37 research outputs found

    Information Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function and Its Applications

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    This paper investigates applications of nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function (RDF) in a) zero-delay Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC) design based on average and excess distortion probability, b) in bounding the Optimal Performance Theoretically Attainable (OPTA) by noncausal and causal codes, and computing the Rate Loss (RL) of zero-delay and causal codes with respect to noncausal codes. These applications are described using two running examples, the Binary Symmetric Markov Source with parameter p, (BSMS(p)) and the multidimensional partially observed Gaussian-Markov source. For the multidimensional Gaussian-Markov source with square error distortion, the solution of the nonanticipative RDF is derived, its operational meaning using JSCC design via a noisy coding theorem is shown by providing the optimal encoding-decoding scheme over a vector Gaussian channel, and the RL of causal and zero-delay codes with respect to noncausal codes is computed. For the BSMS(p) with Hamming distortion, the solution of the nonanticipative RDF is derived, the RL of causal codes with respect to noncausal codes is computed, and an uncoded noisy coding theorem based on excess distortion probability is shown. The information nonanticipative RDF is shown to be equivalent to the nonanticipatory epsilon-entropy, which corresponds to the classical RDF with an additional causality or nonanticipative condition imposed on the optimal reproduction conditional distribution.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures, part of this paper was accepted for publication in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2014 and in book Coordination Control of Distributed Systems of series Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 201

    Applications of Information Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function

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    The objective of this paper is to further investigate various applications of information Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function (NRDF) by discussing two working examples, the Binary Symmetric Markov Source with parameter pp (BSMS(pp)) with Hamming distance distortion, and the multidimensional partially observed Gaussian-Markov source. For the BSMS(pp), we give the solution to the NRDF, and we use it to compute the Rate Loss (RL) of causal codes with respect to noncausal codes. For the multidimensional Gaussian-Markov source, we give the solution to the NRDF, we show its operational meaning via joint source-channel matching over a vector of parallel Gaussian channels, and we compute the RL of causal and zero-delay codes with respect to noncausal codes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) proceedings, 201

    Optimal Estimation via Nonanticipative Rate Distortion Function and Applications to Time-Varying Gauss-Markov Processes

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    In this paper, we develop {finite-time horizon} causal filters using the nonanticipative rate distortion theory. We apply the {developed} theory to {design optimal filters for} time-varying multidimensional Gauss-Markov processes, subject to a mean square error fidelity constraint. We show that such filters are equivalent to the design of an optimal \texttt{\{encoder, channel, decoder\}}, which ensures that the error satisfies {a} fidelity constraint. Moreover, we derive a universal lower bound on the mean square error of any estimator of time-varying multidimensional Gauss-Markov processes in terms of conditional mutual information. Unlike classical Kalman filters, the filter developed is characterized by a reverse-waterfilling algorithm, which ensures {that} the fidelity constraint is satisfied. The theoretical results are demonstrated via illustrative examples.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publication in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON

    Capacity of Binary State Symmetric Channel with and without Feedback and Transmission Cost

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    We consider a unit memory channel, called Binary State Symmetric Channel (BSSC), in which the channel state is the modulo2 addition of the current channel input and the previous channel output. We derive closed form expressions for the capacity and corresponding channel input distribution, of this BSSC with and without feedback and transmission cost. We also show that the capacity of the BSSC is not increased by feedback, and it is achieved by a first order symmetric Markov process

    Zero-Delay Rate Distortion via Filtering for Vector-Valued Gaussian Sources

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    We deal with zero-delay source coding of a vector-valued Gauss-Markov source subject to a mean-squared error (MSE) fidelity criterion characterized by the operational zero-delay vector-valued Gaussian rate distortion function (RDF). We address this problem by considering the nonanticipative RDF (NRDF) which is a lower bound to the causal optimal performance theoretically attainable (OPTA) function and operational zero-delay RDF. We recall the realization that corresponds to the optimal "test-channel" of the Gaussian NRDF, when considering a vector Gauss-Markov source subject to a MSE distortion in the finite time horizon. Then, we introduce sufficient conditions to show existence of solution for this problem in the infinite time horizon. For the asymptotic regime, we use the asymptotic characterization of the Gaussian NRDF to provide a new equivalent realization scheme with feedback which is characterized by a resource allocation (reverse-waterfilling) problem across the dimension of the vector source. We leverage the new realization to derive a predictive coding scheme via lattice quantization with subtractive dither and joint memoryless entropy coding. This coding scheme offers an upper bound to the operational zero-delay vector-valued Gaussian RDF. When we use scalar quantization, then for "r" active dimensions of the vector Gauss-Markov source the gap between the obtained lower and theoretical upper bounds is less than or equal to 0.254r + 1 bits/vector. We further show that it is possible when we use vector quantization, and assume infinite dimensional Gauss-Markov sources to make the previous gap to be negligible, i.e., Gaussian NRDF approximates the operational zero-delay Gaussian RDF. We also extend our results to vector-valued Gaussian sources of any finite memory under mild conditions. Our theoretical framework is demonstrated with illustrative numerical experiments.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin