1,224 research outputs found

    A Survey on Nonconvex Regularization Based Sparse and Low-Rank Recovery in Signal Processing, Statistics, and Machine Learning

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    In the past decade, sparse and low-rank recovery have drawn much attention in many areas such as signal/image processing, statistics, bioinformatics and machine learning. To achieve sparsity and/or low-rankness inducing, the â„“1\ell_1 norm and nuclear norm are of the most popular regularization penalties due to their convexity. While the â„“1\ell_1 and nuclear norm are convenient as the related convex optimization problems are usually tractable, it has been shown in many applications that a nonconvex penalty can yield significantly better performance. In recent, nonconvex regularization based sparse and low-rank recovery is of considerable interest and it in fact is a main driver of the recent progress in nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization. This paper gives an overview of this topic in various fields in signal processing, statistics and machine learning, including compressive sensing (CS), sparse regression and variable selection, sparse signals separation, sparse principal component analysis (PCA), large covariance and inverse covariance matrices estimation, matrix completion, and robust PCA. We present recent developments of nonconvex regularization based sparse and low-rank recovery in these fields, addressing the issues of penalty selection, applications and the convergence of nonconvex algorithms. Code is available at https://github.com/FWen/ncreg.git.Comment: 22 page

    Nonconvex Optimization Meets Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: An Overview

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    Substantial progress has been made recently on developing provably accurate and efficient algorithms for low-rank matrix factorization via nonconvex optimization. While conventional wisdom often takes a dim view of nonconvex optimization algorithms due to their susceptibility to spurious local minima, simple iterative methods such as gradient descent have been remarkably successful in practice. The theoretical footings, however, had been largely lacking until recently. In this tutorial-style overview, we highlight the important role of statistical models in enabling efficient nonconvex optimization with performance guarantees. We review two contrasting approaches: (1) two-stage algorithms, which consist of a tailored initialization step followed by successive refinement; and (2) global landscape analysis and initialization-free algorithms. Several canonical matrix factorization problems are discussed, including but not limited to matrix sensing, phase retrieval, matrix completion, blind deconvolution, robust principal component analysis, phase synchronization, and joint alignment. Special care is taken to illustrate the key technical insights underlying their analyses. This article serves as a testament that the integrated consideration of optimization and statistics leads to fruitful research findings.Comment: Invited overview articl

    Harnessing Structures in Big Data via Guaranteed Low-Rank Matrix Estimation

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    Low-rank modeling plays a pivotal role in signal processing and machine learning, with applications ranging from collaborative filtering, video surveillance, medical imaging, to dimensionality reduction and adaptive filtering. Many modern high-dimensional data and interactions thereof can be modeled as lying approximately in a low-dimensional subspace or manifold, possibly with additional structures, and its proper exploitations lead to significant reduction of costs in sensing, computation and storage. In recent years, there is a plethora of progress in understanding how to exploit low-rank structures using computationally efficient procedures in a provable manner, including both convex and nonconvex approaches. On one side, convex relaxations such as nuclear norm minimization often lead to statistically optimal procedures for estimating low-rank matrices, where first-order methods are developed to address the computational challenges; on the other side, there is emerging evidence that properly designed nonconvex procedures, such as projected gradient descent, often provide globally optimal solutions with a much lower computational cost in many problems. This survey article will provide a unified overview of these recent advances on low-rank matrix estimation from incomplete measurements. Attention is paid to rigorous characterization of the performance of these algorithms, and to problems where the low-rank matrix have additional structural properties that require new algorithmic designs and theoretical analysis.Comment: To appear in IEEE Signal Processing Magazin

    Matrix Completion via Nonconvex Regularization: Convergence of the Proximal Gradient Algorithm

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    Matrix completion has attracted much interest in the past decade in machine learning and computer vision. For low-rank promotion in matrix completion, the nuclear norm penalty is convenient due to its convexity but has a bias problem. Recently, various algorithms using nonconvex penalties have been proposed, among which the proximal gradient descent (PGD) algorithm is one of the most efficient and effective. For the nonconvex PGD algorithm, whether it converges to a local minimizer and its convergence rate are still unclear. This work provides a nontrivial analysis on the PGD algorithm in the nonconvex case. Besides the convergence to a stationary point for a generalized nonconvex penalty, we provide more deep analysis on a popular and important class of nonconvex penalties which have discontinuous thresholding functions. For such penalties, we establish the finite rank convergence, convergence to restricted strictly local minimizer and eventually linear convergence rate of the PGD algorithm. Meanwhile, convergence to a local minimizer has been proved for the hard-thresholding penalty. Our result is the first shows that, nonconvex regularized matrix completion only has restricted strictly local minimizers, and the PGD algorithm can converge to such minimizers with eventually linear rate under certain conditions. Illustration of the PGD algorithm via experiments has also been provided. Code is available at https://github.com/FWen/nmc.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    A New Nonconvex Strategy to Affine Matrix Rank Minimization Problem

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    The affine matrix rank minimization (AMRM) problem is to find a matrix of minimum rank that satisfies a given linear system constraint. It has many applications in some important areas such as control, recommender systems, matrix completion and network localization. However, the problem (AMRM) is NP-hard in general due to the combinational nature of the matrix rank function. There are many alternative functions have been proposed to substitute the matrix rank function, which lead to many corresponding alternative minimization problems solved efficiently by some popular convex or nonconvex optimization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new nonconvex function, namely, TLαϵTL_{\alpha}^{\epsilon} function (with 0≤α00\leq\alpha0), to approximate the rank function, and translate the NP-hard problem (AMRM) into the TLpϵTL_{p}^{\epsilon} function affine matrix rank minimization (TLAMRM) problem. Firstly, we study the equivalence of problem (AMRM) and (TLAMRM), and proved that the uniqueness of global minimizer of the problem (TLAMRM) also solves the NP-hard problem (AMRM) if the linear map A\mathcal{A} satisfies a restricted isometry property (RIP). Secondly, an iterative thresholding algorithm is proposed to solve the regularization problem (RTLAMRM) for all 0≤α00\leq\alpha0. At last, some numerical results on low-rank matrix completion problems illustrated that our algorithm is able to recover a low-rank matrix, and the extensive numerical on image inpainting problems shown that our algorithm performs the best in finding a low-rank image compared with some state-of-art methods

    Exploiting the structure effectively and efficiently in low rank matrix recovery

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    Low rank model arises from a wide range of applications, including machine learning, signal processing, computer algebra, computer vision, and imaging science. Low rank matrix recovery is about reconstructing a low rank matrix from incomplete measurements. In this survey we review recent developments on low rank matrix recovery, focusing on three typical scenarios: matrix sensing, matrix completion and phase retrieval. An overview of effective and efficient approaches for the problem is given, including nuclear norm minimization, projected gradient descent based on matrix factorization, and Riemannian optimization based on the embedded manifold of low rank matrices. Numerical recipes of different approaches are emphasized while accompanied by the corresponding theoretical recovery guarantees

    Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Sparse Optimization via Adaptively Iterative Reweighted Methods

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    We present a general formulation of nonconvex and nonsmooth sparse optimization problems with a convexset constraint, which takes into account most existing types of nonconvex sparsity-inducing terms. It thus brings strong applicability to a wide range of applications. We further design a general algorithmic framework of adaptively iterative reweighted algorithms for solving the nonconvex and nonsmooth sparse optimization problems. This is achieved by solving a sequence of weighted convex penalty subproblems with adaptively updated weights. The first-order optimality condition is then derived and the global convergence results are provided under loose assumptions. This makes our theoretical results a practical tool for analyzing a family of various iteratively reweighted algorithms. In particular, for the iteratively reweighed â„“1\ell_1-algorithm, global convergence analysis is provided for cases with diminishing relaxation parameter. For the iteratively reweighed â„“2\ell_2-algorithm, adaptively decreasing relaxation parameter is applicable and the existence of the cluster point to the algorithm is established. The effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed formulation and the algorithms are demonstrated in numerical experiments in various sparse optimization problems

    Low-Rank Modeling and Its Applications in Image Analysis

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    Low-rank modeling generally refers to a class of methods that solve problems by representing variables of interest as low-rank matrices. It has achieved great success in various fields including computer vision, data mining, signal processing and bioinformatics. Recently, much progress has been made in theories, algorithms and applications of low-rank modeling, such as exact low-rank matrix recovery via convex programming and matrix completion applied to collaborative filtering. These advances have brought more and more attentions to this topic. In this paper, we review the recent advance of low-rank modeling, the state-of-the-art algorithms, and related applications in image analysis. We first give an overview to the concept of low-rank modeling and challenging problems in this area. Then, we summarize the models and algorithms for low-rank matrix recovery and illustrate their advantages and limitations with numerical experiments. Next, we introduce a few applications of low-rank modeling in the context of image analysis. Finally, we conclude this paper with some discussions.Comment: To appear in ACM Computing Survey

    Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices for Background/Foreground Separation: A Review for a Comparative Evaluation with a Large-Scale Dataset

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    Recent research on problem formulations based on decomposition into low-rank plus sparse matrices shows a suitable framework to separate moving objects from the background. The most representative problem formulation is the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) solved via Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) which decomposes a data matrix in a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix. However, similar robust implicit or explicit decompositions can be made in the following problem formulations: Robust Non-negative Matrix Factorization (RNMF), Robust Matrix Completion (RMC), Robust Subspace Recovery (RSR), Robust Subspace Tracking (RST) and Robust Low-Rank Minimization (RLRM). The main goal of these similar problem formulations is to obtain explicitly or implicitly a decomposition into low-rank matrix plus additive matrices. In this context, this work aims to initiate a rigorous and comprehensive review of the similar problem formulations in robust subspace learning and tracking based on decomposition into low-rank plus additive matrices for testing and ranking existing algorithms for background/foreground separation. For this, we first provide a preliminary review of the recent developments in the different problem formulations which allows us to define a unified view that we called Decomposition into Low-rank plus Additive Matrices (DLAM). Then, we examine carefully each method in each robust subspace learning/tracking frameworks with their decomposition, their loss functions, their optimization problem and their solvers. Furthermore, we investigate if incremental algorithms and real-time implementations can be achieved for background/foreground separation. Finally, experimental results on a large-scale dataset called Background Models Challenge (BMC 2012) show the comparative performance of 32 different robust subspace learning/tracking methods.Comment: 121 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Computer Science Review. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.7167, arXiv:1109.6297, arXiv:1207.3438, arXiv:1105.2126, arXiv:1404.7592, arXiv:1210.0805, arXiv:1403.8067 by other authors, Computer Science Review, November 201

    Binary matrix completion with nonconvex regularizers

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    Many practical problems involve the recovery of a binary matrix from partial information, which makes the binary matrix completion (BMC) technique received increasing attention in machine learning. In particular, we consider a special case of BMC problem, in which only a subset of positive elements can be observed. In recent years, convex regularization based methods are the mainstream approaches for this task. However, the applications of nonconvex surrogates in standard matrix completion have demonstrated better empirical performance. Accordingly, we propose a novel BMC model with nonconvex regularizers and provide the recovery guarantee for the model. Furthermore, for solving the resultant nonconvex optimization problem, we improve the popular proximal algorithm with acceleration strategies. It can be guaranteed that the convergence rate of the algorithm is in the order of 1/T{1/T}, where TT is the number of iterations. Extensive experiments conducted on both synthetic and real-world data sets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over other competing methods
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