22,223 research outputs found

    A construction for a counterexample to the pseudo 2-factor isomorphic graph conjecture

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    A graph GG admiting a 22-factor is \textit{pseudo 22-factor isomorphic} if the parity of the number of cycles in all its 22-factors is the same. In [M. Abreu, A.A. Diwan, B. Jackson, D. Labbate and J. Sheehan. Pseudo 22-factor isomorphic regular bipartite graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 98(2) (2008), 432-444.] some of the authors of this note gave a partial characterisation of pseudo 22-factor isomorphic bipartite cubic graphs and conjectured that K3,3K_{3,3}, the Heawood graph and the Pappus graph are the only essentially 44-edge-connected ones. In [J. Goedgebeur. A counterexample to the pseudo 22-factor isomorphic graph conjecture. Discr. Applied Math., 193 (2015), 57-60.] Jan Goedgebeur computationally found a graph G\mathscr{G} on 3030 vertices which is pseudo 22-factor isomorphic cubic and bipartite, essentially 44-edge-connected and cyclically 66-edge-connected, thus refuting the above conjecture. In this note, we describe how such a graph can be constructed from the Heawood graph and the generalised Petersen graph GP(8,3)GP(8,3), which are the Levi graphs of the Fano 737_3 configuration and the M\"obius-Kantor 838_3 configuration, respectively. Such a description of G\mathscr{G} allows us to understand its automorphism group, which has order 144144, using both a geometrical and a graph theoretical approach simultaneously. Moreover we illustrate the uniqueness of this graph

    Irreducible pseudo 2-factor isomorphic cubic bipartite graphs

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    A bipartite graph is {\em pseudo 2--factor isomorphic} if all its 2--factors have the same parity of number of circuits. In \cite{ADJLS} we proved that the only essentially 4--edge-connected pseudo 2--factor isomorphic cubic bipartite graph of girth 4 is K3,3K_{3,3}, and conjectured \cite[Conjecture 3.6]{ADJLS} that the only essentially 4--edge-connected cubic bipartite graphs are K3,3K_{3,3}, the Heawood graph and the Pappus graph. There exists a characterization of symmetric configurations n3n_3 %{\bf decide notation and how to use it in the rest of the paper} due to Martinetti (1886) in which all symmetric configurations n3n_3 can be obtained from an infinite set of so called {\em irreducible} configurations \cite{VM}. The list of irreducible configurations has been completed by Boben \cite{B} in terms of their {\em irreducible Levi graphs}. In this paper we characterize irreducible pseudo 2--factor isomorphic cubic bipartite graphs proving that the only pseudo 2--factor isomorphic irreducible Levi graphs are the Heawood and Pappus graphs. Moreover, the obtained characterization allows us to partially prove the above Conjecture

    On the Existence of General Factors in Regular Graphs

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    Let GG be a graph, and H ⁣:V(G)2NH\colon V(G)\to 2^\mathbb{N} a set function associated with GG. A spanning subgraph FF of GG is called an HH-factor if the degree of any vertex vv in FF belongs to the set H(v)H(v). This paper contains two results on the existence of HH-factors in regular graphs. First, we construct an rr-regular graph without some given HH^*-factor. In particular, this gives a negative answer to a problem recently posed by Akbari and Kano. Second, by using Lov\'asz's characterization theorem on the existence of (g,f)(g, f)-factors, we find a sharp condition for the existence of general HH-factors in {r,r+1}\{r, r+1\}-graphs, in terms of the maximum and minimum of HH. The result reduces to Thomassen's theorem for the case that H(v)H(v) consists of the same two consecutive integers for all vertices vv, and to Tutte's theorem if the graph is regular in addition.Comment: 10 page

    Vertex-Coloring Edge-Weighting of Bipartite Graphs with Two Edge Weights

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    Let GG be a graph and S\mathcal {S} be a subset of ZZ. A vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting of GG is an assignment of weight ss by the elements of S\mathcal {S} to each edge of GG so that adjacent vertices have different sums of incident edges weights. It was proved that every 3-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weighting (Lu, Yu and Zhang, (2011) \cite{LYZ}). In this paper, we show that the following result: if a 3-edge-connected bipartite graph GG with minimum degree δ\delta contains a vertex uV(G)u\in V(G) such that dG(u)=δd_G(u)=\delta and GuG-u is connected, then GG admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. In particular, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S\mathcal {S}-edge-weighting for S{{0,1},{1,2}}\mathcal {S}\in \{\{0,1\},\{1,2\}\}. The bound is sharp, since there exists a family of infinite bipartite graphs which are 2-connected and do not admit vertex-coloring {1,2}\{1,2\}-edge-weightings or vertex-coloring {0,1}\{0,1\}-edge-weightings.Comment: In this paper, we show that every 2-connected and 3-edge-connected bipartite graph admits a vertex-coloring S-edge-weighting for S\in {{0,1},{1,2}