20 research outputs found

    Nonasymptotic Convergence Rates for Cooperative Learning Over Time-Varying Directed Graphs

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    We study the problem of distributed hypothesis testing with a network of agents where some agents repeatedly gain access to information about the correct hypothesis. The group objective is to globally agree on a joint hypothesis that best describes the observed data at all the nodes. We assume that the agents can interact with their neighbors in an unknown sequence of time-varying directed graphs. Following the pioneering work of Jadbabaie, Molavi, Sandroni, and Tahbaz-Salehi, we propose local learning dynamics which combine Bayesian updates at each node with a local aggregation rule of private agent signals. We show that these learning dynamics drive all agents to the set of hypotheses which best explain the data collected at all nodes as long as the sequence of interconnection graphs is uniformly strongly connected. Our main result establishes a non-asymptotic, explicit, geometric convergence rate for the learning dynamic

    Learning without Recall by Random Walks on Directed Graphs

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    We consider a network of agents that aim to learn some unknown state of the world using private observations and exchange of beliefs. At each time, agents observe private signals generated based on the true unknown state. Each agent might not be able to distinguish the true state based only on her private observations. This occurs when some other states are observationally equivalent to the true state from the agent's perspective. To overcome this shortcoming, agents must communicate with each other to benefit from local observations. We propose a model where each agent selects one of her neighbors randomly at each time. Then, she refines her opinion using her private signal and the prior of that particular neighbor. The proposed rule can be thought of as a Bayesian agent who cannot recall the priors based on which other agents make inferences. This learning without recall approach preserves some aspects of the Bayesian inference while being computationally tractable. By establishing a correspondence with a random walk on the network graph, we prove that under the described protocol, agents learn the truth exponentially fast in the almost sure sense. The asymptotic rate is expressed as the sum of the relative entropies between the signal structures of every agent weighted by the stationary distribution of the random walk.Comment: 6 pages, To Appear in Conference on Decision and Control 201

    Distributed Learning with Infinitely Many Hypotheses

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    We consider a distributed learning setup where a network of agents sequentially access realizations of a set of random variables with unknown distributions. The network objective is to find a parametrized distribution that best describes their joint observations in the sense of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. Apart from recent efforts in the literature, we analyze the case of countably many hypotheses and the case of a continuum of hypotheses. We provide non-asymptotic bounds for the concentration rate of the agents' beliefs around the correct hypothesis in terms of the number of agents, the network parameters, and the learning abilities of the agents. Additionally, we provide a novel motivation for a general set of distributed Non-Bayesian update rules as instances of the distributed stochastic mirror descent algorithm.Comment: Submitted to CDC201

    Beliefs in Decision-Making Cascades

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    This work explores a social learning problem with agents having nonidentical noise variances and mismatched beliefs. We consider an NN-agent binary hypothesis test in which each agent sequentially makes a decision based not only on a private observation, but also on preceding agents' decisions. In addition, the agents have their own beliefs instead of the true prior, and have nonidentical noise variances in the private signal. We focus on the Bayes risk of the last agent, where preceding agents are selfish. We first derive the optimal decision rule by recursive belief update and conclude, counterintuitively, that beliefs deviating from the true prior could be optimal in this setting. The effect of nonidentical noise levels in the two-agent case is also considered and analytical properties of the optimal belief curves are given. Next, we consider a predecessor selection problem wherein the subsequent agent of a certain belief chooses a predecessor from a set of candidates with varying beliefs. We characterize the decision region for choosing such a predecessor and argue that a subsequent agent with beliefs varying from the true prior often ends up selecting a suboptimal predecessor, indicating the need for a social planner. Lastly, we discuss an augmented intelligence design problem that uses a model of human behavior from cumulative prospect theory and investigate its near-optimality and suboptimality.Comment: final version, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin