1,429 research outputs found

    Stochastic Dynamics of Electrical Membrane with Voltage-Dependent Ion Channel Fluctuations

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    Brownian ratchet like stochastic theory for the electrochemical membrane system of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) is developed. The system is characterized by a continuous variable Qm(t)Q_m(t), representing mobile membrane charge density, and a discrete variable KtK_t representing ion channel conformational dynamics. A Nernst-Planck-Nyquist-Johnson type equilibrium is obtained when multiple conducting ions have a common reversal potential. Detailed balance yields a previously unknown relation between the channel switching rates and membrane capacitance, bypassing Eyring-type explicit treatment of gating charge kinetics. From a molecular structural standpoint, membrane charge QmQ_m is a more natural dynamic variable than potential VmV_m; our formalism treats QmQ_m-dependent conformational transition rates λij\lambda_{ij} as intrinsic parameters. Therefore in principle, λij\lambda_{ij} vs. VmV_m is experimental protocol dependent,e.g., different from voltage or charge clamping measurements. For constant membrane capacitance per unit area CmC_m and neglecting membrane potential induced by gating charges, Vm=Qm/CmV_m=Q_m/C_m, and HH's formalism is recovered. The presence of two types of ions, with different channels and reversal potentials, gives rise to a nonequilibrium steady state with positive entropy production epe_p. For rapidly fluctuating channels, an expression for epe_p is obtained.Comment: 8 pages, two figure

    From Structure to Function in Open Ionic Channels

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    We consider a simple working hypothesis that all permeation properties of open ionic channels can be predicted by understanding electrodiffusion in fixed structures, without invoking conformation changes, or changes in chemical bonds. We know, of course, that ions can bind to specific protein structures, and that this binding is not easily described by the traditional electrostatic equations of physics textbooks, that describe average electric fields, the so-called `mean field'. The question is which specific properties can be explained just by mean field electrostatics and which cannot. I believe the best way to uncover the specific chemical properties of channels is to invoke them as little as possible, seeking to explain with mean field electrostatics first. Then, when phenomena appear that cannot be described that way, by the mean field alone, we turn to chemically specific explanations, seeking the appropriate tools (of electrochemistry, Langevin, or molecular dynamics, for example) to understand them. In this spirit, we turn now to the structure of open ionic channels, apply the laws of electrodiffusion to them, and see how many of their properties we can predict just that way.Comment: Nearly final version of publicatio

    Kinetics and thermodynamics across single-file pores: solute permeability and rectified osmosis

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    We study the effects of solute interactions on osmotic transport through pores. By extending single-file, single-species kinetic models to include entrance of solute into membrane pores, we model the statistical mechanics of competitive transport of two species across membrane pores. The results have direct applications to water transport across biomembrane pores and particle movement in zeolites, and can be extended to study ion channel transport. Reflection coefficients, the reduction of osmotic fluxes measured using different solutes, are computed in terms of the microscopic kinetic parameters. We find that a reduction in solvent flow due to solute-pore interactions can be modelled by a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Osmosis experiments are discussed and proposed. Special cases and Onsager relations are presented in the Appendices.Comment: 15pp, 9 .eps figures. Accepted to J. Chem. Phys. 199

    Ions in Fluctuating Channels: Transistors Alive

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    Ion channels are proteins with a hole down the middle embedded in cell membranes. Membranes form insulating structures and the channels through them allow and control the movement of charged particles, spherical ions, mostly Na+, K+, Ca++, and Cl-. Membranes contain hundreds or thousands of types of channels, fluctuating between open conducting, and closed insulating states. Channels control an enormous range of biological function by opening and closing in response to specific stimuli using mechanisms that are not yet understood in physical language. Open channels conduct current of charged particles following laws of Brownian movement of charged spheres rather like the laws of electrodiffusion of quasi-particles in semiconductors. Open channels select between similar ions using a combination of electrostatic and 'crowded charge' (Lennard-Jones) forces. The specific location of atoms and the exact atomic structure of the channel protein seems much less important than certain properties of the structure, namely the volume accessible to ions and the effective density of fixed and polarization charge. There is no sign of other chemical effects like delocalization of electron orbitals between ions and the channel protein. Channels play a role in biology as important as transistors in computers, and they use rather similar physics to perform part of that role. Understanding their fluctuations awaits physical insight into the source of the variance and mathematical analysis of the coupling of the fluctuations to the other components and forces of the system.Comment: Revised version of earlier submission, as invited, refereed, and published by journa
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