4,472 research outputs found

    DDNet: Dual-path Decoder Network for Occlusion Relationship Reasoning

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    Occlusion relationship reasoning based on convolution neural networks consists of two subtasks: occlusion boundary extraction and occlusion orientation inference. Due to the essential differences between the two subtasks in the feature expression at the higher and lower stages, it is challenging to carry on them simultaneously in one network. To address this issue, we propose a novel Dual-path Decoder Network, which uniformly extracts occlusion information at higher stages and separates into two paths to recover boundary and occlusion orientation respectively in lower stages. Besides, considering the restriction of occlusion orientation presentation to occlusion orientation learning, we design a new orthogonal representation for occlusion orientation and proposed the Orthogonal Orientation Regression loss which can get rid of the unfitness between occlusion representation and learning and further prompt the occlusion orientation learning. Finally, we apply a multi-scale loss together with our proposed orientation regression loss to guide the boundary and orientation path learning respectively. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on PIOD and BSDS ownership datasets

    Parsing Occluded People by Flexible Compositions

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    This paper presents an approach to parsing humans when there is significant occlusion. We model humans using a graphical model which has a tree structure building on recent work [32, 6] and exploit the connectivity prior that, even in presence of occlusion, the visible nodes form a connected subtree of the graphical model. We call each connected subtree a flexible composition of object parts. This involves a novel method for learning occlusion cues. During inference we need to search over a mixture of different flexible models. By exploiting part sharing, we show that this inference can be done extremely efficiently requiring only twice as many computations as searching for the entire object (i.e., not modeling occlusion). We evaluate our model on the standard benchmarked "We Are Family" Stickmen dataset and obtain significant performance improvements over the best alternative algorithms.Comment: CVPR 15 Camera Read

    Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation via BiLayer Network Architectures

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    Segmenting highly-overlapping image objects is challenging, because there is typically no distinction between real object contours and occlusion boundaries on images. Unlike previous instance segmentation methods, we model image formation as a composition of two overlapping layers, and propose Bilayer Convolutional Network (BCNet), where the top layer detects occluding objects (occluders) and the bottom layer infers partially occluded instances (occludees). The explicit modeling of occlusion relationship with bilayer structure naturally decouples the boundaries of both the occluding and occluded instances, and considers the interaction between them during mask regression. We investigate the efficacy of bilayer structure using two popular convolutional network designs, namely, Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Further, we formulate bilayer decoupling using the vision transformer (ViT), by representing instances in the image as separate learnable occluder and occludee queries. Large and consistent improvements using one/two-stage and query-based object detectors with various backbones and network layer choices validate the generalization ability of bilayer decoupling, as shown by extensive experiments on image instance segmentation benchmarks (COCO, KINS, COCOA) and video instance segmentation benchmarks (YTVIS, OVIS, BDD100K MOTS), especially for heavy occlusion cases. Code and data are available at https://github.com/lkeab/BCNet.Comment: Extended version of "Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers", CVPR 2021 (arXiv:2103.12340

    Occlusion reasoning for multiple object visual tracking

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityOcclusion reasoning for visual object tracking in uncontrolled environments is a challenging problem. It becomes significantly more difficult when dense groups of indistinguishable objects are present in the scene that cause frequent inter-object interactions and occlusions. We present several practical solutions that tackle the inter-object occlusions for video surveillance applications. In particular, this thesis proposes three methods. First, we propose "reconstruction-tracking," an online multi-camera spatial-temporal data association method for tracking large groups of objects imaged with low resolution. As a variant of the well-known Multiple-Hypothesis-Tracker, our approach localizes the positions of objects in 3D space with possibly occluded observations from multiple camera views and performs temporal data association in 3D. Second, we develop "track linking," a class of offline batch processing algorithms for long-term occlusions, where the decision has to be made based on the observations from the entire tracking sequence. We construct a graph representation to characterize occlusion events and propose an efficient graph-based/combinatorial algorithm to resolve occlusions. Third, we propose a novel Bayesian framework where detection and data association are combined into a single module and solved jointly. Almost all traditional tracking systems address the detection and data association tasks separately in sequential order. Such a design implies that the output of the detector has to be reliable in order to make the data association work. Our framework takes advantage of the often complementary nature of the two subproblems, which not only avoids the error propagation issue from which traditional "detection-tracking approaches" suffer but also eschews common heuristics such as "nonmaximum suppression" of hypotheses by modeling the likelihood of the entire image. The thesis describes a substantial number of experiments, involving challenging, notably distinct simulated and real data, including infrared and visible-light data sets recorded ourselves or taken from data sets publicly available. In these videos, the number of objects ranges from a dozen to a hundred per frame in both monocular and multiple views. The experiments demonstrate that our approaches achieve results comparable to those of state-of-the-art approaches

    Scrutinizing and De-Biasing Intuitive Physics with Neural Stethoscopes

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    Visually predicting the stability of block towers is a popular task in the domain of intuitive physics. While previous work focusses on prediction accuracy, a one-dimensional performance measure, we provide a broader analysis of the learned physical understanding of the final model and how the learning process can be guided. To this end, we introduce neural stethoscopes as a general purpose framework for quantifying the degree of importance of specific factors of influence in deep neural networks as well as for actively promoting and suppressing information as appropriate. In doing so, we unify concepts from multitask learning as well as training with auxiliary and adversarial losses. We apply neural stethoscopes to analyse the state-of-the-art neural network for stability prediction. We show that the baseline model is susceptible to being misled by incorrect visual cues. This leads to a performance breakdown to the level of random guessing when training on scenarios where visual cues are inversely correlated with stability. Using stethoscopes to promote meaningful feature extraction increases performance from 51% to 90% prediction accuracy. Conversely, training on an easy dataset where visual cues are positively correlated with stability, the baseline model learns a bias leading to poor performance on a harder dataset. Using an adversarial stethoscope, the network is successfully de-biased, leading to a performance increase from 66% to 88%

    Occluded Person Re-Identification via Relational Adaptive Feature Correction Learning

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    Occluded person re-identification (Re-ID) in images captured by multiple cameras is challenging because the target person is occluded by pedestrians or objects, especially in crowded scenes. In addition to the processes performed during holistic person Re-ID, occluded person Re-ID involves the removal of obstacles and the detection of partially visible body parts. Most existing methods utilize the off-the-shelf pose or parsing networks as pseudo labels, which are prone to error. To address these issues, we propose a novel Occlusion Correction Network (OCNet) that corrects features through relational-weight learning and obtains diverse and representative features without using external networks. In addition, we present a simple concept of a center feature in order to provide an intuitive solution to pedestrian occlusion scenarios. Furthermore, we suggest the idea of Separation Loss (SL) for focusing on different parts between global features and part features. We conduct extensive experiments on five challenging benchmark datasets for occluded and holistic Re-ID tasks to demonstrate that our method achieves superior performance to state-of-the-art methods especially on occluded scene.Comment: ICASSP 202
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