10 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Connections and Spinor Geometry

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    We present an introduction to the geometry of higher order vector and co-vector bundles (including higher order generalizations of the Finsler geometry and Kaluza--Klein gravity) and review the basic results on Clifford and spinor structures on spaces with generic local anisotropy modeled by anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear connection structures. We emphasize strong arguments for application of Finsler like geometries in modern string and gravity theory and noncommutative geometry and noncommutative field theory and gravity.Comment: It is a short submission variant of math.DG/0205190 reduced to 48 pages with modifications requested by the Editor of IJMM

    Clifford-Finsler Algebroids and Nonholonomic Einstein-Dirac Structures

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    We propose a new framework for constructing geometric and physical models on nonholonomic manifolds provided both with Clifford -- Lie algebroid symmetry and nonlinear connection structure. Explicit parametrizations of generic off-diagonal metrics and linear and nonlinear connections define different types of Finsler, Lagrange and/or Riemann-Cartan spaces. A generalization to spinor fields and Dirac operators on nonholonomic manifolds motivates the theory of Clifford algebroids defined as Clifford bundles, in general, enabled with nonintegrable distributions defining the nonlinear connection. In this work, we elaborate the algebroid spinor differential geometry and formulate the (scalar, Proca, graviton, spinor and gauge) field equations on Lie algebroids. The paper communicates new developments in geometrical formulation of physical theories and this approach is grounded on a number of previous examples when exact solutions with generic off-diagonal metrics and generalized symmetries in modern gravity define nonholonomic spacetime manifolds with uncompactified extra dimensions.Comment: The manuscript was substantially modified following recommendations of JMP referee. The former Chapter 2 and Appendix were elliminated. The Introduction and Conclusion sections were modifie

    Fractional Dynamics from Einstein Gravity, General Solutions, and Black Holes

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    We study the fractional gravity for spacetimes with non-integer dimensions. Our constructions are based on a geometric formalism with the fractional Caputo derivative and integral calculus adapted to nonolonomic distributions. This allows us to define a fractional spacetime geometry with fundamental geometric/physical objects and a generalized tensor calculus all being similar to respective integer dimension constructions. Such models of fractional gravity mimic the Einstein gravity theory and various Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-Cartan generalizations in nonholonomic variables. The approach suggests a number of new implications for gravity and matter field theories with singular, stochastic, kinetic, fractal, memory etc processes. We prove that the fractional gravitational field equations can be integrated in very general forms following the anholonomic deformation method for constructing exact solutions. Finally, we study some examples of fractional black hole solutions, fractional ellipsoid gravitational configurations and imbedding of such objects in fractional solitonic backgrounds.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 40 pages with table of conten

    Finsler and Lagrange Geometries in Einstein and String Gravity

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    We review the current status of Finsler-Lagrange geometry and generalizations. The goal is to aid non-experts on Finsler spaces, but physicists and geometers skilled in general relativity and particle theories, to understand the crucial importance of such geometric methods for applications in modern physics. We also would like to orient mathematicians working in generalized Finsler and Kahler geometry and geometric mechanics how they could perform their results in order to be accepted by the community of ''orthodox'' physicists. Although the bulk of former models of Finsler-Lagrange spaces where elaborated on tangent bundles, the surprising result advocated in our works is that such locally anisotropic structures can be modelled equivalently on Riemann-Cartan spaces, even as exact solutions in Einstein and/or string gravity, if nonholonomic distributions and moving frames of references are introduced into consideration. We also propose a canonical scheme when geometrical objects on a (pseudo) Riemannian space are nonholonomically deformed into generalized Lagrange, or Finsler, configurations on the same manifold. Such canonical transforms are defined by the coefficients of a prime metric and generate target spaces as Lagrange structures, their models of almost Hermitian/ Kahler, or nonholonomic Riemann spaces. Finally, we consider some classes of exact solutions in string and Einstein gravity modelling Lagrange-Finsler structures with solitonic pp-waves and speculate on their physical meaning.Comment: latex 2e, 11pt, 44 pages; accepted to IJGMMP (2008) as a short variant of arXiv:0707.1524v3, on 86 page

    On General Solutions for Field Equations in Einstein and Higher Dimension Gravity

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    We prove that the Einstein equations can be solved in a very general form for arbitrary spacetime dimensions and various types of vacuum and non-vacuum cases following a geometric method of anholonomic frame deformations for constructing exact solutions in gravity. The main idea of this method is to introduce on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds an alternative (to the Levi-Civita connection) metric compatible linear connection which is also completely defined by the same metric structure. Such a canonically distinguished connection is with nontrivial torsion which is induced by some nonholonomy frame coefficients and generic off-diagonal terms of metrics. It is possible to define certain classes of adapted frames of reference when the Einstein equations for such an alternative connection transform into a system of partial differential equations which can be integrated in very general forms. Imposing nonholonomic constraints on generalized metrics and connections and adapted frames (selecting Levi-Civita configurations), we generate exact solutions in Einstein gravity and extra dimension generalizations.Comment: latex 2e, 11pt, 40 pages; it is a generalizaton with modified title, including proofs and additional results for higher dimensional gravity of the letter v1, on 14 pages; v4, with new abstract, modified title and up-dated references is accepted by Int. J. Theor. Phy