propulsive. Deux solutions pour mettre en Ɠuvre ces commandes sont prĂ©sentĂ©es, dont une s'avĂšre praticable. Ce type de contrĂŽle constituerait le cƓur d'un algorithme d'assistance au pilotage d'un oiseau artificiel radio- commandĂ©

    Faculty Recital: Lynn Eustis with Kevin Jones, November 11, 2014

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    This is the concert program of the Faculty Recital: Lynn Eustis with Kevin Jones performance on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were Liederkreis, Op. 39 by Robert Schumann, Galgenlieder by Vincent Bouchot, MĂ©lodies passagĂšres, Op. 27 by Samuel Barber, and Two Songs on Texts by the composer by Olivier Messiaen. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    An Evening of Works for Vocal Ensemble, April 28, 1988

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    This is the concert program of the Evening of Works for Vocal Ensemble performance on Thursday, April 28, 1988 at 7:00 p.m., at the Marsh Chapel, 735 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Chantez! by Jules Massenet, Oiseau des Bois (from Chansons des Bois d'Amaranthe) by J. Massenet, Matinée d'été by J. Massenet, Pastorale by Camille Saint-Saëns, Angel and Demon by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, All is Calm 'Midst the Enchanting Night by Anton Arensky, Serenade by A. Arensky, The Wild Orchard by A. Arensky, Happiness by Dmitri Shostakovich, Moo is a Cow (from The Children) by Theodore Chanler, Time of Aster by Daniel Pinkham, Somebody's Coming to See by Stephen Foster, and Beautiful RIver by Robert Lowry. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Fire in the Soul of Zurga: Bizet\u27s The Pearl Fishers and Male Sati

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. Although in recent years Georges Bizet’s “other” opera, Les PĂȘcheurs de perles (The Pearl Fishers), has been performed on occasion, scant attention has been paid to it, compared to his world-renowned masterpiece Carmen. Even those who are not avowed opera goers have at least heard of the Habañera (L’amour est un oiseau rebelle) and more so, the ever-popular Toreador Song. Bizet penned The Pearl Fishers at age 25, and enthusiasts of this early work praise the “freshness of inspiration” which contributes to its “perennial success.” (9). The Pearl Fishers takes place on a “wild, arid beach on the island of Ceylon [modern-day Sri Lanka]” (10), where bold divers brave death every year (18). It is a French Orientalist opera, as is Carmen, although there is not yet the mezzo-soprano to embody the “exotic” seductress (in the case of Carmen, the Andalusian Gypsy). We only have the pure coloratura soprano, the opposite end of the narrow spectrum allotted to female characters who do not come from “our” world. The late Dr. Edward Said bases his main argument on the distinction between “our” world and the inaccessible “Orient”: “Indeed, my real argument is that Orientalism is – and does not merely represent – a considerable dimension of modern political-intellectual culture, and as such has less to do with the Orient than it does with ‘our’ world” (12)

    Ein Liederabend, March 12, 1985

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    This is the concert program of the Ein Liederabend performance on Tuesday, March 12, 1985 at 8:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Per la gloria d'adorarvi (from "Griselda") by Giovanni Bononcini, Heidenröslein by Franz Schubert, At the River by Aaron Copland, Mon coeur se recommande a vous by Orlande de Lassus, Where'er you walk (from "Semele") by George Frideric Handel, Romanze aus Rosamonde by F. Schubert, Linden Lea by Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Oiseau si tous les ans by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, AprĂšs un rĂȘve by Gabriel FaurĂ©, Der Lindenbaum by F. Schubert, Yumemitamonowa by Touroku Takagi, Va godendo (from "Serse") by G. F. Handel, The Bird by John Duke, Just-spring by J. Duke, Au bord de l'eau by G. FaurĂ©, Wohin by F. Schubert, The Vagabond by R. Vaughan-Williams, Mandoline by G. FaurĂ©, Tres morillas by Fernando Obradors, and Granada by AgustĂ­n Lara. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Mini Harpsichord Festival: Program III

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    This is the concert program of the Mini Harpsichord Festival performance on Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Vingtieme Ordre by Francois Couperin, Concerto di Cembalo by Dmtry Stepanovich Bortnyansky, Prelude in C minor by Lev Stepanovich Gurilyov, Variations on "Little Orpheus" by Vasily Semyonovich Karaulov,English Suite in G minor, BWV 808 by JOhann Sebastian Bach, and Four Sonatas: B minor, K. 87, B minor, K. 27, D major, K. 512, D minor, K. 511 by Domenico Scarlatti. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Foraging movements of emperor penguins at Pointe GĂ©ologie, Antarctica.

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    International audienceThe foraging distributions of 20 breeding emperor penguins were investigated at Pointe Ge®ologie, Terre Ade®lie, Antarctica by using satellite telemetry in 2005 and 2006 during early and late winter, as well as during late spring and summer, corresponding to incubation, early chick-brooding, late chick-rearing and the adult pre-moult period, respectively. Dive depth records of three post-egg-laying females, two post-incubating males and four late chick-rearing adults were examined, as well as the horizontal space use by these birds. Foraging ranges of chick-provisioning penguins extended over the Antarctic shelf and were constricted by winter pack-ice. During spring ice break-up, the foraging ranges rarely exceeded the shelf slope, although seawater access was apparently almost unlimited. Winter females appeared constrained in their access to open water but used fissures in the sea ice and expanded their prey search effort by expanding the horizontal search component underwater. Birds in spring however, showed higher area-restricted-search than did birds in winter. Despite different seasonal foraging strategies, chick-rearing penguins exploited similar areas as indicated by both a high ‘Area-Restricted-Search Index' and high ‘Catch Per Unit Effort'. During pre-moult trips, emperor penguins ranged much farther offshore than breeding birds, which argues for particularly profitable oceanic feeding areas which can be exploited when the time constraints imposed by having to return to a central place to provision the chick no longer apply

    Oiseaux dorés ou a reflets métaliques ; 1 : Histoire naturelle et générale des colibris, oiseaux-mouches, facamars et promerops ; Histoire naturelle de jacamars ; Histoire naturelle de promerops ; 2 : Histoire Naturelle Et Générale Des Grimpereaux Et Des Oiseaux De Paradis

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    EnthÀlt: Tome premier: Histoire Naturelle Et Générale Des Colibris, Oiseaux-mouches, Jacamars Et Promerops [1] Bl., X, 128, 8, 28 S. : 85 Ill. Tome second: Histoire Naturelle Et Générale Des Grimpereaux Et Des Oiseaux De Paradis [1] Bl., 128, 40 S. : 105 Ill
