7 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode K-Means Berbasis Jarak untuk Deteksi Kendaraan Bergerak

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    Deteksi kendaraan bergerak adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam aplikasi Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Deteksi kendaraan bergerak juga merupakan bagian dari pendeteksian benda bergerak. Metode K-Means berhasil diterapkan pada piksel cluster yang tidak diawasi untuk mendeteksi objek bergerak. Secara umum, K-Means adalah algoritma heuristik yang mempartisi kumpulan data menjadi K cluster dengan meminimalkan jumlah kuadrat jarak di setiap cluster. Dalam makalah ini, algoritma K-Means menerapkan jarak Euclidean, jarak Manhattan, jarak Canberra, jarak Chebyshev dan jarak Braycurtis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan dan mengevaluasi implementasi jarak tersebut pada algoritma clustering K-Means. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan basis K-Means yang dinilai dengan berbagai parameter evaluasi yaitu MSE, PSNR, SSIM dan PCQI. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jarak Manhattan memberikan nilai MSE = 1.328 , PSNR = 21.14, SSIM = 0.83 dan PCQI = 0.79 terbaik dibandingkan dengan jarak lainnya. Sedangkan untuk waktu pemrosesan data memperlihatkan bahwa jarak Braycurtis memiliki keunggulan lebih yaitu 0.3 detik. AbstractDetection moving vehicles is one of important elements in the applications of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). Detection moving vehicles is also part of the detection of moving objects. K-Means method has been successfully applied to unsupervised cluster pixels for the detection of moving objects. In general, K-Means is a heuristic algorithm that partitioned the data set into K clusters by minimizing the number of squared distances in each cluster. In this paper, the K-Means algorithm applies Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, Canberra distance, Chebyshev distance and Braycurtis distance. The aim of this study is to compare and evaluate the implementation of these distances in the K-Means clustering algorithm. The comparison is done with the basis of K-Means assessed with various evaluation paramaters, namely MSE, PSNR, SSIM and PCQI. The results exhibit that the Manhattan distance delivers the best MSE = 1.328 , PSNR = 21.14, SSIM = 0.83 and PCQI = 0.79 values compared to other distances. Whereas for data processing time exposes that the Braycurtis distance has more advantages

    Enhancement of ELDA Tracker Based on CNN Features and Adaptive Model Update

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    Appearance representation and the observation model are the most important components in designing a robust visual tracking algorithm for video-based sensors. Additionally, the exemplar-based linear discriminant analysis (ELDA) model has shown good performance in object tracking. Based on that, we improve the ELDA tracking algorithm by deep convolutional neural network (CNN) features and adaptive model update. Deep CNN features have been successfully used in various computer vision tasks. Extracting CNN features on all of the candidate windows is time consuming. To address this problem, a two-step CNN feature extraction method is proposed by separately computing convolutional layers and fully-connected layers. Due to the strong discriminative ability of CNN features and the exemplar-based model, we update both object and background models to improve their adaptivity and to deal with the tradeoff between discriminative ability and adaptivity. An object updating method is proposed to select the “good” models (detectors), which are quite discriminative and uncorrelated to other selected models. Meanwhile, we build the background model as a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) to adapt to complex scenes, which is initialized offline and updated online. The proposed tracker is evaluated on a benchmark dataset of 50 video sequences with various challenges. It achieves the best overall performance among the compared state-of-the-art trackers, which demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of our tracking algorithm

    Generative Adversarial Networks for Online Visual Object Tracking Systems

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    Object Tracking is one of the essential tasks in computer vision domain as it has numerous applications in various fields, such as human-computer interaction, video surveillance, augmented reality, and robotics. Object Tracking refers to the process of detecting and locating the target object in a series of frames in a video. The state-of-the-art for tracking-by-detection framework is typically made up of two steps to track the target object. The first step is drawing multiple samples near the target region of the previous frame. The second step is classifying each sample as either the target object or the background. Visual object tracking remains one of the most challenging task due to variations in visual data such as target occlusion, background clutter, illumination changes, scale changes, as well as challenges stem from the tracking problem including fast motion, out of view, motion blur, deformation, and in and out planar rotation. These challenges continue to be tackled by researchers as they investigate more effective algorithms that are able to track any object under various changing conditions. To keep the research community motivated, there are several annual tracker benchmarking competitions organized to consolidate performance measures and evaluation protocols in different tracking subfields such as Visual Object Tracking VOT challenges and The Multiple Object Tracking MOT Challenges [1, 2]. Despite the excellent performance achieved with deep learning, modern deep tracking methods are still limited in several aspects. The variety of appearance changes over time remains a problem for deep trackers, owing to spatial overlap between positive samples. Furthermore, existing methods require high computational load and suffer from slow running speed. Recently, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown excellent results in solving a variety of computer vision problems, making them attractive in investigating their potential use in achieving better results in other computer vision applications, namely, visual object tracking. In this thesis, we explore the impact of using Residual Network ResNet as an alternative feature extractor to Visual Geometry Group VGG which is commonly used in literature. Furthermore, we attempt to address the limitations of object tracking by exploiting the ongoing advancement in Generative Adversarial Networks. We describe a generative adversarial network intended to improve the tracker’s classifier during the online training phase. The network generates adaptive masks to augment the positive samples detected by the convolutional layer of the tracker’s model in order to improve the model’s classifier by making the samples more difficult. Then we integrate this network with Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network (MDNet) tracker and present the results. Furthermore, we introduce a novel tracker, MDResNet, by substituting the convolutional layers of MDNet that were originally taken from Visual Geometry Group (VGG-M) network with layers taken from Residual Deep Network (ResNet-50) and the results are compared. We also introduce a new tracker, Region of Interest with Adversarial Learning (ROIAL), by integrating the generative adversarial network with the Real-Time Multi-Domain Convolutional Network (RT-MDNet) tracker. We also integrate the GAN network with MDResNet and MDNet and compare the results with ROIAL

    Object Tracking Using Adaptive Covariance Descriptor and Clustering-Based Model Updating for Visual Surveillance

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    We propose a novel approach for tracking an arbitrary object in video sequences for visual surveillance. The first contribution of this work is an automatic feature extraction method that is able to extract compact discriminative features from a feature pool before computing the region covariance descriptor. As the feature extraction method is adaptive to a specific object of interest, we refer to the region covariance descriptor computed using the extracted features as the adaptive covariance descriptor. The second contribution is to propose a weakly supervised method for updating the object appearance model during tracking. The method performs a mean-shift clustering procedure among the tracking result samples accumulated during a period of time and selects a group of reliable samples for updating the object appearance model. As such, the object appearance model is kept up-to-date and is prevented from contamination even in case of tracking mistakes. We conducted comparing experiments on real-world video sequences, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The tracking system that integrates the adaptive covariance descriptor and the clustering-based model updating method accomplished stable object tracking on challenging video sequences

    Object Tracking Using Adaptive Covariance Descriptor and Clustering-Based Model Updating for Visual Surveillance

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    International audienceWe propose a novel approach for tracking an arbitrary object in video sequences for visual surveillance. The first contribution of this work is an automatic feature extraction method that is able to extract compact discriminative features from a feature pool before computing the region covariance descriptor. As the feature extraction method is adaptive to a specific object of interest, we refer to the region covariance descriptor computed using the extracted features as the adaptive covariance descriptor. The second contribution is to propose a weakly supervised method for updating the object appearance model during tracking. The method performs a mean-shift clustering procedure among the tracking result samples accumulated during a period of time and selects a group of reliable samples for updating the object appearance model. As such, the object appearance model is kept up-to-date and is prevented from contamination even in case of tracking mistakes. We conducted comparing experiments on real-world video sequences, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The tracking system that integrates the adaptive covariance descriptor and the clustering-based model updating method accomplished stable object tracking on challenging video sequences