1,082 research outputs found

    Optimization Framework and Graph-Based Approach for Relay-Assisted Bidirectional OFDMA Cellular Networks

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    This paper considers a relay-assisted bidirectional cellular network where the base station (BS) communicates with each mobile station (MS) using OFDMA for both uplink and downlink. The goal is to improve the overall system performance by exploring the full potential of the network in various dimensions including user, subcarrier, relay, and bidirectional traffic. In this work, we first introduce a novel three-time-slot time-division duplexing (TDD) transmission protocol. This protocol unifies direct transmission, one-way relaying and network-coded two-way relaying between the BS and each MS. Using the proposed three-time-slot TDD protocol, we then propose an optimization framework for resource allocation to achieve the following gains: cooperative diversity (via relay selection), network coding gain (via bidirectional transmission mode selection), and multiuser diversity (via subcarrier assignment). We formulate the problem as a combinatorial optimization problem, which is NP-complete. To make it more tractable, we adopt a graph-based approach. We first establish the equivalence between the original problem and a maximum weighted clique problem in graph theory. A metaheuristic algorithm based on any colony optimization (ACO) is then employed to find the solution in polynomial time. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol together with the ACO algorithm significantly enhances the system total throughput.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Enhancing Physical Layer Security in AF Relay Assisted Multi-Carrier Wireless Transmission

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    In this paper, we study the physical layer security (PLS) problem in the dual hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based wireless communication system. First, we consider a single user single relay system and study a joint power optimization problem at the source and relay subject to individual power constraint at the two nodes. The aim is to maximize the end to end secrecy rate with optimal power allocation over different sub-carriers. Later, we consider a more general multi-user multi-relay scenario. Under high SNR approximation for end to end secrecy rate, an optimization problem is formulated to jointly optimize power allocation at the BS, the relay selection, sub-carrier assignment to users and the power loading at each of the relaying node. The target is to maximize the overall security of the system subject to independent power budget limits at each transmitting node and the OFDMA based exclusive sub-carrier allocation constraints. A joint optimization solution is obtained through duality theory. Dual decomposition allows to exploit convex optimization techniques to find the power loading at the source and relay nodes. Further, an optimization for power loading at relaying nodes along with relay selection and sub carrier assignment for the fixed power allocation at the BS is also studied. Lastly, a sub-optimal scheme that explores joint power allocation at all transmitting nodes for the fixed subcarrier allocation and relay assignment is investigated. Finally, simulation results are presented to validate the performance of the proposed schemes.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), formerly known as European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT

    Decentralized Fair Scheduling in Two-Hop Relay-Assisted Cognitive OFDMA Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a two-hop relay-assisted cognitive downlink OFDMA system (named as secondary system) dynamically accessing a spectrum licensed to a primary network, thereby improving the efficiency of spectrum usage. A cluster-based relay-assisted architecture is proposed for the secondary system, where relay stations are employed for minimizing the interference to the users in the primary network and achieving fairness for cell-edge users. Based on this architecture, an asymptotically optimal solution is derived for jointly controlling data rates, transmission power, and subchannel allocation to optimize the average weighted sum goodput where the proportional fair scheduling (PFS) is included as a special case. This solution supports decentralized implementation, requires small communication overhead, and is robust against imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) and sensing measurement. The proposed solution achieves significant throughput gains and better user-fairness compared with the existing designs. Finally, we derived a simple and asymptotically optimal scheduling solution as well as the associated closed-form performance under the proportional fair scheduling for a large number of users. The system throughput is shown to be O(N(1qp)(1qpN)lnlnKc)\mathcal{O}\left(N(1-q_p)(1-q_p^N)\ln\ln K_c\right), where KcK_c is the number of users in one cluster, NN is the number of subchannels and qpq_p is the active probability of primary users.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSIN

    Dynamic Time-domain Duplexing for Self-backhauled Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks

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    Millimeter wave (mmW) bands between 30 and 300 GHz have attracted considerable attention for next-generation cellular networks due to vast quantities of available spectrum and the possibility of very high-dimensional antenna ar-rays. However, a key issue in these systems is range: mmW signals are extremely vulnerable to shadowing and poor high-frequency propagation. Multi-hop relaying is therefore a natural technology for such systems to improve cell range and cell edge rates without the addition of wired access points. This paper studies the problem of scheduling for a simple infrastructure cellular relay system where communication between wired base stations and User Equipment follow a hierarchical tree structure through fixed relay nodes. Such a systems builds naturally on existing cellular mmW backhaul by adding mmW in the access links. A key feature of the proposed system is that TDD duplexing selections can be made on a link-by-link basis due to directional isolation from other links. We devise an efficient, greedy algorithm for centralized scheduling that maximizes network utility by jointly optimizing the duplexing schedule and resources allocation for dense, relay-enhanced OFDMA/TDD mmW networks. The proposed algorithm can dynamically adapt to loading, channel conditions and traffic demands. Significant throughput gains and improved resource utilization offered by our algorithm over the static, globally-synchronized TDD patterns are demonstrated through simulations based on empirically-derived channel models at 28 GHz.Comment: IEEE Workshop on Next Generation Backhaul/Fronthaul Networks - BackNets 201

    Optimal Distributed Resource Allocation for Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks

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    This paper presents a distributed resource allocation algorithm to jointly optimize the power allocation, channel allocation and relay selection for decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks with a large number of sources, relays, and destinations. The well-known dual decomposition technique cannot directly be applied to resolve this problem, because the achievable data rate of DF relaying is not strictly concave, and thus the local resource allocation subproblem may have non-unique solutions. We resolve this non-strict concavity problem by using the idea of the proximal point method, which adds quadratic terms to make the objective function strictly concave. However, the proximal solution adds an extra layer of iterations over typical duality based approaches, which can significantly slow down the speed of convergence. To address this key weakness, we devise a fast algorithm without the need for this additional layer of iterations, which converges to the optimal solution. Our algorithm only needs local information exchange, and can easily adapt to variations of network size and topology. We prove that our distributed resource allocation algorithm converges to the optimal solution. A channel resource adjustment method is further developed to provide more channel resources to the bottleneck links and realize traffic load balance. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the benefits of our algorithm

    Jointly Optimal Channel and Power Assignment for Dual-Hop Multi-channel Multi-user Relaying

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    We consider the problem of jointly optimizing channel pairing, channel-user assignment, and power allocation, to maximize the weighted sum-rate, in a single-relay cooperative system with multiple channels and multiple users. Common relaying strategies are considered, and transmission power constraints are imposed on both individual transmitters and the aggregate over all transmitters. The joint optimization problem naturally leads to a mixed-integer program. Despite the general expectation that such problems are intractable, we construct an efficient algorithm to find an optimal solution, which incurs computational complexity that is polynomial in the number of channels and the number of users. We further demonstrate through numerical experiments that the jointly optimal solution can significantly improve system performance over its suboptimal alternatives.Comment: This is the full version of a paper to appear in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Cooperative Networking - Challenges and Applications (Part II), October 201