3,259 research outputs found

    Non-thermal plasma system for marine diesel engine emissions control

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    Air pollutants generated by ships in both gaseous and particulate forms, have a long term effect on the quality of the environment and cause a significant exposure risk to people living in proximities of harbors or in neighboring coastal areas. It was recently estimated, that ships produce at least 15% of the world’s NOx (more than all of the world’s cars, buses and trucks combined), between 2.5 - 4% of greenhouse gases, 5% black carbon (BC), and between 3-7% of global SO2 output. Estimation of contribution of maritime shipping to global emissions of VOC and CO is not yet available. In order to reduce the environmental footprint of ships, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently issued the legislation of Marpol Annex VI guidelines which implies especially the introduction of, inter alia, stricter sulphur limits for marine fuel in ECAs under the revised MARPOL Annex VI, to 3.50% (from the current 4.50%), effective from 1 January 2012; then progressively to 0.50 %, effective from 1 January 2020, subject to a feasibility review to be completed no later than 2018. The limits applicable in Emission Control Zones (ECAs) for SOx and particulate matter were reduced to 1.00%, beginning on 1 July 2010 (from the original 1.50%); being further reduced to 0.10 %, effective from 1 January 2015. The Tier III controls apply only to the specified ships built from 2016 while operating in Emission Control Areas (ECA) established to limit NOx emissions, outside such areas the Tier II controls apply. The United States and Canada adopted national regulations enforcing IMO Tier III equivalent limits within the North American ECA effective 2016. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule for Category III ships, however, references the international IMO standards. If the IMO emission standards are indeed delayed, the Tier III standards would be applicable from 2016 only for US flagged vessels. One of the proposed solutions towards marine diesel emission control is the non-thermal plasma process. We designed and built a non-thermal plasma reactor (NTPR) using a combination of Microwave (MW) and Electron Beam (EB) for treatment of marine diesel exhaust gas. A numerical model has been developed to better understand the marine exhaust gas/plasma kinetics. The reactor modelling and design can sustain 10kW of combined MW and EB power with a gas flow rate of 200l/s. The removal of NOx and SOx was continuously monitored using a portable dual Testo gas analyzer system while all other parameters (MW power, EB power, gas temperature/flow rate, etc.) were remotely recorded & stored through a Labview DAQ system. The reactor performance in NOx and SOx removal will be tested on a 200 kW two stroke marine engine. This study is a part of the DEECON (Innovative After-Treatment System for Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control) FP7 European project.The work was supported by the European Commission under DEECON FP7 European Project "Innovative After-Treatment System for Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control", contract No. 284745

    Non-thermal plasma technology for the abatement of NOx and SOx from the exhaust of marine diesel engine

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    Non-thermal plasma based technology is proposed to the abatement of NOx and SOx of the exhaust gas from marine diesel engine. Proposed technology uses electron gun and microwave energy to generate the plasma. Fundamentals of non-thermal plasma and chemistry are presented with a set of simulation results of the reduction of NOx and SO2 for a typical two stoke marine diesel exhaust engine which is supported by an experimental results obtained with microwave plasma. A new scheme is also proposed in this paper to generate required plasma for the treatment of NOx and SOx form high exhaust flow rate

    Reduction of NOx and PM in Marine Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas using Microwave Plasma

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    Abatement of NOx and particulate matters (PM) of marine diesel exhaust gas using microwave (MW) non-thermal plasma is presented in this paper. NOx mainly consist of NO and less concentration of NO2 in a typical two stoke marine diesel engine and microwave plasma generation can completely remove NO. MW was generated using two 2kW microwave sources and a saw tooth passive electrode. Passive electrode was used to generate high electric field region within microwave environment where high energetic electrons (1-3eV) are produced for the generation of non-thermal plasma (NTP). 2kW gen-set diesel exhaust gas was used to test our pilot-scale MW plasma reactor. The experimental results show that almost 100% removal of NO is possible for the exhaust gas flow rate of 60l/s. It was also shown that MW can significantly remove soot particles (PM, 10nm to 365nm) entrained in the exhaust gas of 200kW marine diesel engine with 40% engine load and gas flow rate of 130l/s. MW without generating plasma showed reduction up to 50% reduction of PM and with the plasma up to 90% reduction. The major challenge in these experiments was that igniting the desired plasma and sustaining it with passive electrodes for longer period (10s of minutes) as it required fine tuning of electrode position, which was influenced by many factors such as gas flow rate, geometry of reactor and MW power

    Reduction of Particulate Matter Emissions in EU Inland Waterway Transport

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    In September 2014, the European Commission adopted a proposal on new requirements relating to emission limits and type-approval for non-road engines. The introduction of a new emission stage (Stage V) establishes extremely tight limits for particulate matter emissions for mobile non-road applications, including inland waterway vessels. These new emission limits will eventually require many ships to apply efficient exhaust gas after-treatment technology. The aim of this study was to find out which kinds of exhaust gas after-treatment solutions could fulfil these tightening particulate emission standards in EU inland navigation. A marine dual fuel engine was used as an example. The engine can be run both with gas and diesel fuel. The first part of the study consists of a literature review of various exhaust gas after-treatment technologies. This part serves as a general technology guide for particulate emission abatement from diesel engines. In the second part of the study, different supplier technologies and solutions were evaluated. The targets for particulate filtering system were defined and a specific inquiry was sent to potential suppliers. Based on the replies, passive diesel particulate filter systems with catalytic coating or/and an upstream diesel oxidation catalyst can be regarded as the primary choice for particulate emission control in inland navigation. This study was conducted as part of the EU Hercules-2 research and development programme, aimed at fostering environmentally sustainable and more efficient shipping.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Plasma Processes for Renewable Energy Technologies

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    The use of renewable energy is an effective solution for the prevention of global warming. On the other hand, environmental plasmas are one of powerful means to solve global environmental problems on nitrogen oxides, (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOC), and carbon dioxides (CO2) in the atmosphere. By combining both technologies, we can develop an extremely effective environmental improvement technology. Based on this background, a Special Issue of the journal Energies on plasma processes for renewable energy technologies is planned. On the issue, we focus on environment plasma technologies that can effectively utilize renewable electric energy sources, such as photovoltaic power generation, biofuel power generation, wind turbine power generation, etc. However, any latest research results on plasma environmental improvement processes are welcome for submission. We are looking, among others, for papers on the following technical subjects in which either plasma can use renewable energy sources or can be used for renewable energy technologies: Plasma decomposition technology of harmful gases, such as the plasma denitrification method; Plasma removal technology of harmful particles, such as electrostatic precipitation; Plasma decomposition technology of harmful substances in liquid, such as gas–liquid interfacial plasma; Plasma-enhanced flow induction and heat transfer enhancement technologies, such as ionic wind device and plasma actuator; Plasma-enhanced combustion and fuel reforming; Other environment plasma technologies

    Ship emission control and onboard management

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    Sea Transport Air Pollution

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    Diesel and Gasoline Engines

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    The internal combustion engine was invented around 1790 by various scientists and engineers worldwide. Since then the engines have gone through many modifications and improvements. Today, different applications of engines form a significant technological importance in our everyday lives, leading to the evolution of our modern civilization. The invention of diesel and gasoline engines has definitely changed our lifestyles as well as shaped our priorities. The current engines serve innumerable applications in various types of transportation, in harsh environments, in construction, in diverse industries, and also as back-up power supply systems for hospitals, security departments, and other institutions. However, heavy duty or light duty engines have certain major disadvantages, which are well known to everyone. With the increasing usage of diesel and gasoline engines, and the constantly rising number of vehicles worldwide, the main concern nowadays is engine exhaust emissions. This book looks at basic phenomena related to diesel and gasoline engines, combustion, alternative fuels, exhaust emissions, and mitigations

    Experimental evaluation of the effect of ozone treatment on the oxidation and removal of dry soot deposits of the exhaust gas recirculation system

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    The integration of alternative energy sources as a replacement for fossil fuels across various industrial sectors, including power generation, emergency systems, or marine applications, is uncertain. As a result, the utilization of traditional fuels is not anticipated to be fully phased out in the near future. To address this, new technologies, such as those that employ oxidising atmospheres, have been explored as a means to enhance the pollution control capabilities of existing technologies, as the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system. In this regard, the present study has assessed the efficacy of ozone atmosphere exposure in mitigating the formation of undesired fouling deposits within the system, with the aim of facilitating more efficient operation of EGR devices and extending their service life. To this end, dry soot samples have been exposed to various ozone atmospheres at different temperatures and ozone concentrations through the utilization of an experimental test bench. The oxidation potential of these atmospheres has been evaluated through the analysis of the deposit mass loss. Likewise, confocal microscopy techniques have been employed to obtain the 3D topography of the fouling samples before and after the ozone treatment, allowing the assessment of the deposit thickness reduction, as well as the surface roughness variation. Additionally, thermogravimetric analysis has been conducted to examine the effects of the oxidation processes on fouling samples composition. The findings of this study have revealed that ozone atmospheres have been effective in reducing deposit mass at ozone treatment temperatures above 100 °C. The reduction in mass has reached 78.5% and 91.8% with treatment temperature of 140 °C with ozone concentrations of 30 gO3/m³ and 50 gO3/m³, respectively. It has also been established that treatment conditions with ozone concentrations of 30 gO3/m³ and 50 gO3/m³ are effective in reducing the thickness of deposits even at intermediate treatment temperatures, resulting in a thickness reduction of 78.6% and 81.1% at 80 °C, respectively. Additionally, it has been observed that the ozone exposure leads to the increase in the proportion of volatile material within the deposiUniversidade de Vigo/CISUGAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. PDC2021-121778-10