1,634 research outputs found

    Robust Sparse Coding via Self-Paced Learning

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    Sparse coding (SC) is attracting more and more attention due to its comprehensive theoretical studies and its excellent performance in many signal processing applications. However, most existing sparse coding algorithms are nonconvex and are thus prone to becoming stuck into bad local minima, especially when there are outliers and noisy data. To enhance the learning robustness, in this paper, we propose a unified framework named Self-Paced Sparse Coding (SPSC), which gradually include matrix elements into SC learning from easy to complex. We also generalize the self-paced learning schema into different levels of dynamic selection on samples, features and elements respectively. Experimental results on real-world data demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.Comment: submitted to AAAI201

    Learning Less-Overlapping Representations

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    In representation learning (RL), how to make the learned representations easy to interpret and less overfitted to training data are two important but challenging issues. To address these problems, we study a new type of regulariza- tion approach that encourages the supports of weight vectors in RL models to have small overlap, by simultaneously promoting near-orthogonality among vectors and sparsity of each vector. We apply the proposed regularizer to two models: neural networks (NNs) and sparse coding (SC), and develop an efficient ADMM-based algorithm for regu- larized SC. Experiments on various datasets demonstrate that weight vectors learned under our regularizer are more interpretable and have better generalization performance

    Saturating Auto-Encoders

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    We introduce a simple new regularizer for auto-encoders whose hidden-unit activation functions contain at least one zero-gradient (saturated) region. This regularizer explicitly encourages activations in the saturated region(s) of the corresponding activation function. We call these Saturating Auto-Encoders (SATAE). We show that the saturation regularizer explicitly limits the SATAE's ability to reconstruct inputs which are not near the data manifold. Furthermore, we show that a wide variety of features can be learned when different activation functions are used. Finally, connections are established with the Contractive and Sparse Auto-Encoders

    A Survey on Multi-Task Learning

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    Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm in machine learning and its aim is to leverage useful information contained in multiple related tasks to help improve the generalization performance of all the tasks. In this paper, we give a survey for MTL. First, we classify different MTL algorithms into several categories, including feature learning approach, low-rank approach, task clustering approach, task relation learning approach, and decomposition approach, and then discuss the characteristics of each approach. In order to improve the performance of learning tasks further, MTL can be combined with other learning paradigms including semi-supervised learning, active learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, multi-view learning and graphical models. When the number of tasks is large or the data dimensionality is high, batch MTL models are difficult to handle this situation and online, parallel and distributed MTL models as well as dimensionality reduction and feature hashing are reviewed to reveal their computational and storage advantages. Many real-world applications use MTL to boost their performance and we review representative works. Finally, we present theoretical analyses and discuss several future directions for MTL

    Learning Efficient Structured Sparse Models

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    We present a comprehensive framework for structured sparse coding and modeling extending the recent ideas of using learnable fast regressors to approximate exact sparse codes. For this purpose, we develop a novel block-coordinate proximal splitting method for the iterative solution of hierarchical sparse coding problems, and show an efficient feed forward architecture derived from its iteration. This architecture faithfully approximates the exact structured sparse codes with a fraction of the complexity of the standard optimization methods. We also show that by using different training objective functions, learnable sparse encoders are no longer restricted to be mere approximants of the exact sparse code for a pre-given dictionary, as in earlier formulations, but can be rather used as full-featured sparse encoders or even modelers. A simple implementation shows several orders of magnitude speedup compared to the state-of-the-art at minimal performance degradation, making the proposed framework suitable for real time and large-scale applications.Comment: ICML201

    Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks under Joint Sparsity Constraints

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    We consider the optimization of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) such that they provide good performance while having reduced complexity if deployed on either conventional systems utilizing spatial-domain convolution or lower complexity systems designed for Winograd convolution. Furthermore, we explore the universal quantization and compression of these networks. In particular, the proposed framework produces one compressed model whose convolutional filters can be made sparse either in the spatial domain or in the Winograd domain. Hence, one compressed model can be deployed universally on any platform, without need for re-training on the deployed platform, and the sparsity of its convolutional filters can be exploited for further complexity reduction in either domain. To get a better compression ratio, the sparse model is compressed in the spatial domain which has a less number of parameters. From our experiments, we obtain 24.2×24.2\times, 47.7×47.7\times and 35.4×35.4\times compressed models for ResNet-18, AlexNet and CT-SRCNN, while their computational cost is also reduced by 4.5×4.5\times, 5.1×5.1\times and 23.5×23.5\times, respectively

    Riemannian Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding for Positive Definite Matrices

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    Data encoded as symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices frequently arise in many areas of computer vision and machine learning. While these matrices form an open subset of the Euclidean space of symmetric matrices, viewing them through the lens of non-Euclidean Riemannian geometry often turns out to be better suited in capturing several desirable data properties. However, formulating classical machine learning algorithms within such a geometry is often non-trivial and computationally expensive. Inspired by the great success of dictionary learning and sparse coding for vector-valued data, our goal in this paper is to represent data in the form of SPD matrices as sparse conic combinations of SPD atoms from a learned dictionary via a Riemannian geometric approach. To that end, we formulate a novel Riemannian optimization objective for dictionary learning and sparse coding in which the representation loss is characterized via the affine invariant Riemannian metric. We also present a computationally simple algorithm for optimizing our model. Experiments on several computer vision datasets demonstrate superior classification and retrieval performance using our approach when compared to sparse coding via alternative non-Riemannian formulations

    Learning efficient sparse and low rank models

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    Parsimony, including sparsity and low rank, has been shown to successfully model data in numerous machine learning and signal processing tasks. Traditionally, such modeling approaches rely on an iterative algorithm that minimizes an objective function with parsimony-promoting terms. The inherently sequential structure and data-dependent complexity and latency of iterative optimization constitute a major limitation in many applications requiring real-time performance or involving large-scale data. Another limitation encountered by these modeling techniques is the difficulty of their inclusion in discriminative learning scenarios. In this work, we propose to move the emphasis from the model to the pursuit algorithm, and develop a process-centric view of parsimonious modeling, in which a learned deterministic fixed-complexity pursuit process is used in lieu of iterative optimization. We show a principled way to construct learnable pursuit process architectures for structured sparse and robust low rank models, derived from the iteration of proximal descent algorithms. These architectures learn to approximate the exact parsimonious representation at a fraction of the complexity of the standard optimization methods. We also show that appropriate training regimes allow to naturally extend parsimonious models to discriminative settings. State-of-the-art results are demonstrated on several challenging problems in image and audio processing with several orders of magnitude speedup compared to the exact optimization algorithms

    Auxiliary Image Regularization for Deep CNNs with Noisy Labels

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    Precisely-labeled data sets with sufficient amount of samples are very important for training deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, many of the available real-world data sets contain erroneously labeled samples and those errors substantially hinder the learning of very accurate CNN models. In this work, we consider the problem of training a deep CNN model for image classification with mislabeled training samples - an issue that is common in real image data sets with tags supplied by amateur users. To solve this problem, we propose an auxiliary image regularization technique, optimized by the stochastic Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) algorithm, that automatically exploits the mutual context information among training images and encourages the model to select reliable images to robustify the learning process. Comprehensive experiments on benchmark data sets clearly demonstrate our proposed regularized CNN model is resistant to label noise in training data.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Identifying global optimality for dictionary learning

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    Learning new representations of input observations in machine learning is often tackled using a factorization of the data. For many such problems, including sparse coding and matrix completion, learning these factorizations can be difficult, in terms of efficiency and to guarantee that the solution is a global minimum. Recently, a general class of objectives have been introduced-which we term induced dictionary learning models (DLMs)-that have an induced convex form that enables global optimization. Though attractive theoretically, this induced form is impractical, particularly for large or growing datasets. In this work, we investigate the use of practical alternating minimization algorithms for induced DLMs, that ensure convergence to global optima. We characterize the stationary points of these models, and, using these insights, highlight practical choices for the objectives. We then provide theoretical and empirical evidence that alternating minimization, from a random initialization, converges to global minima for a large subclass of induced DLMs. In particular, we take advantage of the existence of the (potentially unknown) convex induced form, to identify when stationary points are global minima for the dictionary learning objective. We then provide an empirical investigation into practical optimization choices for using alternating minimization for induced DLMs, for both batch and stochastic gradient descent.Comment: Updates to previous version include a small modification to Proposition 2, to only use normed regularizers, and a modification to the main theorem (previously Theorem 13) to focus on the overcomplete, full rank setting and to better characterize non-differentiable induced regularizers. The theory has been significantly modified since version
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