1,795 research outputs found

    Numerical Homogenization of Nonlinear Random Parabolic Operators

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    Homogenization of Parabolic Equations with a Continuum of Space and Time Scales

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    This paper addresses the issue of the homogenization of linear divergence form parabolic operators in situations where no ergodicity and no scale separation in time or space are available. Namely, we consider divergence form linear parabolic operators in ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n with L(Ω×(0,T))L^\infty(\Omega \times (0,T))-coefficients. It appears that the inverse operator maps the unit ball of L2(Ω×(0,T))L^2(\Omega\times (0,T)) into a space of functions which at small (time and space) scales are close in H1H^1 norm to a functional space of dimension nn. It follows that once one has solved these equations at least nn times it is possible to homogenize them both in space and in time, reducing the number of operation counts necessary to obtain further solutions. In practice we show under a Cordes-type condition that the first order time derivatives and second order space derivatives of the solution of these operators with respect to caloric coordinates are in L2L^2 (instead of H1H^{-1} with Euclidean coordinates). If the medium is time-independent, then it is sufficient to solve nn times the associated elliptic equation in order to homogenize the parabolic equation

    Multiscale Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Problems and their Applications

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    In this paper we propose a generalization of multiscale finite element methods (Ms-FEM) to nonlinear problems. We study the convergence of the proposed method for nonlinear elliptic equations and propose an oversampling technique. Numerical examples demonstrate that the over-sampling technique greatly reduces the error. The application of MsFEM to porous media flows is considered. Finally, we describe further generalizations of MsFEM to nonlinear time-dependent equations and discuss the convergence of the method for various kinds of heterogeneities

    Adaptive multiscale model reduction with Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Methods

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    In this paper, we discuss a general multiscale model reduction framework based on multiscale finite element methods. We give a brief overview of related multiscale methods. Due to page limitations, the overview focuses on a few related methods and is not intended to be comprehensive. We present a general adaptive multiscale model reduction framework, the Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method. Besides the method's basic outline, we discuss some important ingredients needed for the method's success. We also discuss several applications. The proposed method allows performing local model reduction in the presence of high contrast and no scale separation

    Continuous dependence estimates for the ergodic problem of Bellman equation with an application to the rate of convergence for the homogenization problem

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    This paper is devoted to establish continuous dependence estimates for the ergodic problem for Bellman operators (namely, estimates of (v_1-v_2) where v_1 and v_2 solve two equations with different coefficients). We shall obtain an estimate of ||v_1-v_2||_\infty with an explicit dependence on the L^\infty-distance between the coefficients and an explicit characterization of the constants and also, under some regularity conditions, an estimate of ||v_1-v_2||_{C^2(\R^n)}. Afterwards, the former result will be crucial in the estimate of the rate of convergence for the homogenization of Bellman equations. In some regular cases, we shall obtain the same rate of convergence established in the monographs [11,26] for regular linear problems

    Localized bases for finite dimensional homogenization approximations with non-separated scales and high-contrast

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    We construct finite-dimensional approximations of solution spaces of divergence form operators with LL^\infty-coefficients. Our method does not rely on concepts of ergodicity or scale-separation, but on the property that the solution space of these operators is compactly embedded in H1H^1 if source terms are in the unit ball of L2L^2 instead of the unit ball of H1H^{-1}. Approximation spaces are generated by solving elliptic PDEs on localized sub-domains with source terms corresponding to approximation bases for H2H^2. The H1H^1-error estimates show that O(hd)\mathcal{O}(h^{-d})-dimensional spaces with basis elements localized to sub-domains of diameter O(hαln1h)\mathcal{O}(h^\alpha \ln \frac{1}{h}) (with α[1/2,1)\alpha \in [1/2,1)) result in an O(h22α)\mathcal{O}(h^{2-2\alpha}) accuracy for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic problems. For high-contrast media, the accuracy of the method is preserved provided that localized sub-domains contain buffer zones of width O(hαln1h)\mathcal{O}(h^\alpha \ln \frac{1}{h}) where the contrast of the medium remains bounded. The proposed method can naturally be generalized to vectorial equations (such as elasto-dynamics).Comment: Accepted for publication in SIAM MM

    Nonlinear nonlocal multicontinua upscaling framework and its applications

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    In this paper, we discuss multiscale methods for nonlinear problems. The main idea of these approaches is to use local constraints and solve problems in oversampled regions for constructing macroscopic equations. These techniques are intended for problems without scale separation and high contrast, which often occur in applications. For linear problems, the local solutions with constraints are used as basis functions. This technique is called Constraint Energy Minimizing Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method (CEM-GMsFEM). GMsFEM identifies macroscopic quantities based on rigorous analysis. In corresponding upscaling methods, the multiscale basis functions are selected such that the degrees of freedom have physical meanings, such as averages of the solution on each continuum. This paper extends the linear concepts to nonlinear problems, where the local problems are nonlinear. The main concept consists of: (1) identifying macroscopic quantities; (2) constructing appropriate oversampled local problems with coarse-grid constraints; (3) formulating macroscopic equations. We consider two types of approaches. In the first approach, the solutions of local problems are used as basis functions (in a linear fashion) to solve nonlinear problems. This approach is simple to implement; however, it lacks the nonlinear interpolation, which we present in our second approach. In this approach, the local solutions are used as a nonlinear forward map from local averages (constraints) of the solution in oversampling region. This local fine-grid solution is further used to formulate the coarse-grid problem. Both approaches are discussed on several examples and applied to single-phase and two-phase flow problems, which are challenging because of convection-dominated nature of the concentration equation

    Metric based up-scaling

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    We consider divergence form elliptic operators in dimension n2n\geq 2 with LL^\infty coefficients. Although solutions of these operators are only H\"{o}lder continuous, we show that they are differentiable (C1,αC^{1,\alpha}) with respect to harmonic coordinates. It follows that numerical homogenization can be extended to situations where the medium has no ergodicity at small scales and is characterized by a continuum of scales by transferring a new metric in addition to traditional averaged (homogenized) quantities from subgrid scales into computational scales and error bounds can be given. This numerical homogenization method can also be used as a compression tool for differential operators.Comment: Final version. Accepted for publication in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. Presented at CIMMS (March 2005), Socams 2005 (April), Oberwolfach, MPI Leipzig (May 2005), CIRM (July 2005). Higher resolution figures are available at http://www.acm.caltech.edu/~owhadi