875 research outputs found

    Convergence behaviour of structural FSM traversal

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    We present a theoretical analysis of structural FSM traversal, which is the basis for the sequential equivalence checking algorithm Record & Play presented earlier. We compare the convergence behaviour of exact and approximative structural FSM traversal with that of standard BDD-based FSM traversal. We show that for most circuits encountered in practice exact structural FSM traversal reaches the fixed point as fast as symbolic FSM traversal, while approximation can significantly reduce in the number of iterations needed. Our experiments confirm these results

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    The Language of Search

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    This paper is concerned with a class of algorithms that perform exhaustive search on propositional knowledge bases. We show that each of these algorithms defines and generates a propositional language. Specifically, we show that the trace of a search can be interpreted as a combinational circuit, and a search algorithm then defines a propositional language consisting of circuits that are generated across all possible executions of the algorithm. In particular, we show that several versions of exhaustive DPLL search correspond to such well-known languages as FBDD, OBDD, and a precisely-defined subset of d-DNNF. By thus mapping search algorithms to propositional languages, we provide a uniform and practical framework in which successful search techniques can be harnessed for compilation of knowledge into various languages of interest, and a new methodology whereby the power and limitations of search algorithms can be understood by looking up the tractability and succinctness of the corresponding propositional languages

    Design, Verification, Test and In-Field Implications of Approximate Computing Systems

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    Today, the concept of approximation in computing is becoming more and more a ā€œhot topicā€ to investigate how computing systems can be more energy efficient, faster, and less complex. Intuitively, instead of performing exact computations and, consequently, requiring a high amount of resources, Approximate Computing aims at selectively relaxing the specifications, trading accuracy off for efficiency. While Approximate Computing gives several promises when looking at systemsā€™ performance, energy efficiency and complexity, it poses significant challenges regarding the design, the verification, the test and the in-field reliability of Approximate Computing systems. This tutorial paper covers these aspects leveraging the experience of the authors in the field to present state-of-the-art solutions to apply during the different development phases of an Approximate Computing system

    Sciduction: Combining Induction, Deduction, and Structure for Verification and Synthesis

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    Even with impressive advances in automated formal methods, certain problems in system verification and synthesis remain challenging. Examples include the verification of quantitative properties of software involving constraints on timing and energy consumption, and the automatic synthesis of systems from specifications. The major challenges include environment modeling, incompleteness in specifications, and the complexity of underlying decision problems. This position paper proposes sciduction, an approach to tackle these challenges by integrating inductive inference, deductive reasoning, and structure hypotheses. Deductive reasoning, which leads from general rules or concepts to conclusions about specific problem instances, includes techniques such as logical inference and constraint solving. Inductive inference, which generalizes from specific instances to yield a concept, includes algorithmic learning from examples. Structure hypotheses are used to define the class of artifacts, such as invariants or program fragments, generated during verification or synthesis. Sciduction constrains inductive and deductive reasoning using structure hypotheses, and actively combines inductive and deductive reasoning: for instance, deductive techniques generate examples for learning, and inductive reasoning is used to guide the deductive engines. We illustrate this approach with three applications: (i) timing analysis of software; (ii) synthesis of loop-free programs, and (iii) controller synthesis for hybrid systems. Some future applications are also discussed

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2002

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAbstraction plays an important role in digital design, analysis, and verification, as it allows for the refinement of functions through different levels of conceptualization. This dissertation introduces a new method to compute a symbolic, canonical, word-level abstraction of the function implemented by a combinational logic circuit. This abstraction provides a representation of the function as a polynomial Z = F(A) over the Galois field F2k , expressed over the k-bit input to the circuit, A. This representation is easily utilized for formal verification (equivalence checking) of combinational circuits. The approach to abstraction is based upon concepts from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, notably the Grobner basis theory. It is shown that the polynomial F(A) can be derived by computing a Grobner basis of the polynomials corresponding to the circuit, using a specific elimination term order based on the circuits topology. However, computing Grobner bases using elimination term orders is infeasible for large circuits. To overcome these limitations, this work introduces an efficient symbolic computation to derive the word-level polynomial. The presented algorithms exploit i) the structure of the circuit, ii) the properties of Grobner bases, iii) characteristics of Galois fields F2k , and iv) modern algorithms from symbolic computation. A custom abstraction tool is designed to efficiently implement the abstraction procedure. While the concept is applicable to any arbitrary combinational logic circuit, it is particularly powerful in verification and equivalence checking of hierarchical, custom designed and structurally dissimilar Galois field arithmetic circuits. In most applications, the field size and the datapath size k in the circuits is very large, up to 1024 bits. The proposed abstraction procedure can exploit the hierarchy of the given Galois field arithmetic circuits. Our experiments show that, using this approach, our tool can abstract and verify Galois field arithmetic circuits up to 1024 bits in size. Contemporary techniques fail to verify these types of circuits beyond 163 bits and cannot abstract a canonical representation beyond 32 bits
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