51 research outputs found

    Enhancing Person Synthesis in Complex Scenes via Intrinsic and Contextual Structure Modeling

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    The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and its variations have enabled high quality image generation. However, generating reasonable persons in complex scenes (such as MS-COCO images) remains challenging. We propose a novel structure-based and context-aware approach to enhance the person synthesis in complex scenes. The method can success fully predict the person pose and face structures while respecting the weak layout-based context, then leverage the structures to refine the person appearance. Our method involves three parts. First, a memory-based model is used to encode person intrinsic structures including pose and face key points. Second, a context-aware model infers the conditional person structures from the layout context. Third, the structure-guided personappearancerefinersfurtherenhancethefinalimagegeneration.Ourexperiments present convincing person generation results in layout-to-image tasks on a challenging dataset. Person-related evaluations demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, especially on person accuracy and face detection metrics
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