13,865 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Object Discovery and Detector Adaptation from Unlabeled Video

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    We explore object discovery and detector adaptation based on unlabeled video sequences captured from a mobile platform. We propose a fully automatic approach for object mining from video which builds upon a generic object tracking approach. By applying this method to three large video datasets from autonomous driving and mobile robotics scenarios, we demonstrate its robustness and generality. Based on the object mining results, we propose a novel approach for unsupervised object discovery by appearance-based clustering. We show that this approach successfully discovers interesting objects relevant to driving scenarios. In addition, we perform self-supervised detector adaptation in order to improve detection performance on the KITTI dataset for existing categories. Our approach has direct relevance for enabling large-scale object learning for autonomous driving.Comment: CVPR'18 submissio

    Unsupervised Deep Tracking

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    We propose an unsupervised visual tracking method in this paper. Different from existing approaches using extensive annotated data for supervised learning, our CNN model is trained on large-scale unlabeled videos in an unsupervised manner. Our motivation is that a robust tracker should be effective in both the forward and backward predictions (i.e., the tracker can forward localize the target object in successive frames and backtrace to its initial position in the first frame). We build our framework on a Siamese correlation filter network, which is trained using unlabeled raw videos. Meanwhile, we propose a multiple-frame validation method and a cost-sensitive loss to facilitate unsupervised learning. Without bells and whistles, the proposed unsupervised tracker achieves the baseline accuracy of fully supervised trackers, which require complete and accurate labels during training. Furthermore, unsupervised framework exhibits a potential in leveraging unlabeled or weakly labeled data to further improve the tracking accuracy.Comment: to appear in CVPR 201

    Inserting Videos into Videos

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    In this paper, we introduce a new problem of manipulating a given video by inserting other videos into it. Our main task is, given an object video and a scene video, to insert the object video at a user-specified location in the scene video so that the resulting video looks realistic. We aim to handle different object motions and complex backgrounds without expensive segmentation annotations. As it is difficult to collect training pairs for this problem, we synthesize fake training pairs that can provide helpful supervisory signals when training a neural network with unpaired real data. The proposed network architecture can take both real and fake pairs as input and perform both supervised and unsupervised training in an adversarial learning scheme. To synthesize a realistic video, the network renders each frame based on the current input and previous frames. Within this framework, we observe that injecting noise into previous frames while generating the current frame stabilizes training. We conduct experiments on real-world videos in object tracking and person re-identification benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is able to synthesize long sequences of realistic videos with a given object video inserted.Comment: CVPR 201

    You-Do, I-Learn: Unsupervised Multi-User egocentric Approach Towards Video-Based Guidance

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    This paper presents an unsupervised approach towards automatically extracting video-based guidance on object usage, from egocentric video and wearable gaze tracking, collected from multiple users while performing tasks. The approach i) discovers task relevant objects, ii) builds a model for each, iii) distinguishes different ways in which each discovered object has been used and iv) discovers the dependencies between object interactions. The work investigates using appearance, position, motion and attention, and presents results using each and a combination of relevant features. Moreover, an online scalable approach is presented and is compared to offline results. The paper proposes a method for selecting a suitable video guide to be displayed to a novice user indicating how to use an object, purely triggered by the user's gaze. The potential assistive mode can also recommend an object to be used next based on the learnt sequence of object interactions. The approach was tested on a variety of daily tasks such as initialising a printer, preparing a coffee and setting up a gym machine

    Self-Learning Camera: Autonomous Adaptation of Object Detectors to Unlabeled Video Streams

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    Learning object detectors requires massive amounts of labeled training samples from the specific data source of interest. This is impractical when dealing with many different sources (e.g., in camera networks), or constantly changing ones such as mobile cameras (e.g., in robotics or driving assistant systems). In this paper, we address the problem of self-learning detectors in an autonomous manner, i.e. (i) detectors continuously updating themselves to efficiently adapt to streaming data sources (contrary to transductive algorithms), (ii) without any labeled data strongly related to the target data stream (contrary to self-paced learning), and (iii) without manual intervention to set and update hyper-parameters. To that end, we propose an unsupervised, on-line, and self-tuning learning algorithm to optimize a multi-task learning convex objective. Our method uses confident but laconic oracles (high-precision but low-recall off-the-shelf generic detectors), and exploits the structure of the problem to jointly learn on-line an ensemble of instance-level trackers, from which we derive an adapted category-level object detector. Our approach is validated on real-world publicly available video object datasets

    Sequential Attend, Infer, Repeat: Generative Modelling of Moving Objects

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    We present Sequential Attend, Infer, Repeat (SQAIR), an interpretable deep generative model for videos of moving objects. It can reliably discover and track objects throughout the sequence of frames, and can also generate future frames conditioning on the current frame, thereby simulating expected motion of objects. This is achieved by explicitly encoding object presence, locations and appearances in the latent variables of the model. SQAIR retains all strengths of its predecessor, Attend, Infer, Repeat (AIR, Eslami et. al., 2016), including learning in an unsupervised manner, and addresses its shortcomings. We use a moving multi-MNIST dataset to show limitations of AIR in detecting overlapping or partially occluded objects, and show how SQAIR overcomes them by leveraging temporal consistency of objects. Finally, we also apply SQAIR to real-world pedestrian CCTV data, where it learns to reliably detect, track and generate walking pedestrians with no supervision.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures, NeurIPS 2018, code: https://github.com/akosiorek/sqair, video: https://youtu.be/-IUNQgSLE0

    Unsupervised Object-Level Video Summarization with Online Motion Auto-Encoder

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    Unsupervised video summarization plays an important role on digesting, browsing, and searching the ever-growing videos every day, and the underlying fine-grained semantic and motion information (i.e., objects of interest and their key motions) in online videos has been barely touched. In this paper, we investigate a pioneer research direction towards the fine-grained unsupervised object-level video summarization. It can be distinguished from existing pipelines in two aspects: extracting key motions of participated objects, and learning to summarize in an unsupervised and online manner. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel online motion Auto-Encoder (online motion-AE) framework that functions on the super-segmented object motion clips. Comprehensive experiments on a newly-collected surveillance dataset and public datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Unsupervised Incremental Learning of Deep Descriptors From Video Streams

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    We present a novel unsupervised method for face identity learning from video sequences. The method exploits the ResNet deep network for face detection and VGGface fc7 face descriptors together with a smart learning mechanism that exploits the temporal coherence of visual data in video streams. We present a novel feature matching solution based on Reverse Nearest Neighbour and a feature forgetting strategy that supports incremental learning with memory size control, while time progresses. It is shown that the proposed learning procedure is asymptotically stable and can be effectively applied to relevant applications like multiple face tracking

    Self-supervised Learning for Video Correspondence Flow

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    The objective of this paper is self-supervised learning of feature embeddings that are suitable for matching correspondences along the videos, which we term correspondence flow. By leveraging the natural spatial-temporal coherence in videos, we propose to train a ``pointer'' that reconstructs a target frame by copying pixels from a reference frame. We make the following contributions: First, we introduce a simple information bottleneck that forces the model to learn robust features for correspondence matching, and prevent it from learning trivial solutions, \eg matching based on low-level colour information. Second, to tackle the challenges from tracker drifting, due to complex object deformations, illumination changes and occlusions, we propose to train a recursive model over long temporal windows with scheduled sampling and cycle consistency. Third, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on DAVIS 2017 video segmentation and JHMDB keypoint tracking tasks, outperforming all previous self-supervised learning approaches by a significant margin. Fourth, in order to shed light on the potential of self-supervised learning on the task of video correspondence flow, we probe the upper bound by training on additional data, \ie more diverse videos, further demonstrating significant improvements on video segmentation.Comment: BMVC2019 (Oral Presentation

    Spatiotemporal CNN for Video Object Segmentation

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    In this paper, we present a unified, end-to-end trainable spatiotemporal CNN model for VOS, which consists of two branches, i.e., the temporal coherence branch and the spatial segmentation branch. Specifically, the temporal coherence branch pretrained in an adversarial fashion from unlabeled video data, is designed to capture the dynamic appearance and motion cues of video sequences to guide object segmentation. The spatial segmentation branch focuses on segmenting objects accurately based on the learned appearance and motion cues. To obtain accurate segmentation results, we design a coarse-to-fine process to sequentially apply a designed attention module on multi-scale feature maps, and concatenate them to produce the final prediction. In this way, the spatial segmentation branch is enforced to gradually concentrate on object regions. These two branches are jointly fine-tuned on video segmentation sequences in an end-to-end manner. Several experiments are carried out on three challenging datasets (i.e., DAVIS-2016, DAVIS-2017 and Youtube-Object) to show that our method achieves favorable performance against the state-of-the-arts. Code is available at https://github.com/longyin880815/STCNN.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables, CVPR 201
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