23 research outputs found

    A deep learning method based on language models for processing natural language Russian commands in human robot interaction

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    This paper describes the transformation process complex Russian-speaking natural language commands into a formalized graph RDF format for interaction with the robotic platfor

    A System for Generalized 3D Multi-Object Search

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    Searching for objects is a fundamental skill for robots. As such, we expect object search to eventually become an off-the-shelf capability for robots, similar to e.g., object detection and SLAM. In contrast, however, no system for 3D object search exists that generalizes across real robots and environments. In this paper, building upon a recent theoretical framework that exploited the octree structure for representing belief in 3D, we present GenMOS (Generalized Multi-Object Search), the first general-purpose system for multi-object search (MOS) in a 3D region that is robot-independent and environment-agnostic. GenMOS takes as input point cloud observations of the local region, object detection results, and localization of the robot's view pose, and outputs a 6D viewpoint to move to through online planning. In particular, GenMOS uses point cloud observations in three ways: (1) to simulate occlusion; (2) to inform occupancy and initialize octree belief; and (3) to sample a belief-dependent graph of view positions that avoid obstacles. We evaluate our system both in simulation and on two real robot platforms. Our system enables, for example, a Boston Dynamics Spot robot to find a toy cat hidden underneath a couch in under one minute. We further integrate 3D local search with 2D global search to handle larger areas, demonstrating the resulting system in a 25m2^2 lobby area.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 202

    Language-Conditioned Observation Models for Visual Object Search

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    Object search is a challenging task because when given complex language descriptions (e.g., "find the white cup on the table"), the robot must move its camera through the environment and recognize the described object. Previous works map language descriptions to a set of fixed object detectors with predetermined noise models, but these approaches are challenging to scale because new detectors need to be made for each object. In this work, we bridge the gap in realistic object search by posing the search problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) where the object detector and visual sensor noise in the observation model is determined by a single Deep Neural Network conditioned on complex language descriptions. We incorporate the neural network's outputs into our language-conditioned observation model (LCOM) to represent dynamically changing sensor noise. With an LCOM, any language description of an object can be used to generate an appropriate object detector and noise model, and training an LCOM only requires readily available supervised image-caption datasets. We empirically evaluate our method by comparing against a state-of-the-art object search algorithm in simulation, and demonstrate that planning with our observation model yields a significantly higher average task completion rate (from 0.46 to 0.66) and more efficient and quicker object search than with a fixed-noise model. We demonstrate our method on a Boston Dynamics Spot robot, enabling it to handle complex natural language object descriptions and efficiently find objects in a room-scale environment

    Learning to Terminate in Object Navigation

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    This paper tackles the critical challenge of object navigation in autonomous navigation systems, particularly focusing on the problem of target approach and episode termination in environments with long optimal episode length in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based methods. While effective in environment exploration and object localization, conventional DRL methods often struggle with optimal path planning and termination recognition due to a lack of depth information. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach, namely the Depth-Inference Termination Agent (DITA), which incorporates a supervised model called the Judge Model to implicitly infer object-wise depth and decide termination jointly with reinforcement learning. We train our judge model along with reinforcement learning in parallel and supervise the former efficiently by reward signal. Our evaluation shows the method is demonstrating superior performance, we achieve a 9.3% gain on success rate than our baseline method across all room types and gain 51.2% improvements on long episodes environment while maintaining slightly better Success Weighted by Path Length (SPL). Code and resources, visualization are available at: https://github.com/HuskyKingdom/DITA_acml2023Comment: 16 page

    Exploiting Scene-specific Features for Object Goal Navigation

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    Can the intrinsic relation between an object and the room in which it is usually located help agents in the Visual Navigation Task? We study this question in the context of Object Navigation, a problem in which an agent has to reach an object of a specific class while moving in a complex domestic environment. In this paper, we introduce a new reduced dataset that speeds up the training of navigation models, a notoriously complex task. Our proposed dataset permits the training of models that do not exploit online-built maps in reasonable times even without the use of huge computational resources. Therefore, this reduced dataset guarantees a significant benchmark and it can be used to identify promising models that could be then tried on bigger and more challenging datasets. Subsequently, we propose the SMTSC model, an attention-based model capable of exploiting the correlation between scenes and objects contained in them, highlighting quantitatively how the idea is correct.Comment: Accepted at ACVR2020 ECCV2020 Worksho

    Benchmarking Augmentation Methods for Learning Robust Navigation Agents: the Winning Entry of the 2021 iGibson Challenge

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    Recent advances in deep reinforcement learning and scalable photorealistic simulation have led to increasingly mature embodied AI for various visual tasks, including navigation. However, while impressive progress has been made for teaching embodied agents to navigate static environments, much less progress has been made on more dynamic environments that may include moving pedestrians or movable obstacles. In this study, we aim to benchmark different augmentation techniques for improving the agent's performance in these challenging environments. We show that adding several dynamic obstacles into the scene during training confers significant improvements in test-time generalization, achieving much higher success rates than baseline agents. We find that this approach can also be combined with image augmentation methods to achieve even higher success rates. Additionally, we show that this approach is also more robust to sim-to-sim transfer than image augmentation methods. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this dynamic obstacle augmentation approach by using it to train an agent for the 2021 iGibson Challenge at CVPR, where it achieved 1st place for Interactive Navigation. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxUX2HeOSE

    D-VAT: End-to-End Visual Active Tracking for Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Visual active tracking is a growing research topic in robotics due to its key role in applications such as human assistance, disaster recovery, and surveillance. In contrast to passive tracking, active tracking approaches combine vision and control capabilities to detect and actively track the target. Most of the work in this area focuses on ground robots, while the very few contributions on aerial platforms still pose important design constraints that limit their applicability. To overcome these limitations, in this paper we propose D-VAT, a novel end-to-end visual active tracking methodology based on deep reinforcement learning that is tailored to micro aerial vehicle platforms. The D-VAT agent computes the vehicle thrust and angular velocity commands needed to track the target by directly processing monocular camera measurements. We show that the proposed approach allows for precise and collision-free tracking operations, outperforming different state-of-the-art baselines on simulated environments which differ significantly from those encountered during training

    Success Weighted by Completion Time: A Dynamics-Aware Evaluation Criteria for Embodied Navigation

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    We present Success weighted by Completion Time (SCT), a new metric for evaluating navigation performance for mobile robots. Several related works on navigation have used Success weighted by Path Length (SPL) as the primary method of evaluating the path an agent makes to a goal location, but SPL is limited in its ability to properly evaluate agents with complex dynamics. In contrast, SCT explicitly takes the agent's dynamics model into consideration, and aims to accurately capture how well the agent has approximated the fastest navigation behavior afforded by its dynamics. While several embodied navigation works use point-turn dynamics, we focus on unicycle-cart dynamics for our agent, which better exemplifies the dynamics model of popular mobile robotics platforms (e.g., LoCoBot, TurtleBot, Fetch, etc.). We also present RRT*-Unicycle, an algorithm for unicycle dynamics that estimates the fastest collision-free path and completion time from a starting pose to a goal location in an environment containing obstacles. We experiment with deep reinforcement learning and reward shaping to train and compare the navigation performance of agents with different dynamics models. In evaluating these agents, we show that in contrast to SPL, SCT is able to capture the advantages in navigation speed a unicycle model has over a simpler point-turn model of dynamics. Lastly, we show that we can successfully deploy our trained models and algorithms outside of simulation in the real world. We embody our agents in an real robot to navigate an apartment, and show that they can generalize in a zero-shot manner