10 research outputs found

    Novel Polynomial Basis and Its Application to Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes

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    In this paper, we present a new basis of polynomial over finite fields of characteristic two and then apply it to the encoding/decoding of Reed-Solomon erasure codes. The proposed polynomial basis allows that hh-point polynomial evaluation can be computed in O(hlog2(h))O(h\log_2(h)) finite field operations with small leading constant. As compared with the canonical polynomial basis, the proposed basis improves the arithmetic complexity of addition, multiplication, and the determination of polynomial degree from O(hlog2(h)log2log2(h))O(h\log_2(h)\log_2\log_2(h)) to O(hlog2(h))O(h\log_2(h)). Based on this basis, we then develop the encoding and erasure decoding algorithms for the (n=2r,k)(n=2^r,k) Reed-Solomon codes. Thanks to the efficiency of transform based on the polynomial basis, the encoding can be completed in O(nlog2(k))O(n\log_2(k)) finite field operations, and the erasure decoding in O(nlog2(n))O(n\log_2(n)) finite field operations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach supporting Reed-Solomon erasure codes over characteristic-2 finite fields while achieving a complexity of O(nlog2(n))O(n\log_2(n)), in both additive and multiplicative complexities. As the complexity leading factor is small, the algorithms are advantageous in practical applications

    New Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Based on FFT and Modular Approach

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    Decoding algorithms for Reed--Solomon (RS) codes are of great interest for both practical and theoretical reasons. In this paper, an efficient algorithm, called the modular approach (MA), is devised for solving the Welch--Berlekamp (WB) key equation. By taking the MA as the key equation solver, we propose a new decoding algorithm for systematic RS codes. For (n,k)(n,k) RS codes, where nn is the code length and kk is the code dimension, the proposed decoding algorithm has both the best asymptotic computational complexity O(nlog(nk)+(nk)log2(nk))O(n\log(n-k) + (n-k)\log^2(n-k)) and the smallest constant factor achieved to date. By comparing the number of field operations required, we show that when decoding practical RS codes, the new algorithm is significantly superior to the existing methods in terms of computational complexity. When decoding the (4096,3584)(4096, 3584) RS code defined over F212\mathbb{F}_{2^{12}}, the new algorithm is 10 times faster than a conventional syndrome-based method. Furthermore, the new algorithm has a regular architecture and is thus suitable for hardware implementation

    Transformées rapides sur les corps finis de caractéristique deux

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    We describe new fast algorithms for evaluation and interpolation on the "novel" polynomial basis over finite fields of characteristic two introduced by Lin, Chung and Han (FOCS 2014). Fast algorithms are also described for converting between their basis and the monomial basis, as well as for converting to and from the Newton basis associated with the evaluation points of the evaluation and interpolation algorithms. Combining algorithms yields a new truncated additive fast Fourier transform (FFT) and inverse truncated additive FFT which improve upon some previous algorithms when the field possesses an appropriate tower of subfields

    Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity

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    Human dignity demands that personal information, like medical and forensic data, be hidden from the public. But veils of secrecy designed to preserve privacy may also be abused to cover up lies and deceit by parties entrusted with Data, unjustly harming citizens and eroding trust in central institutions. Zero knowledge (ZK) proof systems are an ingenious cryptographic solution to the tension between the ideals of personal privacy and institutional integrity, enforcing the latter in a way that does not compromise the former. Public trust demands transparency from ZK systems, meaning they be set up with no reliance on any trusted party, and have no trapdoors that could be exploited by powerful parties to bear false witness. For ZK systems to be used with Big Data, it is imperative that the public verification process scale sublinearly in data size. Transparent ZK proofs that can be verified exponentially faster than data size were first described in the 1990s but early constructions were impractical, and no ZK system realized thus far in code (including that used by crypto-currencies like Zcash) has achieved both transparency and exponential verification speedup, simultaneously, for general computations. Here we report the first realization of a transparent ZK system (ZK-STARK) in which verification scales exponentially faster than database size, and moreover, this exponential speedup in verification is observed concretely for meaningful and sequential computations, described next. Our system uses several recent advances on interactive oracle proofs (IOP), such as a “fast” (linear time) IOP system for error correcting codes. Our proof-of-concept system allows the Police to prove to the public that the DNA profile of a Presidential Candidate does not appear in the forensic DNA profile database maintained by the Police. The proof, which is generated by the Police, relies on no external trusted party, and reveals no further information about the contents of the database, nor about the candidate’s profile; in particular, no DNA information is disclosed to any party outside the Police. The proof is shorter than the size of the DNA database, and verified faster than the time needed to examine that database naively