57,357 research outputs found

    New Concepts in Particle Physics from Solution of an Old Problem

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    Recent ideas on modular localization in local quantum physics are used to clarify the relation between on- and off-shell quantities in particle physics; in particular the relation between on-shell crossing symmetry and off-shell Einstein causality. Among the collateral results of this new nonperturbative approach are profound relations between crossing symmetry of particle physics and Hawking-Unruh like thermal aspects (KMS property, entropy attached to horizons) of quantum matter behind causal horizons, aspects which hitherto were exclusively related with Killing horizons in curved spacetime rather than with localization aspects in Minkowski space particle physics. The scope of this modular framework is amazingly wide and ranges from providing a conceptual basis for the d=1+1 bootstrap-formfactor program for factorizable d=1+1 models to a decomposition theory of QFT's in terms of a finite collection of unitarily equivalent chiral conformal theories placed a specified relative position within a common Hilbert space (in d=1+1 a holographic relation and in higher dimensions more like a scanning). The new framework gives a spacetime interpretation to the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra and explains its thermal aspects.Comment: In this form it will appear in JPA Math Gen, 47 pages tcilate

    Pascual Jordan, his contributions to quantum mechanics and his legacy in contemporary local quantum physics

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    After recalling episodes from Pascual Jordan's biography including his pivotal role in the shaping of quantum field theory and his much criticized conduct during the NS regime, I draw attention to his presentation of the first phase of development of quantum field theory in a talk presented at the 1929 Kharkov conference. He starts by giving a comprehensive account of the beginnings of quantum theory, emphasising that particle-like properties arise as a consequence of treating wave-motions quantum-mechanically. He then goes on to his recent discovery of quantization of ``wave fields'' and problems of gauge invariance. The most surprising aspect of Jordan's presentation is however his strong belief that his field quantization is a transitory not yet optimal formulation of the principles underlying causal, local quantum physics. The expectation of a future more radical change coming from the main architect of field quantization already shortly after his discovery is certainly quite startling. I try to answer the question to what extent Jordan's 1929 expectations have been vindicated. The larger part of the present essay consists in arguing that Jordan's plea for a formulation without ``classical correspondence crutches'', i.e. for an intrinsic approach (which avoids classical fields altogether), is successfully addressed in past and recent publications on local quantum physics.Comment: More biographical detail, expansion of the part referring to Jordan's legacy in quantum field theory, 37 pages late

    Causality and dispersion relations and the role of the S-matrix in the ongoing research

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    The adaptation of the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations to the causal localization structure of QFT led to an important project in particle physics, the only one with a successful closure. The same cannot be said about the subsequent attempts to formulate particle physics as a pure S-matrix project. The feasibility of a pure S-matrix approach are critically analyzed and their serious shortcomings are highlighted. Whereas the conceptual/mathematical demands of renormalized perturbation theory are modest and misunderstandings could easily be corrected, the correct understanding about the origin of the crossing property requires the use of the mathematical theory of modular localization and its relation to the thermal KMS condition. These new concepts, which combine localization, vacuum polarization and thermal properties under the roof of modular theory, will be explained and their potential use in a new constructive (nonperturbative) approach to QFT will be indicated. The S-matrix still plays a predominant role but, different from Heisenberg's and Mandelstam's proposals, the new project is not a pure S-matrix approach. The S-matrix plays a new role as a "relative modular invariant"..Comment: 47 pages expansion of arguments and addition of references, corrections of misprints and bad formulation

    The Pivotal Role of Causality in Local Quantum Physics

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    In this article an attempt is made to present very recent conceptual and computational developments in QFT as new manifestations of old and well establihed physical principles. The vehicle for converting the quantum-algebraic aspects of local quantum physics into more classical geometric structures is the modular theory of Tomita. As the above named laureate to whom I have dedicated has shown together with his collaborator for the first time in sufficient generality, its use in physics goes through Einstein causality. This line of research recently gained momentum when it was realized that it is not only of structural and conceptual innovative power (see section 4), but also promises to be a new computational road into nonperturbative QFT (section 5) which, picturesquely speaking, enters the subject on the extreme opposite (noncommutative) side.Comment: This is a updated version which has been submitted to Journal of Physics A, tcilatex 62 pages. Adress: Institut fuer Theoretische Physik FU-Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin presently CBPF, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    Conceptual Graphs in CAD

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    This paper elaborates on the use of conceptual graphs in a prototype of a computer based support system for re-design. Re-design support involves the modelling of assemblies and components. The requirements of the components to be modelled are a compromise between the functioning of the assembly and the manufacturability of the individual components. Conceptual graphs provide for an elegant way of representing both functioning and manufacturing aspects. In the prototype system, conceptual graphs are used for representing and defining assemblies, components and features as well as the relations between these entities. Constraints, such as kinematic, tolerance and manufacturing constraints are also represented using conceptual graphs
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