2 research outputs found

    Observations on the Quantum Circuit of the SBox of AES

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    In this paper, we propose some improved quantum circuits to implement the Sbox of AES. Our improved quantum circuits are based on the following strategies. First, we try to find the minimum set of the intermediate variables that can be used to compute the 8-bit output of the Sbox. Second, we check whether some wires store intermediate variables and remain idle until the end. And we can reduce the number of qubit by reusing some certain wires. Third, we try to compute the output of the Sbox without ancillas qubits, because we do not need to be clean up the wires storing the output of the Sbox. This operation will reduce the number of Toffoli gates. Our first quantum circuit only needs 26 qubits and 46 Toffoli gates, while quantum circuit proposed by Langenberg \emph{et al.} required 32 qubits and 55 Toffoli gates. Furthermore, we can also construct our second quantum circuit with 22 qubits and 60 Toffoli gates

    Quantum Analysis of AES

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    Quantum computing is considered among the next big leaps in computer science. While a fully functional quantum computer is still in the future, there is an ever-growing need to evaluate the security of the symmetric key ciphers against a potent quantum adversary. Keeping this in mind, our work explores the key recovery attack using the Grover\u27s search on the three variants of AES (-128, -192, -256). In total, we develop a pool of 20 implementations per AES variant (thus totaling in 60), by taking the state-of-the-art advancements in the relevant fields into account. In a nutshell, we present the least Toffoli depth and full depth implementations of AES, thereby improving from Zou et al.\u27s Asiacrypt\u2720 paper by more than 97 percent for each variant of AES. We show that the qubit count - Toffoli depth product is reduced from theirs by more than 86 percent. Furthermore, we analyze the Jaques et al.\u27s Eurocrypt\u2720 implementations in details, fix the bugs (arising from some problem of the quantum computing tool used and not related to their coding) and report corrected benchmarks. To the best of our finding, our work improves from all the previous works (including the Asiacrypt\u2722 paper by Huang and Sun and the Asiacrypt\u2723 paper by Liu et al.) in terms of various quantum circuit complexity metrics (Toffoli depth, full depth, Toffoli/full depth - qubit count product, full depth - gate count product, etc.). Also, our bug-fixing of Jaques et al.\u27s Eurocrypt\u2720 implementations seem to improve from the authors\u27 own bug-fixing, thanks to our architecture consideration. Equipped with the basic AES implementations, we further investigate the prospect of the Grover\u27s search. We also propose three new implementations of the S-box, one new implementation of the MixColumn; as well as five new architecture (one is motivated by the architecture by Jaques et al. in Eurocrypt’20, and the rest four are entirely our innovation). Under the MAXDEPTH constraint (specified by NIST), the circuit depth metrics (Toffoli depth, T-depth and full depth) become crucial factors and parallelization for often becomes necessary. We provide the least depth implementation in this respect, that offers the best performance in terms of metrics for circuit complexity (like, depth-squared - qubit count product, depth - gate count product)