6 research outputs found

    Automatic Calibration of Multiple Coplanar Sensors

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    This paper describes an algorithm for recovering the rigid 3-DOF transformation (offset and rotation) between pairs of sensors mounted rigidly in a common plane on a mobile robot. The algorithm requires only a set of sensor observations made as the robot moves along a suitable path. Our method does not require synchronized sensors; nor does it require complete metrical reconstruction of the environment or the sensor path. We show that incremental pose measurements alone are sufficient to recover sensor calibration through nonlinear least squares estimation. We use the Fisher Information Matrix to compute a Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the resulting calibration. Applying the algorithm in practice requires a non-degenerate motion path, a principled procedure for estimating per-sensopose displacements and their covariances, a way to temporally resample asynchronous sensor data, and a way to assess the quality of the recovered calibration. We give constructive methods for each step. We demonstrate and validate the end-to-end calibration procedure for both simulated and real LIDAR and inertial data, achieving CRLBs, and corresponding calibrations, accurate to millimeters and milliradians. Source code is available from http://rvsn.csail.mit.edu/calibration

    Perception-aware Tag Placement Planning for Robust Localization of UAVs in Indoor Construction Environments

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    Tag-based visual-inertial localization is a lightweight method for enabling autonomous data collection missions of low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in indoor construction environments. However, finding the optimal tag configuration (i.e., number, size, and location) on dynamic construction sites remains challenging. This paper proposes a perception-aware genetic algorithm-based tag placement planner (PGA-TaPP) to determine the optimal tag configuration using 4D-BIM, considering the project progress, safety requirements, and UAV's localizability. The proposed method provides a 4D plan for tag placement by maximizing the localizability in user-specified regions of interest (ROIs) while limiting the installation costs. Localizability is quantified using the Fisher information matrix (FIM) and encapsulated in navigable grids. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our method in finding an optimal 4D tag placement plan for the robust localization of UAVs on under-construction indoor sites.Comment: [Final draft] This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineerin

    State Observability in Presence of Disturbances: the Analytic Solution and its Application in Robotics

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    International audience— This paper presents the analytic solution of a fundamental open problem in the framework of state esti-mation/nonlinear observability, which is the Unknown Input Observability problem (UIO problem). The problem consists in deriving the analytic criterion that allows us to automatically obtain the state observability in presence of disturbances (or unknown inputs). In other words, the problem is to extend the well known observability rank condition to the case when the dynamics are also driven by unknown inputs. Enunciated in the seventies by the control theory community, this problem was only solved in the linear case. The solution here provided holds for nonlinear systems in presence of a single unknown input. The first part of the paper presents this analytic solution. Very surprisingly, the complexity of the overall analytic criterion is comparable to the complexity of the observability rank condition. The second part of the paper applies this analytic criterion to a robotics system when its dynamics are affected by an external disturbance (e.g., due to the presence of wind). To corroborate the results of our observability analysis we perform extensive simulations and we show that, a simple estimator based on an Extended Kalman Filter, provides results that agree with what we could expect from the observability analysis

    An Observability-Driven System Concept for Monocular-Inertial Egomotion and Landmark Position Determination

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    In this dissertation a novel alternative system concept for monocular-inertial egomotion and landmark position determination is introduced. It is mainly motivated by an in-depth analysis of the observability and consistency of the classic simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) approach, which is based on a world-centric model of an agent and its environment. Within the novel system concept - a body-centric agent and environment model, - a pseudo-world centric motion propagation, - and closed-form initialization procedures are introduced. This approach allows for combining the advantageous observability properties of body-centric modeling and the advantageous motion propagation properties of world-centric modeling. A consistency focused and simulation based evaluation demonstrates the capabilities as well as the limitations of the proposed concept.In dieser Dissertation wird ein neuartiges, alternatives Systemkonzept für die monokular-inertiale Eigenbewegungs- und Landmarkenpositionserfassung vorgestellt. Dieses Systemkonzept ist maßgeblich motiviert durch eine detaillierte Analyse der Beobachtbarkeits- und Konsistenzeigenschaften des klassischen Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), welches auf einer weltzentrischen Modellierung eines Agenten und seiner Umgebung basiert. Innerhalb des neuen Systemkonzeptes werden - eine körperzentrische Modellierung des Agenten und seiner Umgebung, - eine pseudo-weltzentrische Bewegungspropagation, - und geschlossene Initialisierungsprozeduren eingeführt. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt es, die günstigen Beobachtbarkeitseigenschaften körperzentrischer Modellierung und die günstigen Propagationseigenschaften weltzentrischer Modellierung zu kombinieren. Sowohl die Fähigkeiten als auch die Limitierungen dieses Ansatzes werden abschließend mit Hilfe von Simulationen und einem starken Fokus auf Schätzkonsistenz demonstriert