3 research outputs found

    A Monte Carlo framework for noise removal and missing wedge restoration in cryo-electron tomography

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    In this paper, we describe a statistical method to address an important issue in cryo-electron tomography image analysis: reduction of a high amount of noise and artifacts due to the presence of a missing wedge (MW) in the spectral domain. The method takes as an input a 3D tomo-gram derived from limited-angle tomography, and gives as an output a 3D denoised and artifact compensated volume. The artifact compensation is achieved by filling up the MW with meaningful information. To address this inverse problem, we compute a Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) estimator of the uncorrupted image. The underlying high-dimensional integral is computed by applying a dedicated Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampling procedure based on the Metropolis-Hasting (MH) algorithm. The proposed computational method can be used to enhance visualization or as a pre-processing step for image analysis, including segmentation and classification of macromolecules. Results are presented for both synthetic data and real 3D cryo-electron images

    On normalization-equivariance properties of supervised and unsupervised denoising methods: a survey

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    Image denoising is probably the oldest and still one of the most active research topic in image processing. Many methodological concepts have been introduced in the past decades and have improved performances significantly in recent years, especially with the emergence of convolutional neural networks and supervised deep learning. In this paper, we propose a survey of guided tour of supervised and unsupervised learning methods for image denoising, classifying the main principles elaborated during this evolution, with a particular concern given to recent developments in supervised learning. It is conceived as a tutorial organizing in a comprehensive framework current approaches. We give insights on the rationales and limitations of the most performant methods in the literature, and we highlight the common features between many of them. Finally, we focus on on the normalization equivariance properties that is surprisingly not guaranteed with most of supervised methods. It is of paramount importance that intensity shifting or scaling applied to the input image results in a corresponding change in the denoiser output