86,053 research outputs found

    Unified clustering and communication protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    In this paper we present an energy-efficient cross layer protocol for providing application specific reservations in wireless senor networks called the “Unified Clustering and Communication Protocol ” (UCCP). Our modular cross layered framework satisfies three wireless sensor network requirements, namely, the QoS requirement of heterogeneous applications, energy aware clustering and data forwarding by relay sensor nodes. Our unified design approach is motivated by providing an integrated and viable solution for self organization and end-to-end communication is wireless sensor networks. Dynamic QoS based reservation guarantees are provided using a reservation-based TDMA approach. Our novel energy-efficient clustering approach employs a multi-objective optimization technique based on OR (operations research) practices. We adopt a simple hierarchy in which relay nodes forward data messages from cluster head to the sink, thus eliminating the overheads needed to maintain a routing protocol. Simulation results demonstrate that UCCP provides an energy-efficient and scalable solution to meet the application specific QoS demands in resource constrained sensor nodes. Index Terms — wireless sensor networks, unified communication, optimization, clustering and quality of service

    A General Spatio-Temporal Clustering-Based Non-local Formulation for Multiscale Modeling of Compartmentalized Reservoirs

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    Representing the reservoir as a network of discrete compartments with neighbor and non-neighbor connections is a fast, yet accurate method for analyzing oil and gas reservoirs. Automatic and rapid detection of coarse-scale compartments with distinct static and dynamic properties is an integral part of such high-level reservoir analysis. In this work, we present a hybrid framework specific to reservoir analysis for an automatic detection of clusters in space using spatial and temporal field data, coupled with a physics-based multiscale modeling approach. In this work a novel hybrid approach is presented in which we couple a physics-based non-local modeling framework with data-driven clustering techniques to provide a fast and accurate multiscale modeling of compartmentalized reservoirs. This research also adds to the literature by presenting a comprehensive work on spatio-temporal clustering for reservoir studies applications that well considers the clustering complexities, the intrinsic sparse and noisy nature of the data, and the interpretability of the outcome. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Spatio-Temporal Clustering; Physics-Based Data-Driven Formulation; Multiscale Modelin

    A new unsupervised feature selection method for text clustering based on genetic algorithms

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    Nowadays a vast amount of textual information is collected and stored in various databases around the world, including the Internet as the largest database of all. This rapidly increasing growth of published text means that even the most avid reader cannot hope to keep up with all the reading in a field and consequently the nuggets of insight or new knowledge are at risk of languishing undiscovered in the literature. Text mining offers a solution to this problem by replacing or supplementing the human reader with automatic systems undeterred by the text explosion. It involves analyzing a large collection of documents to discover previously unknown information. Text clustering is one of the most important areas in text mining, which includes text preprocessing, dimension reduction by selecting some terms (features) and finally clustering using selected terms. Feature selection appears to be the most important step in the process. Conventional unsupervised feature selection methods define a measure of the discriminating power of terms to select proper terms from corpus. However up to now the valuation of terms in groups has not been investigated in reported works. In this paper a new and robust unsupervised feature selection approach is proposed that evaluates terms in groups. In addition a new Modified Term Variance measuring method is proposed for evaluating groups of terms. Furthermore a genetic based algorithm is designed and implemented for finding the most valuable groups of terms based on the new measure. These terms then will be utilized to generate the final feature vector for the clustering process . In order to evaluate and justify our approach the proposed method and also a conventional term variance method are implemented and tested using corpus collection Reuters-21578. For a more accurate comparison, methods have been tested on three corpuses and for each corpus clustering task has been done ten times and results are averaged. Results of comparing these two methods are very promising and show that our method produces better average accuracy and F1-measure than the conventional term variance method

    An Efficient Fuzzy Clustering-Based Approach for Intrusion Detection

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    The need to increase accuracy in detecting sophisticated cyber attacks poses a great challenge not only to the research community but also to corporations. So far, many approaches have been proposed to cope with this threat. Among them, data mining has brought on remarkable contributions to the intrusion detection problem. However, the generalization ability of data mining-based methods remains limited, and hence detecting sophisticated attacks remains a tough task. In this thread, we present a novel method based on both clustering and classification for developing an efficient intrusion detection system (IDS). The key idea is to take useful information exploited from fuzzy clustering into account for the process of building an IDS. To this aim, we first present cornerstones to construct additional cluster features for a training set. Then, we come up with an algorithm to generate an IDS based on such cluster features and the original input features. Finally, we experimentally prove that our method outperforms several well-known methods.Comment: 15th East-European Conference on Advances and Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 11), Vienna : Austria (2011

    Machine learning for fiber nonlinearity mitigation in long-haul coherent optical transmission systems

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    Fiber nonlinearities from Kerr effect are considered as major constraints for enhancing the transmission capacity in current optical transmission systems. Digital nonlinearity compensation techniques such as digital backpropagation can perform well but require high computing resources. Machine learning can provide a low complexity capability especially for high-dimensional classification problems. Recently several supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques have been investigated in the field of fiber nonlinearity mitigation. This paper offers a brief review of the principles, performance and complexity of these machine learning approaches in the application of nonlinearity mitigation
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