4 research outputs found

    Data Stewardship: Environmental Data Curation and a Web-of-Repositories

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    Scientific researchers today frequently package measurements and associated metadata as digital datasets in anticipation of storage in data repositories. Through the lens of environmental data stewardship, we consider the data repository as an organizational element central to data curation. One aspect of non-commercial repositories, their distance-from-origin of the data, is explored in terms of near and remote categories. Three idealized repository types are distinguished – local, center, and archive - paralleling research, resource, and reference collection categories respectively. Repository type characteristics such as scope, structure, and goals are discussed. Repository similarities in terms of roles, activities and responsibilities are also examined. Data stewardship is related to care of research data and responsible scientific communication supported by an infrastructure that coordinates curation activities; data curation is defined as a set of repeated and repeatable activities focusing on tending data and creating data products within a particular arena. The concept of “sphere-of-context” is introduced as an aid to distinguishing repository types. Conceptualizing a “web-of-repositories” accommodates a variety of repository types and represents an ecologically inclusive approach to data curation

    User Influence in E-Service Evolution: A Case Study of E-Banking

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    In this interpretive case study we examine the processes and the related information systems (IS) fostering user influence in a large scale e-banking case. Our focus is user involvement in the IS evolution by enhancing and utilizing unsolicited feedback and initiatives. As a result, we develop a new conceptualization of feedback and initiative management. Organizations may utilize this model and the related patterns of action and interaction for organizing their congruent processes. Our case is an international financial organization which has one of the first e-banks and largest user bases of these systems in the world. E-banking is one of the advanced strategic web application areas where there is already a long history of use by a high number of external, heterogeneous users. Hence, we believe that these results may be applicable to other web-based information systems as well

    A method for recruitment of lead users from virtual communities to innovate IT enabled services for consumers in global markets

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    Contemporary information technologies enable firms to re-think and innovate with their service offerings. The difficult challenge with new service development (NSD) is how to engage the potential new service users in firm’s NSD activities. The lead user method has been a promising approach to tackle this problem. However, the finding and recruiting of the lead users has been found very arduous for the firms. The paper designs and tests a method for identifying and contacting the lead users, and employs laddering interviewing for subsequent data collection. The data consists of 55 laddering interviews conducted in Finland and Hong Kong. Our findings demonstrate that the proposed method can be considered effective. The results of the study show that with the proposed method we can facilitate design activities between new service developers and potential new service users. Our study also reveals interesting differences in the data sets regarding how interviewees provide reasoning for their potential service use. This finding provides basis for future research in understanding how culture affects new service development

    Management of open-ended user feedback in the continuous development of information systems and e-services

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    Information systems are increasingly web-based and part of web-portals and ERP-systems that users see as a single service. Business processes and information systems are intertwined and constantly co-evolve. Systems and e-services affect many stakeholders and vast numbers of users, including consumers. Their needs, expectations, and desires are versatile, even conflicting, and change over time. Therefore, ongoing user involvement in systems development is important for providing sufficient service quality. Yet, it is very challenging for the service provider to directly reach or control users and other stakeholders. The utilization of open-ended user feedback provides a solution for ongoing user involvement. Open-ended feedback includes complaints, but also opinions and new ideas and tackles both business and organizational issues in addition to the system under consideration. However, the unstructured nature of open-ended feedback makes it difficult for such feedback to be analyzed and utilized. Often, no formal structure exists for forwarding feedback into the planning, development, and decision making processes. The objective of this qualitative research is to understand the management and utilization of open-ended user feedback in continuous information system and e-service development. Interpretive case study approach and action research are applied in five cases that represent various industries, types of information systems and e-services, and development situations. Methods and practices for the management and utilization of open-ended user feedback are developed. First, e-collaboration processes are developed for gathering open-ended feedback from users and other stakeholders at operational and strategic levels. Second, a model for feedback management is developed for gathering, analyzing, and disseminating open-ended feedback throughout the organization and all levels of planning. Finally, an e-service development model is constructed for integrating feedback management, information systems development, and new service development, thus enabling feedback utilization in those processes. The developed processes and models cover the whole feedback lifecycle from idea conception to utilization. The e-service development model integrates idea generation, information system, and new service development processes. The results enable continuous user involvement through open-ended feedback throughout the system lifecycle and at all levels of planning. They are useful for both academia and practitioners in their undertakings to implement, improve, and integrate practices for feedback management and continuous information system and e-service development.Tietojärjestelmät ovat yhä enemmän verkkopohjaisia ja osia verkkoportaaleissa ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmissä, jotka käyttäjän näkökulmasta ovat yksi sähköinen palvelu. Liiketoimintaprosessit ja järjestelmät ovat sidoksissa toisiinsa ja muuttuvat jatkuvasti. Tietojärjestelmät ja sähköiset palvelut vaikuttavat moniin sidosryhmiin ja suureen joukkoon käyttäjiä, mukaan lukien kuluttajia. Käyttäjien tarpeet, odotukset ja toiveet ovat moninaisia, muuttuvia ja jopa ristiriitaisia. Käyttäjien osallistuminen jatkuvaan tietojärjestelmien kehittämiseen onkin tärkeätä hyvän palvelutason takaamiseksi. Palvelun tarjoajan on kuitenkin haastavaa suoraan tavoittaa tai hallita käyttäjiä ja muita sidosryhmiä. Vapaamuotoisen käyttäjäpalautteen hyödyntäminen on ratkaisu käyttäjien jatkuvaan osallistumiseen. Palaute sisältää valitusten lisäksi uusia ideoita ja tarpeita, jotka koskevat kyseisen järjestelmän ohella sekä liiketoimintaa että organisatorisia seikkoja. Jäsentymätöntä vapaamuotoista palautetta on kuitenkin vaikeaa analysoida ja hyödyntää. Systemaattisia tapoja välittää palaute suunnittelu-, kehittämis- ja päätöksentekoprosesseihin ei usein ole. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten hallita ja hyödyntää vapaamuotoista käyttäjäpalautetta tietojärjestelmien ja sähköisten palveluiden jatkuvassa kehittämisessä. Tulkitsevat tapaustutkimukset ja toimintatutkimukset on tehty viidessä organisaatiossa, jotka edustavat eri teollisuudenaloja, tietojärjestelmä- ja verkkopalvelutyyppejä sekä kehittämistilanteita. Tuloksena on menetelmiä ja käytäntöjä vapaamuotoisen käyttäjäpalautteen hallintaan ja hyödyntämiseen. Ensiksikin on kehitetty sähköisiä yhteistyöprosesseja vapaamuotoisen käyttäjä- ja sidosryhmäpalautteen keräämiseksi toiminnallisella ja strategisella suunnittelutasolla. Toiseksi on kehitetty palautehallintamalli vapaamuotoisen palautteen keräämiseksi, analysoimiseksi ja välittämiseksi organisaatiossa ja eri suunnittelutasoilla. Lopuksi on kehitetty sähköisen palvelun kehittämismalli palautehallinnan, tietojärjestelmien kehittämisen ja uuden palvelun kehittämisen prosessien integroimiseksi. Kehitetyt prosessit ja mallit kattavat palautteen elinkaaren idean syntymisestä sen hyödyntämiseen. Sähköisen palvelun kehittämismalli integroi ideoinnin sekä tietojärjestelmien ja uuden palvelun kehittämisen prosessit. Tulokset mahdollistavat jatkuvan käyttäjien osallistumisen vapaamuotoisen palautteen avulla koko järjestelmän elinkaaren ajan ja kaikilla suunnittelutasoilla. Ne ovat hyödyllisiä tutkijoille ja myös yrityksille, kun ne ottavat käyttöön, parantavat ja integroivat palautehallinnan ja jatkuvan järjestelmien ja sähköisten palveluiden kehittämisen käytäntöjään