3 research outputs found

    Computing CNN Loss and Gradients for Pose Estimation with Riemannian Geometry

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    Pose estimation, i.e. predicting a 3D rigid transformation with respect to a fixed co-ordinate frame in, SE(3), is an omnipresent problem in medical image analysis with applications such as: image rigid registration, anatomical standard plane detection, tracking and device/camera pose estimation. Deep learning methods often parameterise a pose with a representation that separates rotation and translation. As commonly available frameworks do not provide means to calculate loss on a manifold, regression is usually performed using the L2-norm independently on the rotation's and the translation's parameterisations, which is a metric for linear spaces that does not take into account the Lie group structure of SE(3). In this paper, we propose a general Riemannian formulation of the pose estimation problem. We propose to train the CNN directly on SE(3) equipped with a left-invariant Riemannian metric, coupling the prediction of the translation and rotation defining the pose. At each training step, the ground truth and predicted pose are elements of the manifold, where the loss is calculated as the Riemannian geodesic distance. We then compute the optimisation direction by back-propagating the gradient with respect to the predicted pose on the tangent space of the manifold SE(3) and update the network weights. We thoroughly evaluate the effectiveness of our loss function by comparing its performance with popular and most commonly used existing methods, on tasks such as image-based localisation and intensity-based 2D/3D registration. We also show that hyper-parameters, used in our loss function to weight the contribution between rotations and translations, can be intrinsically calculated from the dataset to achieve greater performance margins

    Medical Image Registration Using Deep Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Review

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    Image-guided interventions are saving the lives of a large number of patients where the image registration problem should indeed be considered as the most complex and complicated issue to be tackled. On the other hand, the recently huge progress in the field of machine learning made by the possibility of implementing deep neural networks on the contemporary many-core GPUs opened up a promising window to challenge with many medical applications, where the registration is not an exception. In this paper, a comprehensive review on the state-of-the-art literature known as medical image registration using deep neural networks is presented. The review is systematic and encompasses all the related works previously published in the field. Key concepts, statistical analysis from different points of view, confiding challenges, novelties and main contributions, key-enabling techniques, future directions and prospective trends all are discussed and surveyed in details in this comprehensive review. This review allows a deep understanding and insight for the readers active in the field who are investigating the state-of-the-art and seeking to contribute the future literature.Comment: 45 Pages, 39 Figures, 10 Tables, 2 Appendixe

    A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning and Grey Models

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently shown its capabilities for almost every field of life. Machine Learning, which is a subset of AI, is a `HOT' topic for researchers. Machine Learning outperforms other classical forecasting techniques in almost all-natural applications. It is a crucial part of modern research. As per this statement, Modern Machine Learning algorithms are hungry for big data. Due to the small datasets, the researchers may not prefer to use Machine Learning algorithms. To tackle this issue, the main purpose of this survey is to illustrate, demonstrate related studies for significance of a semi-parametric Machine Learning framework called Grey Machine Learning (GML). This kind of framework is capable of handling large datasets as well as small datasets for time series forecasting likely outcomes. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of the existing semi-parametric machine learning techniques for time series forecasting. In this paper, a primer survey on the GML framework is provided for researchers. To allow an in-depth understanding for the readers, a brief description of Machine Learning, as well as various forms of conventional grey forecasting models are discussed. Moreover, a brief description on the importance of GML framework is presented.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, journal pape