1,787 research outputs found

    Scan matching by cross-correlation and differential evolution

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    Scan matching is an important task, solved in the context of many high-level problems including pose estimation, indoor localization, simultaneous localization and mapping and others. Methods that are accurate and adaptive and at the same time computationally efficient are required to enable location-based services in autonomous mobile devices. Such devices usually have a wide range of high-resolution sensors but only a limited processing power and constrained energy supply. This work introduces a novel high-level scan matching strategy that uses a combination of two advanced algorithms recently used in this field: cross-correlation and differential evolution. The cross-correlation between two laser range scans is used as an efficient measure of scan alignment and the differential evolution algorithm is used to search for the parameters of a transformation that aligns the scans. The proposed method was experimentally validated and showed good ability to match laser range scans taken shortly after each other and an excellent ability to match laser range scans taken with longer time intervals between them.Web of Science88art. no. 85

    Advances in the Derivation of Northeast Siberian Forest Metrics Using High-Resolution UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds

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    Forest structure is a crucial component in the assessment of whether a forest is likely to act as a carbon sink under changing climate. Detailed 3D structural information about the tundra–taiga ecotone of Siberia is mostly missing and still underrepresented in current research due to the remoteness and restricted accessibility. Field based, high-resolution remote sensing can provide important knowledge for the understanding of vegetation properties and dynamics. In this study, we test the applicability of consumer-grade Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for rapid calculation of stand metrics in treeline forests. We reconstructed high-resolution photogrammetric point clouds and derived canopy height models for 10 study sites from NE Chukotka and SW Yakutia. Subsequently, we detected individual tree tops using a variable-window size local maximum filter and applied a marker-controlled watershed segmentation for the delineation of tree crowns. With this, we successfully detected 67.1% of the validation individuals. Simple linear regressions of observed and detected metrics show a better correlation (R2) and lower relative root mean square percentage error (RMSE%) for tree heights (mean R2 = 0.77, mean RMSE% = 18.46%) than for crown diameters (mean R2 = 0.46, mean RMSE% = 24.9%). The comparison between detected and observed tree height distributions revealed that our tree detection method was unable to representatively identify trees 15–20 m to capture homogeneous and representative forest stands. Additionally, we identify sources of omission and commission errors and give recommendations for their mitigation. In summary, the efficiency of the used method depends on the complexity of the forest’s stand structure

    Update urban basemap by using the LiDAR mobile mapping system : the case of Abu Dhabi municipal system

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    Basemaps are the main resource used in urban planning and in building and infrastructure asset management. These maps are used by citizens and by private and public stakeholders. Therefore, accurate, up-to-date geoinformation of reference are needed to provide a good service. In general, basemaps have been updated by aerial photogrammetry or field surveying, but these methods are not always possible and alternatives need to be sought. Current limitations and challenges that face traditional field surveys include areas with extreme weather, deserts or artic environments, and flight restrictions due to proximity with other countries if there is not an agreement. In such cases, alternatives for large-scale are required. This thesis proposes the use of a mobile mapping system (MMS) to update urban basemaps. Most urban features can be extracted from point cloud using commercial software or open libraries. However, there are some exceptions: manhole covers, or hidden elements even with captures from defferent perspective, the most common building corners. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to establish a methodology for extracting manholes automatically and for completing hidden corners of buildings, so that urban basemaps can be updated. The algorithm developed to extract manholes is based on time, intensity and shape detection parameters, whereas additional information from satellite images is used to complete buildings. Each municipality knows the materials and dimensions of its manholes. Taking advantage of this knowledge, the point cloud is filtered to classify points according to the set of intensity values associated with the manhole material. From the classified points, the minimum bounding rectangles (MBR) are obtained and finally the shape is adjusted and drawn. We use satellite imagery to automatically digitize the layout of building footprints with automated software tools. Then, the visible corners of buildings from the LiDAR point cloud are imported and a fitting process is performed by comparing them with the corners of the building from the satellite image. Two methods are evaluated to establish which is the most suitable for adjustment in these conditions. In the first method, the differences in X and Y directions are measured in the corners, where LiDAR and satellite data are available, and is often computed as the average of the offsets. In the second method, a Helmert 2D transformation is applied. MMS involves Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) to georeference point clouds. Their accuracy depends on the acquisition environment. In this study, the influence of the urban pattern is analysed in three zones with varied urban characteristics: different height buildings, open areas, and areas with a low and high level of urbanization. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms, three areas were chosen with varying urban patterns in Abu Dhabi. In these areas, 3D urban elements (light poles, street signs, etc) were automatically extracted using commercial software. The proposed algorithms were applied to the manholes and buildings. The completeness and correctness ratio, and geometric accuracy were calculated for all urban elements in the three areas. The best success rates (>70%) were for light poles, street signs and road curbs, regardless of the height of the buildings. The worst rate was obtained for the same features in peri-urban areas, due to high vegetation. In contrast, the best results for trees were found in theses areas. Our methodology demonstrates the great potential and efficiency of mobile LiDAR technology in updating basemaps; a process that is required to achieve standard accuracy in large scale maps. The cost of the entire process and the time required for the proposed methodology was calculated and compared with the traditional method. It was found that mobile LiDAR could be a standard cost-efficient procedure for updating maps.La cartografía de referencia es la principal herramienta en planificación urbanística, y gestión de infraestructuras y edificios, al servicio de ciudadanos, empresas y administración. Por esta razón, debe estar actualizada y ser lo más precisa posible. Tradicionalmente, la cartografía se actualiza mediante fotogrametría aérea o levantamientos terrestres. No obstante, deben buscarse alternativas válidas para escalas grandes, porque no siempre es posible emplear estas técnicas debido a las limitaciones y retos actuales a los que se enfrenta la medición tradicional en algunas zonas del planeta, con meteorología extrema o restricciones de vuelo por la proximidad a la frontera con otros países. Esta tesis propone el uso del sistema Mobile Mapping System (MMS) para actualizar la cartografía urbana de referencia. La mayoría de los elementos pueden extraerse empleando software comercial o librerías abiertas, excepto los registros de servicios. Los elementos ocultos son otro de los inconvenientes encontrados en el proceso de creación o actualización de la cartografía, incluso si se dispone de capturas desde diferentes puntos de vista. El caso más común es el de las esquinas de edificios. Por ello, el principal objetivo de este estudio es establecer una metodología de extracción automática de los registros y completar las esquinas ocultas de los edificios para actualizar cartografía urbana. El algoritmo desarrollado para la detección y extracción de registros se basa en parámetros como el tiempo, la intensidad de la señal laser y la forma de los registros, mientras que para completar los edificios se emplea información adicional de imágenes satélite. Aprovechando el conocimiento del material y dimensión de los registros, en disposición de los gestores municipales, el algoritmo propuesto filtra y clasifica los puntos de acuerdo a los valores de intensidad. De aquellos clasificados como registros se calcula el mínimo rectángulo que los contiene (Minimum Bounding Rectangle) y finalmente se ajusta la forma y se dibuja. Las imágenes de satélite son empleadas para obtener automáticamente la huella de los edificios. Posteriormente, se importan las esquinas visibles de los edificios obtenidas desde la nube de puntos y se realiza el ajuste comparándolas con las obtenidas desde satélite. Para llevar a cabo este ajuste se han evaluado dos métodos, el primero de ellos considera las diferencias entre las coordenadas XY, desplazándose el promedio. En el segundo, se aplica una transformación Helmert2D. MMS emplea sistemas de navegación global por satélite (Global Navigation Satellite Systems, GNSS) e inerciales (Inertial Measurement Unit, IMU) para georreferenciar la nube de puntos. La precisión de estos sistemas de posicionamiento depende del entorno de adquisición. Por ello, en este estudio se han seleccionado tres áreas con distintas características urbanas (altura de edificios, nivel de urbanización y áreas abiertas) de Abu Dhabi con el fin de analizar su influencia, tanto en la captura, como en la extracción de los elementos. En el caso de farolas, señales viales, árboles y aceras se ha realizado con software comercial, y para registros y edificios con los algoritmos propuestos. Las ratios de corrección y completitud, y la precisión geométrica se han calculado en las diferentes áreas urbanas. Los mejores resultados se han conseguido para las farolas, señales y bordillos, independientemente de la altura de los edificios. La peor ratio se obtuvo para los mismos elementos en áreas peri-urbanas, debido a la vegetación. Resultados opuestos se han conseguido en la detección de árboles. El coste económico y en tiempo de la metodología propuesta resulta inferior al de métodos tradicionales. Lo cual demuestra el gran potencial y eficiencia de la tecnología LiDAR móvil para la actualización cartografía de referenciaPostprint (published version


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    New strategies for row-crop management based on cost-effective remote sensors

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    Agricultural technology can be an excellent antidote to resource scarcity. Its growth has led to the extensive study of spatial and temporal in-field variability. The challenge of accurate management has been addressed in recent years through the use of accurate high-cost measurement instruments by researchers. However, low rates of technological adoption by farmers motivate the development of alternative technologies based on affordable sensors, in order to improve the sustainability of agricultural biosystems. This doctoral thesis has as main objective the development and evaluation of systems based on affordable sensors, in order to address two of the main aspects affecting the producers: the need of an accurate plant water status characterization to perform a proper irrigation management and the precise weed control. To address the first objective, two data acquisition methodologies based on aerial platforms have been developed, seeking to compare the use of infrared thermometry and thermal imaging to determine the water status of two most relevant row-crops in the region, sugar beet and super high-density olive orchards. From the data obtained, the use of an airborne low-cost infrared sensor to determine the canopy temperature has been validated. Also the reliability of sugar beet canopy temperature as an indicator its of water status has been confirmed. The empirical development of the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) has also been carried out from aerial thermal imaging combined with infrared temperature sensors and ground measurements of factors such as water potential or stomatal conductance, validating its usefulness as an indicator of water status in super high-density olive orchards. To contribute to the development of precise weed control systems, a system for detecting tomato plants and measuring the space between them has been developed, aiming to perform intra-row treatments in a localized and precise way. To this end, low cost optical sensors have been used and compared with a commercial LiDAR laser scanner. Correct detection results close to 95% show that the implementation of these sensors can lead to promising advances in the automation of weed control. The micro-level field data collected from the evaluated affordable sensors can help farmers to target operations precisely before plant stress sets in or weeds infestation occurs, paving the path to increase the adoption of Precision Agriculture techniques

    Monitorización 3D de cultivos y cartografía de malas hierbas mediante vehículos aéreos no tripulados para un uso sostenible de fitosanitarios

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    En esta Tesis Doctoral se han utilizado las imágenes procedentes de un UAV para abordar la sostenibilidad de la aplicación de productos fitosanitarios mediante la generación de mapas que permitan su aplicación localizada. Se han desarrollado dos formas diferentes y complementarias para lograr este objetivo: 1) la reducción de la aplicación de herbicidas en post-emergencia temprana mediante el diseño de tratamientos dirigidos a las zonas infestadas por malas hierbas en varios cultivos herbáceos; y 2) la caracterización tridimensional (arquitectura y volumen) de cultivos leñosos para el diseño de tratamientos de aplicación localizada de fitosanitarios dirigidos a la parte aérea de los mismos. Para afrontar el control localizado de herbicidas se han estudiado la configuración y las especificaciones técnicas de un UAV y de los sensores embarcados a bordo para su aplicación en la detección temprana de malas hierbas y contribuir a la generación de mapas para un control localizado en tres cultivos herbáceos: maíz, trigo y girasol. A continuación, se evaluaron los índices espectrales más precisos para su uso en la discriminación de suelo desnudo y vegetación (cultivo y malas hierbas) en imágenes-UAV tomadas sobre dichos cultivos en fase temprana. Con el fin de automatizar dicha discriminación se implementó en un entorno OBIA un método de cálculo de umbrales. Finalmente, se desarrolló una metodología OBIA automática y robusta para la discriminación de cultivo, suelo desnudo y malas hierbas en los tres cultivos estudiados, y se evaluó la influencia sobre su funcionamiento de distintos parámetros relacionados con la toma de imágenes UAV (solape, tipo de sensor, altitud de vuelo, momento de programación de los vuelos, entre otros). Por otra parte y para facilitar el diseño de tratamientos fitosanitarios ajustados a las necesidades de los cultivos leñosos se ha desarrollado una metodología OBIA automática y robusta para la caracterización tridimensional (arquitectura y volumen) de cultivos leñosos usando imágenes y modelos digitales de superficies generados a partir de imágenes procedentes de un UAV. Asimismo, se evaluó la influencia de distintos parámetros relacionados con la toma de las imágenes (solape, tipo de sensor, altitud de vuelo) sobre el funcionamiento del algoritmo OBIA diseñado