33,988 research outputs found

    Spin Network States in Gauge Theory

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    Given a real-analytic manifold M, a compact connected Lie group G and a principal G-bundle P -> M, there is a canonical `generalized measure' on the space A/G of smooth connections on P modulo gauge transformations. This allows one to define a Hilbert space L^2(A/G). Here we construct a set of vectors spanning L^2(A/G). These vectors are described in terms of `spin networks': graphs phi embedded in M, with oriented edges labelled by irreducible unitary representations of G, and with vertices labelled by intertwining operators from the tensor product of representations labelling the incoming edges to the tensor product of representations labelling the outgoing edges. We also describe an orthonormal basis of spin networks associated to any fixed graph phi. We conclude with a discussion of spin networks in the loop representation of quantum gravity, and give a category-theoretic interpretation of the spin network states.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Principal manifolds and graphs in practice: from molecular biology to dynamical systems

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    We present several applications of non-linear data modeling, using principal manifolds and principal graphs constructed using the metaphor of elasticity (elastic principal graph approach). These approaches are generalizations of the Kohonen's self-organizing maps, a class of artificial neural networks. On several examples we show advantages of using non-linear objects for data approximation in comparison to the linear ones. We propose four numerical criteria for comparing linear and non-linear mappings of datasets into the spaces of lower dimension. The examples are taken from comparative political science, from analysis of high-throughput data in molecular biology, from analysis of dynamical systems.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Dimers and cluster integrable systems

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    We show that the dimer model on a bipartite graph on a torus gives rise to a quantum integrable system of special type - a cluster integrable system. The phase space of the classical system contains, as an open dense subset, the moduli space of line bundles with connections on the graph. The sum of Hamiltonians is essentially the partition function of the dimer model. Any graph on a torus gives rise to a bipartite graph on the torus. We show that the phase space of the latter has a Lagrangian subvariety. We identify it with the space parametrizing resistor networks on the original graph.We construct several discrete quantum integrable systems.Comment: This is an updated version, 75 pages, which will appear in Ann. Sci. EN

    Data complexity measured by principal graphs

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    How to measure the complexity of a finite set of vectors embedded in a multidimensional space? This is a non-trivial question which can be approached in many different ways. Here we suggest a set of data complexity measures using universal approximators, principal cubic complexes. Principal cubic complexes generalise the notion of principal manifolds for datasets with non-trivial topologies. The type of the principal cubic complex is determined by its dimension and a grammar of elementary graph transformations. The simplest grammar produces principal trees. We introduce three natural types of data complexity: 1) geometric (deviation of the data's approximator from some "idealized" configuration, such as deviation from harmonicity); 2) structural (how many elements of a principal graph are needed to approximate the data), and 3) construction complexity (how many applications of elementary graph transformations are needed to construct the principal object starting from the simplest one). We compute these measures for several simulated and real-life data distributions and show them in the "accuracy-complexity" plots, helping to optimize the accuracy/complexity ratio. We discuss various issues connected with measuring data complexity. Software for computing data complexity measures from principal cubic complexes is provided as well.Comment: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, in pres