97 research outputs found

    Obstructions To Classically Simulating The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm

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    We consider the adiabatic quantum algorithm for systems with "no sign problem", such as the transverse field Ising mode, and analyze the equilibration time for quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) on these systems. We ask: if the spectral gap is only inverse polynomially small, will equilibration methods based on slowly changing the Hamiltonian parameters in the QMC simulation succeed in a polynomial time? We show that this is not true, by constructing counter-examples. Some examples are Hamiltonians where the space of configurations where the wavefunction has non-negligible amplitude has a nontrivial fundamental group, causing the space of trajectories in imaginary time to break into disconnected components, with only negligible probability outside these components. For the simplest example we give with an abelian fundamental group, QMC does not equilibrate but still solves the optimization problem. More severe effects leading to failure to solve the optimization can occur when the fundamental group is a free group on two generators. Other examples where QMC fails have a trivial fundamental group, but still use ideas from topology relating group presentations to simplicial complexes. We define gadgets to realize these Hamiltonians as the effective low-energy dynamics of a transverse field Ising model. We present some analytic results on equilibration times which may be of some independent interest in the theory of equilibration of Markov chains. Conversely, we show that a small spectral gap implies slow equilibration at low temperature for some initial conditions and for a natural choice of local QMC updates.Comment: 18 pages plus appendix. Note on latex compilation: this should compile with pdflatex or with latex followed by dvipdfm, but compiling with latex followed by dvips may cause the figures in the appendix to render incorrectly; v2: added reference

    Diffusion Monte Carlo approach versus adiabatic computation for local Hamiltonians

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    Most research regarding quantum adiabatic optimization has focused on stoquastic Hamiltonians, whose ground states can be expressed with only real, nonnegative amplitudes. This raises the question of whether classical Monte Carlo algorithms can efficiently simulate quantum adiabatic optimization with stoquastic Hamiltonians. Recent results have given counterexamples in which path integral and diffusion Monte Carlo fail to do so. However, most adiabatic optimization algorithms, such as for solving MAX-k-SAT problems, use k-local Hamiltonians, whereas our previous counterexample for diffusion Monte Carlo involved n-body interactions. Here we present a new 6-local counterexample which demonstrates that even for these local Hamiltonians there are cases where diffusion Monte Carlo cannot efficiently simulate quantum adiabatic optimization. Furthermore, we perform empirical testing of diffusion Monte Carlo on a standard well-studied class of permutation-symmetric tunneling problems and similarly find large advantages for quantum optimization over diffusion Monte Carlo.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, updated organization, typos, journal reference added (results unchanged

    Adiabatic optimization versus diffusion Monte Carlo

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    Most experimental and theoretical studies of adiabatic optimization use stoquastic Hamiltonians, whose ground states are expressible using only real nonnegative amplitudes. This raises a question as to whether classical Monte Carlo methods can simulate stoquastic adiabatic algorithms with polynomial overhead. Here, we analyze diffusion Monte Carlo algorithms. We argue that, based on differences between L1 and L2 normalized states, these algorithms suffer from certain obstructions preventing them from efficiently simulating stoquastic adiabatic evolution in generality. In practice however, we obtain good performance by introducing a method that we call Substochastic Monte Carlo. In fact, our simulations are good classical optimization algorithms in their own right, competitive with the best previously known heuristic solvers for MAX-k-SAT at k=2,3,4.Comment: 13 pages plus appendices. Published versio

    Polynomial Time Algorithms for Estimating Spectra of Adiabatic Hamiltonians

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    Much research regarding quantum adiabatic optimization has focused on stoquastic Hamiltonians with Hamming symmetric potentials, such as the well studied "spike" example. Due to the large amount of symmetry in these potentials such problems are readily open to analysis both analytically and computationally. However, more realistic potentials do not have such a high degree of symmetry and may have many local minima. Here we present a somewhat more realistic class of problems consisting of many individually Hamming symmetric potential wells. For two or three such wells we demonstrate that such a problem can be solved exactly in time polynomial in the number of qubits and wells. For greater than three wells, we present a tight binding approach with which to efficiently analyze the performance of such Hamiltonians in an adiabatic computation. We provide several basic examples designed to highlight the usefulness of this toy model and to give insight into using the tight binding approach to examining it, including: (1) adiabatic unstructured search with a transverse field driver and a prior guess to the marked item and (2) a scheme for adiabatically simulating the ground states of small collections of strongly interacting spins, with an explicit demonstration for an Ising model Hamiltonian.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, v3: update to be consistent with Phys. Rev. A versio

    Quantum Supremacy through the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

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    The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is designed to run on a gate model quantum computer and has shallow depth. It takes as input a combinatorial optimization problem and outputs a string that satisfies a high fraction of the maximum number of clauses that can be satisfied. For certain problems the lowest depth version of the QAOA has provable performance guarantees although there exist classical algorithms that have better guarantees. Here we argue that beyond its possible computational value the QAOA can exhibit a form of Quantum Supremacy in that, based on reasonable complexity theoretic assumptions, the output distribution of even the lowest depth version cannot be efficiently simulated on any classical device. We contrast this with the case of sampling from the output of a quantum computer running the Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm (QADI) with the restriction that the Hamiltonian that governs the evolution is gapped and stoquastic. Here we show that there is an oracle that would allow sampling from the QADI but even with this oracle, if one could efficiently classically sample from the output of the QAOA, the Polynomial Hierarchy would collapse. This suggests that the QAOA is an excellent candidate to run on near term quantum computers not only because it may be of use for optimization but also because of its potential as a route to establishing quantum supremacy.Comment: 23 pages. v2 fixes bug in section 4. Results unchange

    The Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation with No Sign Problem

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    We show a superpolynomial oracle separation between the power of adiabatic quantum computation with no sign problem and the power of classical computation.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; v2 final version in Quantu

    Scaling analysis and instantons for thermally-assisted tunneling and Quantum Monte Carlo simulations

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    We develop an instantonic calculus to derive an analytical expression for the thermally-assisted tunneling decay rate of a metastable state in a fully connected quantum spin model. The tunneling decay problem can be mapped onto the Kramers escape problem of a classical random dynamical field. This dynamical field is simulated efficiently by path integral Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC). We show analytically that the exponential scaling with the number of spins of the thermally-assisted quantum tunneling rate and the escape rate of the QMC process are identical. We relate this effect to the existence of a dominant instantonic tunneling path. The instanton trajectory is described by nonlinear dynamical mean-field theory equations for a single site magnetization vector, which we solve exactly. Finally, we derive scaling relations for the "spiky" barrier shape when the spin tunnelling and QMC rates scale polynomially with the number of spins NN while a purely classical over-the-barrier activation rate scales exponentially with NN.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 45 reference

    Path-Integral Quantum Monte Carlo simulation with Open-Boundary Conditions

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    The tunneling decay event of a metastable state in a fully connected quantum spin model can be simulated efficiently by path integral quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) [Isakov et al.et~al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117{\bf 117}, 180402 (2016).]. This is because the exponential scaling with the number of spins of the thermally-assisted quantum tunneling rate and the Kramers escape rate of QMC are identical [Jiang et al.et~al., Phys. Rev. A 95{\bf 95}, 012322 (2017).], a result of a dominant instantonic tunneling path. In Ref. [1], it was also conjectured that the escape rate in open-boundary QMC is quadratically larger than that of conventional periodic-boundary QMC, therefore, open-boundary QMC might be used as a powerful tool to solve combinatorial optimization problems. The intuition behind this conjecture is that the action of the instanton in open-boundary QMC is a half of that in periodic-boundary QMC. Here, we show that this simple intuition---although very useful in interpreting some numerical results---deviates from the actual situation in several ways. Using a fully connected quantum spin model, we derive a set of conditions on the positions and momenta of the endpoints of the instanton, which remove the extra degrees of freedom due to open boundaries. In comparison, the half-instanton conjecture incorrectly sets the momenta at the endpoints to zero. We also found that the instantons in open-boundary QMC correspond to quantum tunneling events in the symmetric subspace (maximum total angular momentum) at all temperatures, whereas the instantons in periodic-boundary QMC typically lie in subspaces with lower total angular momenta at finite temperatures. This leads to a lesser than quadratic speedup at finite temperatures. We also outline the generalization of the instantonic tunneling method to many-qubit systems without permutation symmetry using spin-coherent-state path integrals.Comment: 10 page

    Effective gaps are not effective: quasipolynomial classical simulation of obstructed stoquastic Hamiltonians

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    All known examples confirming the possibility of an exponential separation between classical simulation algorithms and stoquastic adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) exploit symmetries that constrain adiabatic dynamics to effective, symmetric subspaces. The symmetries produce large effective eigenvalue gaps, which in turn make adiabatic computation efficient. We present a classical algorithm to efficiently sample from the effective subspace of a kk-local stoquastic Hamiltonian HH, without a priori knowledge of its symmetries (or near-symmetries). Our algorithm maps any kk-local Hamiltonian to a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with ∣V∣=O(poly(n))\lvert V \rvert = O\left(\mathrm{poly}(n)\right) where nn is the number of qubits. Given the well-known result of Babai, we exploit graph isomorphism to study the automorphisms of GG and arrive at an algorithm quasi-polynomial in ∣V∣\lvert V\rvert for producing samples from the effective subspace eigenstates of HH. Our results rule out exponential separations between stoquastic AQC and classical computation that arise from hidden symmetries in kk-local Hamiltonians. Furthermore, our graph representation of HH is not limited to stoquastic Hamiltonians and may rule out corresponding obstructions in non-stoquastic cases, or be useful in studying additional properties of kk-local Hamiltonians.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, added footnotes (v2

    Prospects for Quantum Enhancement with Diabatic Quantum Annealing

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    We assess the prospects for algorithms within the general framework of quantum annealing (QA) to achieve a quantum speedup relative to classical state of the art methods in combinatorial optimization and related sampling tasks. We argue for continued exploration and interest in the QA framework on the basis that improved coherence times and control capabilities will enable the near-term exploration of several heuristic quantum optimization algorithms that have been introduced in the literature. These continuous-time Hamiltonian computation algorithms rely on control protocols that are more advanced than those in traditional ground-state QA, while still being considerably simpler than those used in gate-model implementations. The inclusion of coherent diabatic transitions to excited states results in a generalization called diabatic quantum annealing (DQA), which we argue for as the most promising route to quantum enhancement within this framework. Other promising variants of traditional QA include reverse annealing and continuous-time quantum walks, as well as analog analogues of parameterized quantum circuit ansatzes for machine learning. Most of these algorithms have no known (or likely to be discovered) efficient classical simulations, and in many cases have promising (but limited) early signs for the possibility of quantum speedups, making them worthy of further investigation with quantum hardware in the intermediate-scale regime. We argue that all of these protocols can be explored in a state-of-the-art manner by embracing the full range of novel out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics generated by time-dependent effective transverse-field Ising Hamiltonians that can be natively implemented by, e.g., inductively-coupled flux qubits, both existing and projected at application scale.Comment: A perspective/review. 26 pages, 6 figure
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