7 research outputs found


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    U radu se prikazuju radovi Dalibora Brozovića o zadarskim temama, o dva priloga o Zoranićevu jeziku, o prilogu o Barakovićevu jeziku te o članku "O suvremenoj zadarskoj miksoglotiji i o njezinim društveno-povijesnim i lingvističkim pretpostavkama". Zaključeno je da je Dalibor Brozović zadarskim jezičnim temama posvetio relativno neznatan dio svoga opusa, ali je i toliko dovoljno da kažemo kako je riječ o vrijednim prilozima. Iu pristupu i u konkretnostima ima mnogo novoga, što se i očekuje od jezikoslovca koji je u godinama kada je obrađivao zadarske teme bio u naponu snage te koji je proučavanje hrvatskoga jezika postavio na nove općelingvističke temelje.The paper addresses the works of Dalibor Brozovic on Zadar topics, two articles on the linguistics of Zoranić, an article on Baraković’s linguistics, and the article entitled “About the contemporary mixoglottia in Zadar and its socio – historical and linguistic consequences”. It is concluded that Dalibor Brozovic dedicated a relatively insignificant part of his opus to Zadar linguistics, but, even so, they remain a valuable contribution. Both the approach and the information itself bring forth new insight, which is to be expected from a linguist who, in the years in which he focused on Zadar topics, was at his peak, and who forged a new linguistic foundation for the study of the Croatian language.In questo compendio si presentano gli studi di Dalibor Brozović sui temi zaratini, sui due contributi sulla lingua di Zoranić, sul contributo sulla lingua di Baraković e sull\u27articolo “O suvremenoj zadarskoj miksoglotiji i o njezinim društveno-povijesnim i lingvističkim pretpostavkama” - “Sulla mistoglossia zaratina contemporanea e sui suoi presupposti storico-sociali e linguistici”. Si è concluso che Dalibor Brozović ha dedicato ai temi linguistici zaratini una parte relativamente insignificante della sua opera, ma anche questo basta per dire che si tratta di contributi di valore. Sia nell\u27approccio che negli aspetti concreti vi sono molte novità, ciò che del resto ci si attende da un linguista che negli anni in cui trattò i temi zaratini era nel pieno delle sue forze intellettuali e che reimpostò lo studio della lingua croata su nuovi fondamenti di linguistica generale

    On the contemporary speech of Zadar

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    Suvremeni govor grada Zadra oblikovan je elementima štokavštine, čakavštine i hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika. U radu se opisuju njegove fonološke i morfološke posebnosti.The basic assumption in this paper is that the contemporary Zadar speech is a mixture of interdialects of two dialects, i.e. Zadar conversational speech as such, could be the result of the influence of new Štokavian dialect from the hinterland, Čakavian Ikavian dialect of Southern Čakavian idioms from the coastal area, and Croatian standard language. This paper gives a preview of phonologic and morphologic features of both dialects that can be distinguished in everyday informal communication


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    U radu se analizira govor Kruševa, mjesta smještenoga u zadarskom zaleđu. Obrađuju se pojedine fonološke i morfološke jezične posebnosti. Analiza je pokazala da govor Kruševa pripada zapadnom, odnosno novoštokavskom ikavskom dijalektu. Snimka kruševačkoga govora snimljenoga diktafonom u travnju i kolovozu 2009. godine, poslužila je kao polazište za analizu.The speech of Kruševo, a small town near Zadar, is analysed in this paper. Specific phonological and morphological linguistic characteristics are explained. The analysis showed that the speech of Kruševo can be classified as a western, new štokavian and ikavian dialect. The analysis was based on the recording of Kruševo speech in April and August 2009


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    The synchronic linguistic situation of the urban idiom in the city of Zadar is a result of several strands of dialectal influence: Neo-Shtokavian dialect spoken in the hinterland, Chakavian ikavian (“ikavski”) idiom spoken in the coastal region of Croatia, Central Chakavian ikavian-ekavian (“ikavski-ekavski”) dialect and standard Croatian. Lisac established that the contemporary Zadar idiom consists of a mixture of two Croatian dialects, Chakavian and Shtokavian, each in turn further subdivided into Central Chakavian and South Chakavian, Bosnian-Herzegovinian and East Herzegovinian, respectively. Due to varied historical circumstances, within these dialects we find a number of loanwords, mostly Turkish in Shtokavian and Romance borrowings in the Chakavian dialect. To this end the paper uses linguistic contact theory, applied in research on dialects, and explores influence in one direction only: it explores the presence of Turkish loanwords in Croatian idiom of Zadar (in its Shtokavian dialectal component) and Romance loanwords in the Zadar idiom (in its Chakavian component) but not the influence of Croatian on either Turkish or Romance languages. Hence the recipient language is Croatian (here specifically its Zadar idiom) while the donor languages are Turkish and Romance languages, mainly Venetian Italian but also standard Italian, and in some cases we are dealing with linguistic relics of Romance Dalmatian language in Croatian. We have selected to analyse Turkish loanwords in the Shtokavian dialect and Romance loanwords in the Chakavian dialect (within the Zadar idiom) because they are the most frequent foreign borrowings in the Zadar idiom, especially Romance elements that pervade the varieties of Croatian spoken in the coastal region (they often remain on a regional level only but some have passed from Chakavian into Croatian standard)


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    Ovim radom izvodimo analizu jezičnih promjena koje su se dogodile u suvremenom govoru Zadra. Na osnovi novijih teorijskih istraživanja sociolingvistike o jezičnim promjenama i statističke analize prikazujemo one čakavske karakteristike koje su se još uvijek zadržale u suvremenom govoru Zadra, te istražujemo koliki je utjecaj susjedne novoštokavštine i standardnog jezika na dijalektalne oblike. Iz prikupljene građe uzimamo rezultate starije i mlađe generacije, te ih pokušavamo interpretirati prema teorijama o jezičnim promjenama u urbanim i ruralnim dijalektima.In this paper we analyze the urban vernacular of today\u27s town of Zadar. Using sociolinguistic methods and more recent theoretical studies, we aim to answer the question why some dialectal variables disappear, why some of them are in a state of variation and some are still firmly present in Zadar\u27s vernacular? Using previous research we follow the influence of the neighboring new štokavian dialect and standard language on the kajkavian dialect in Zadar and, based on the answers of the younger and older generation, we made an attempt to interpret them according to the theories of the chosen variables which are analyzed within the sociolinguistic framework of urban and rural dialects