2 research outputs found

    Object detection based on co-occurrence GMuLBP features

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    Image co-occurrence has shown great powers on object classification because it captures the characteristic of individual features and spatial relationship between them simultaneously. For example, Co-occurrence Histogram of Oriented Gradients (CoHOG) has achieved great success on human detection task. However, the gradient orientation in CoHOG is sensitive to noise. In addition, CoHOG does not take gradient magnitude into account which is a key component to reinforce the feature detection. In this paper, we propose a new LBP feature detector based image co-occurrence. Building on uniform Local Binary Patterns, the new feature detector detects Co-occurrence Orientation through Gradient Magnitude calculation. It is known as CoGMuLBP. An extension version of the GoGMuLBP is also presented. The experimental results on the UIUC car data set show that the proposed features outperform state-of-the-art methods. © 2012 IEEE