1 research outputs found

    Novel H+-Ion Sensor Based on a Gated Lateral BJT Pair

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    An H+-ion sensor based on a gated lateral bipolar junction transistor (BJT) pair that can operate without the classical reference electrode is proposed. The device is a special type of ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET). Classical ISFETs have the advantage of miniaturization, but  they are difficult to fabricate by a single fabrication process because of the bulky and brittle reference electrode materials. Moreover, the reference electrodes need to be separated from the sensor device in some cases. The proposed device is composed of two gated lateral BJT components, one of which had a silicide layer while the other was without the layer. The two components were operated under the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET)-BJT hybrid mode, which can be controlled by emitter voltage and base current. Buffer solutions with different pH values were used as the sensing targets to verify the characteristics of the proposed device. Owing to their different sensitivities, both components could simultaneously detect the H+-ion concentration and function as a reference to each other. Per the experimental results, the sensitivity of the proposed device was found to be approximately 0.175 μA/pH. This experiment demonstrates enormous potential to lower the cost of the ISFET-based sensor technology