16,377 research outputs found

    Superfluid to normal phase transition and extreme regularity of superdeformed bands

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    We derive the exact semiclassical expression for the second inertial parameter B\cal B for the superfluid and normal phases. Interpolation between these limiting values shows that the function B(I){\cal B}(I) changes sign at the spin IcI_c, which is critical for a rotational spectrum. The quantity B\cal B turns out to be a sensitive measure of the change in static pairing correlations. The superfluid-to-normal transition reveals itself in the specific variation of the ratio B/A{\cal B}/{\cal A} versus spin II with the plateau characteristic of the normal phase. We find this dependence to be universal for normal deformed and superdeformed bands. The long plateau with a small value B/A∼A−8/3{\cal B}/{\cal A}\sim A^{-8/3} explains the extreme regularity of superdeformed bands.Comment: 30 pages in LaTeX, 6 figures (PostScript). To be published in Yadernaya Fizika (Physics of Atomic Nuclei), special edition dedecated to the 90th birthday of Prof. I. I. Gurevit

    Degradation modeling applied to residual lifetime prediction using functional data analysis

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    Sensor-based degradation signals measure the accumulation of damage of an engineering system using sensor technology. Degradation signals can be used to estimate, for example, the distribution of the remaining life of partially degraded systems and/or their components. In this paper we present a nonparametric degradation modeling framework for making inference on the evolution of degradation signals that are observed sparsely or over short intervals of times. Furthermore, an empirical Bayes approach is used to update the stochastic parameters of the degradation model in real-time using training degradation signals for online monitoring of components operating in the field. The primary application of this Bayesian framework is updating the residual lifetime up to a degradation threshold of partially degraded components. We validate our degradation modeling approach using a real-world crack growth data set as well as a case study of simulated degradation signals.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS448 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Nonuniform Coverage Control on the Line

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    This paper investigates control laws allowing mobile, autonomous agents to optimally position themselves on the line for distributed sensing in a nonuniform field. We show that a simple static control law, based only on local measurements of the field by each agent, drives the agents close to the optimal positions after the agents execute in parallel a number of sensing/movement/computation rounds that is essentially quadratic in the number of agents. Further, we exhibit a dynamic control law which, under slightly stronger assumptions on the capabilities and knowledge of each agent, drives the agents close to the optimal positions after the agents execute in parallel a number of sensing/communication/computation/movement rounds that is essentially linear in the number of agents. Crucially, both algorithms are fully distributed and robust to unpredictable loss and addition of agents

    Identification of nonlinear vibrating structures: Part I -- Formulation

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    A self-starting multistage, time-domain procedure is presented for the identification of nonlinear, multi-degree-of-freedom systems undergoing free oscillations or subjected to arbitrary direct force excitations and/or nonuniform support motions. Recursive least-squares parameter estimation methods combined with nonparametric identification techniques are used to represent, with sufficient accuracy, the identified system in a form that allows the convenient prediction of its transient response under excitations that differ from the test signals. The utility of this procedure is demonstrated in a companion paper

    Temporal shape super-resolution by intra-frame motion encoding using high-fps structured light

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    One of the solutions of depth imaging of moving scene is to project a static pattern on the object and use just a single image for reconstruction. However, if the motion of the object is too fast with respect to the exposure time of the image sensor, patterns on the captured image are blurred and reconstruction fails. In this paper, we impose multiple projection patterns into each single captured image to realize temporal super resolution of the depth image sequences. With our method, multiple patterns are projected onto the object with higher fps than possible with a camera. In this case, the observed pattern varies depending on the depth and motion of the object, so we can extract temporal information of the scene from each single image. The decoding process is realized using a learning-based approach where no geometric calibration is needed. Experiments confirm the effectiveness of our method where sequential shapes are reconstructed from a single image. Both quantitative evaluations and comparisons with recent techniques were also conducted.Comment: 9 pages, Published at the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2017

    On the Propagation of Slip Fronts at Frictional Interfaces

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    The dynamic initiation of sliding at planar interfaces between deformable and rigid solids is studied with particular focus on the speed of the slip front. Recent experimental results showed a close relation between this speed and the local ratio of shear to normal stress measured before slip occurs (static stress ratio). Using a two-dimensional finite element model, we demonstrate, however, that fronts propagating in different directions do not have the same dynamics under similar stress conditions. A lack of correlation is also observed between accelerating and decelerating slip fronts. These effects cannot be entirely associated with static local stresses but call for a dynamic description. Considering a dynamic stress ratio (measured in front of the slip tip) instead of a static one reduces the above-mentioned inconsistencies. However, the effects of the direction and acceleration are still present. To overcome this we propose an energetic criterion that uniquely associates, independently on the direction of propagation and its acceleration, the slip front velocity with the relative rise of the energy density at the slip tip.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
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