4,805 research outputs found

    A Compact Linear Programming Relaxation for Binary Sub-modular MRF

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    We propose a novel compact linear programming (LP) relaxation for binary sub-modular MRF in the context of object segmentation. Our model is obtained by linearizing an l1+l_1^+-norm derived from the quadratic programming (QP) form of the MRF energy. The resultant LP model contains significantly fewer variables and constraints compared to the conventional LP relaxation of the MRF energy. In addition, unlike QP which can produce ambiguous labels, our model can be viewed as a quasi-total-variation minimization problem, and it can therefore preserve the discontinuities in the labels. We further establish a relaxation bound between our LP model and the conventional LP model. In the experiments, we demonstrate our method for the task of interactive object segmentation. Our LP model outperforms QP when converting the continuous labels to binary labels using different threshold values on the entire Oxford interactive segmentation dataset. The computational complexity of our LP is of the same order as that of the QP, and it is significantly lower than the conventional LP relaxation

    ROAM: a Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping

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    Rotoscoping, the detailed delineation of scene elements through a video shot, is a painstaking task of tremendous importance in professional post-production pipelines. While pixel-wise segmentation techniques can help for this task, professional rotoscoping tools rely on parametric curves that offer the artists a much better interactive control on the definition, editing and manipulation of the segments of interest. Sticking to this prevalent rotoscoping paradigm, we propose a novel framework to capture and track the visual aspect of an arbitrary object in a scene, given a first closed outline of this object. This model combines a collection of local foreground/background appearance models spread along the outline, a global appearance model of the enclosed object and a set of distinctive foreground landmarks. The structure of this rich appearance model allows simple initialization, efficient iterative optimization with exact minimization at each step, and on-line adaptation in videos. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively the merit of this framework through comparisons with tools based on either dynamic segmentation with a closed curve or pixel-wise binary labelling

    A graph-based mathematical morphology reader

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    This survey paper aims at providing a "literary" anthology of mathematical morphology on graphs. It describes in the English language many ideas stemming from a large number of different papers, hence providing a unified view of an active and diverse field of research

    Optimization-based interactive segmentation interface for multiregion problems.

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    Interactive segmentation is becoming of increasing interest to the medical imaging community in that it combines the positive aspects of both manual and automated segmentation. However, general-purpose tools have been lacking in terms of segmenting multiple regions simultaneously with a high degree of coupling between groups of labels. Hierarchical max-flow segmentation has taken advantage of this coupling for individual applications, but until recently, these algorithms were constrained to a particular hierarchy and could not be considered general-purpose. In a generalized form, the hierarchy for any given segmentation problem is specified in run-time, allowing different hierarchies to be quickly explored. We present an interactive segmentation interface, which uses generalized hierarchical max-flow for optimization-based multiregion segmentation guided by user-defined seeds. Applications in cardiac and neonatal brain segmentation are given as example applications of its generality
